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  • Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi @karzin

    1 – Thank you very much for this – we were overcomplicating the issue and this was a simple fix – adding in the %resend_verification_url% works perfectly.

    2 – With regards to the the ‘My Account’ page setting, the issue of the message not displaying has been resolved also – we believe this was due to a conflict with attempting to translate the string and now the resend verification message appears as the user is logged out the first time.

    3 – We are using Loco translate however this is not longer an issue either as we were using this to try and edit the plugin output on the front end, which was achieved by changing the message in step 1.

    Many thanks for your assistance with the matter and hope you’re keeping well!

    Thread Starter Masidus



    Just bumping this topic as I’m under the impression this support request has been forgotten – any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks and hope you’re well!

    Thread Starter Masidus



    After debugging I found an error in a piece of custom CSS which was causing the .shop-container issue – the reason it appeared inline was due to LiteSpeed Cache inlining the CSS. For some reason, the error was not produced without LS Cache enabled.

    Thank you for your time and hope this helps someone else in the future!

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi @serpentdriver,

    We use all of LiteSpeed cache features for page optimization and our caching – it is our only plugin for caching.

    After disabling LiteSpeed cache then the issues are rectified instantly – we spent ages debugging and finding the source and we are almost certain they are to do with LiteSpeed cache.

    Also as we mentioned, this affected different areas of the site which is not to do with the .shop-container class so this would appear to not be related to the theme.

    If this is to do with the LS Cache plugin, is there a way to rectify this? If not, are we able to disable the class or issues within the plugin to make the site work?

    Thank you for your time!

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi @serpentdriver,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    How we do go about disabling this class and making the store work? We assume this is something we would do inside the LiteSpeed Cache plugin?

    Also we have had this issue affect the homepage and the OP of the topic I linked to before was having issues with a landing page – the class .shop-container is a WooCommerce class so this shouldn’t affect our homepage.

    Is there another underlying issue with the plugin here which is affecting the homepage and the other pages also?

    Thank you again for all your help and hope you’re keeping well!

    Update – I’ve added this issue as a separate topic which can be found here –

    Many thanks for your time!

    Hi @qtwrk,

    We’re having this exact same problem and I currently have steps to replicate it which will hopefully work your end.

    We’ve found that this is an issue on Chromium based browsers as above (Brave, Chrome etc) and we have only tested on Windows 10 so far.

    To trigger the issue –

    – Open a new private window in Brave
    – Visit
    – Click on ‘Browse by Breed’
    – None of the subcategories will load
    – To test further, now click on ‘Sketches’
    – None of the products will load

    We’ve found if you load the page directly (EG then it loads correctly and the page also works again on a refresh.

    This is definitely down to LiteSpeed Cache as we have debugged by disabling all plugins and through disabling and enabling the plugin we can make the problem resolve and reappear.

    We’re unaware of how long the problem has lasted, however could this been from one of the updates if @quentinw33 recognised it earlier?

    Many thanks for your time and let us know if you need anymore info.

    Hi Sravan,

    Thank you for your swift reply.

    We checked using ‘WP Crontrol’ however I seemed to have fixed the issue.

    – Make a backup of the ‘WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery’ settings which you can refer to later – EG staging site, or as simple as copying your emails out and taking screenshots of settings
    – Go into ‘WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery’ > Settings > Plugin Settings (bottom heading) > Tick/Check ‘Delete Plugin Data’
    – Deactivate and delete the plugin (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED EVERYTHING UP!)
    – Reinstall plugin + configure settings

    This added the cron job back in and the service is working fine now – no idea why this happened! Resetting the plugin using the steps above worked perfectly.

    Hopefully this will help others in future, many thanks for your time!


    I am having the same problem – after looking through your resource above (Abandoned Orders Not Capturing) it says that the plugin runs the job – ‘cartflows_ca_update_order_status_action’

    After looking through my crons and the action scheduler, this job does not exist which would explain why the user email is not being captured at the moment.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated – all other jobs + crons are working fine for me so this is definitely isolated to the Cart Abandonment plugin.

    Many thanks for your time and help!

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Excellent, this worked perfectly thank you!

    Hi @betumayo,

    Apologies for bumping am old thread, however did you find out what exactly the cause was?

    I’m dealing with the same issue and am really struggling!

    Hope you’re well

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi @storeapps,

    Thank you for your reply and yes that’s exactly it, thank you for letting me know and really looking forward to the fix!

    Hope you’re well, thanks again

    Thread Starter Masidus


    I am unsure of how else to word this, I don’t want to bypass any pages and of course my WooCommerce integration settings are correct.

    Put as simply as I can, WooCommerce sets the cookie woocommerce_recently_viewed automatically on all product pages.

    When this happens, CloudFlare caching is bypassed so the page is NOT cached.

    How do we make it so that all the product pages ARE cached (HIT), even when the cookie woocommerce_recently_viewed is set?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi there,

    So to clarify, when you say bypass for the worker, you mean that the plugin recognises that cookie and then sets the cache to BYPASS for CloudFlare correct, so the page is not cached?

    What I am after, is to be able to exclude customs cookies instead so that if CloudFlare recognises a specific WooCommerce cookie, that the cache registers a HIT and is cached.

    So in the example above, the woocommerce_recently_viewed cookie that gets set when we land on a product page is causing the cache to BYPASS as your plugin is set this way. We don’t need the function which this cookie sets, so I want to be able to say if woocommerce_recently_viewed is detected, then still cache the page and respond with a HIT.

    As I mentioned before, it seems strange that by default the plugin does not work for product pages as this woocommerce cookie is still set and therefore causes the BYPASS, when you have stated that it works out of the box and there is an option to manually choose which woocommerce pages to exclude in the GUI.

    Apologies that I can also not show you a page because I removed the offending cookie manually through hooks in function.php in my child theme so all is working now anyway.

    Hope this makes sense and many thanks!

    Thread Starter Masidus


    Hi there,

    WP-cron is working as I am receiving updates etc, have just tried deactivating and reactivating the plugin so will see if this works over the next few days and will report back.

    Many thanks for your time!

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