Hello Giuseppe(@mociofiletto)
I am facing the same issue wih Gravity form edit screen, where I canno delete any fields due to these errors.
Gravity Form plugin version, which I am using is: Version 2.8.18
I have tried all these steps already together as below:-
In functions.php file dded this: add_filter( ‘gform_force_hooks_js_output’, ‘__return_true’ );
In plugin file /wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/settings.php at line 1397 before closing ‘}’ of the function named “page_footer” added this: ob_end_flush();
Downloaded the file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MocioF/No-unsafe-inline/main/mu-plugin/no-unsafe-inline-output-buffering.php and uploaded within the forlder: /wp-content/mu-plugins
Nothing of these works together OR individually. Please guide me how to get rid of this issue. looking forward for your solution.
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