Thanks for the quick reply. I got it to work now, is it possible that you can give me an example if-statement for radio buttons?
if fieldname12 == checked ?
Also, I am struggling very hard with the CSS of the CFF, do we always put #fbuilder in Infront of new CSS? I am trying to have a div with 2 columns, where the left column has an image and the right column has a Calculated field.
But for the life of me, I can’t get the Calculated Field to Vertically aligning with the image because it’s DIV is super small, and I can’t figure out how to get them to be equal size.
Also, can I add Jquery functions into the set equations? I want to for example when a user selects a specific package, turn certain elements black and white? I can’t share the form right now, as It’s not yet been published