Martin Svoboda
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Obsah Description v XML feedu HeurékaDobry den,
lze vyu?ít p?ipraveného filtruapply_filters( 'wpify_woo_xml_feed_heureka_item_data', $data, $product, $parent_product );
. Data pro feed tedy m??ete upravit nap?íklad pomocí snippetu. Pro úpravu<DESCRIPTION>
m??e snippet vypadat nap?íklad takto:add_filter( 'wpify_woo_xml_feed_heureka_item_data', 'custom_xml_feed_heureka_item_data', 10, 3 ); /** * @param $data * @param \WC_Product $product * @param $parent_product * * @return array */ function custom_xml_feed_heureka_item_data( $data, $product, $parent_product ): array { if ($product->get_short_description()) { $data['DESCRIPTION'] = array( '_cdata' => $product->get_short_description() ); } else if ($parent_product->get_short_description()) { $data['DESCRIPTION'] = array( '_cdata' => $parent_product->get_short_description() ); } return $data; }
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Martin Svoboda.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Martin Svoboda.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productThere is a fully valid xml file at the feed address. You can check it here: This is not a plug-in error. If Heureka still remembers the wrong data, contact their support.
If you need to add EAN code to the xml feed, you have to add it to the SKU field for the products or create a custom field and add its slug in the plug-in settings in the “EAN custom field” field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productSeedProd is a Maintenance plugin that blocks page views. You probably sent the url to Heureka when you had Maintenance/Coming Soon mode active. And Heureka remembers it since then.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productHi,
In the error you can see a part of html code with inserted classsp-html sp-seedprod
, which is inserted by plugin SeedProd. Check if you have this plugin deactivated and then have the xml file checked again. You have a link at the end of the error detail: “Znovu zkontrolovat XML soubor”- This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Martin Svoboda. Reason: add link
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productHi,
the Xml file looks fine. The screenshot shows some error occurred during import “chyba p?i importu”. Please send us the detail of this error.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heuréka XML – prázdny souborDobry den,
vzhledem k tomu, ?e máte ve?keré produkty vyprodané zkontrolujte zda nemáte v nastavení zapnuty p?epína? “Posílat jen produkty, které jsou skladem” (“Exclude out of stock items”). V takovém p?ípadě by se vracel prázdny feed.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Doprava zdarma p?i ?ástce xxxDobry den,
plugin nastavení hodnoty dopravy dle r?znych podmínek neumo?ňuje.Pro nastavení podmínek dopravy m??ete vyu?ít doplňkovy plugin Wpify Woo Podmínky dopravy
Nebo zkusit napsat vlastní snippet. K tomu by vám mohl pomoct t?eba tento odkaz: This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Martin Svoboda. Reason: add link
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Nie je mo?né zobrazi? objednávkuDobry den,
?pou?ívany plugin ?Admin Menu Editor Pro upravuje i zobrazování metabox? a nelíbilo se mu, ?e metabox pro Zásilkovnu neměl ID. Vydali jsme tedy aktualizaci pluginu, kde jsme toto id p?idali. Po aktualizaci na verzi 3.3.22 by tedy ji? mělo v?e fungovat v po?ádku.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Packeta error: Invalid value ?Hi @misasaaa,
in what format is the telephone number entered? Is the client number also part of the international prefix +420 (eg +420 123456789)?