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  • Thread Starter Migs


    Thank you gVectors Team,

    I sent you an email so hopefully you’ll be able to help. Thanks again.


    Thread Starter Migs


    Thank you so much for your answers. I’ve tried the workaround explained for #1 above before (I saw you recommended it to someone else with a similar issue) and it hasn’t worked. WordPress Social Login is working fine on my login page:

    The name, email and website fields are all enabled in my form.

    Regarding the CSS conflicts, I’m unsure you’ll be able to see them as you’ll only see existing comments.

    I can 1) allow comment from guests or 2) send you login details so you can take a look?

    Thank you again!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Migs.
    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi there, certainly:

    Issue 1. WordPress Social Login is active but no icons are showing. Users are being asked to log in to comment but can’t use social login. Screenshots 1 and 2 above.

    Issue 2. Potential incompatibility with my theme? A number of display inconsistencies. Screenshot 3 above.

    Issue 3. A number of fields missing. Screenshot 4 above.

    Thank you so much for your help.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Migs.
    Thread Starter Migs


    Hello again.

    I have a feeling that your plugin may not be fully compatible with my theme:

    I have been playing with some basic CSS customisations and it’s doing weird things like, for example, crunching the “new replies notification” box. I’ve fixed this by correcting the CSS, but changes are not applied recursively down all nested levels, as seen in screenshot 3. below. I can’t even change the CSS for this element. Whilst the changes were easy to apply to “.wc_notification_new_comment-0_0”, they don’t seem to work for “wc_notification_new_comment” (I would have thought this is the main selector for this element?) or “.wc_notification_new_comment-169_0″ (the box displayed on the 2nd nested level”.


    For now I’ve disabled nested comments to remove this issue.

    Another thing that’s happening is that a number of form fields are not being displayed. Again, I’ve disabled CDN (Cloudflare) and disabled and purged cache (SiteGroud’s own) several times and it doesn’t make any difference. I’ve also turned off all the plugins one by one and turned them back on and it’s still not working. See screenshot 4. Would really appreciate your help with this as I’d still would really like to use WPdiscuz on my site.


    Thank you so much!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Migs.
    Thread Starter Migs


    Just one question. I’ve been trying to increase the top margin via CSS but I’m only able to pick up individual selectors. What is the general CSS selector I need to use in order to change margins that apply to all nested comment levels?

    Thank you so much for your help with this!


    Thread Starter Migs


    That worked like a charm. Thank you so much again!

    Best wishes,


    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi James,

    It’s me again! ??

    Thank you for offering to help. I can deal with the bit of CSS that have gone a bit awry. In the meantime, there’s an element I can’t get to work at all, as per the attached pic:

    My navigation is sticky and it goes black like that when the stickiness is active, white otherwise… any ideas of how to make the whole width of the mast header white?

    Thank you again!



    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi again,

    I’ve just updated my ticket at WooThemes but thought to share this with you too… It seems that there’s a conflict of some kind or another with Galleria and the latest Storefront Blog Customiser, as per my tests below…

    Hi again,

    Since I posted the original ticket, I’ve been doing a few tests, as follows:

    1. I’ve deactivated all plugins, and then reactivated them all 1 by 1.
    2. I’ve removed a line of code from functions.php in your “Theme Customisations Plugin” that has now removed the white screen (phew!) so I can see my site again. There are a few CSS changes as a result of the update, but I’ll deal with those. It’s all good.

    However, the update has brought up another issue. The customiser doesn’t load, i.e. if I click on “customise” in my admin toolbar I get that white screen again. Actions I’ve taken:

    1. I’ve repeated 1 above (deactivate / activate all plugins) and I’ve pinned the issue down to the “Storefront Blog Customiser”, alas, if I deactivate it, the customiser works, but the moment I activate it I can’t use the customiser and just get a white screen.
    NB. I have the latest versions of the Storefront Blog Customiser extension (1.2.0, updated earlier today).
    2. I’ve “downdated” to Storefront Blog Customiser 1.1.3 and the issue has disappeared, but obviously I don’t want to be using an older version of the plugin, so I look forward to your help with this.

    Also I’d still be really grateful for any pointers as to how to fix the centering of the meta elements so that they appear centred on top of each other, in this order:

    1. Written by
    2. Posted in
    3. Tagged.

    At the moment the 4 posts that are displayed on my homepage have got completely different meta displays:


    Thank you so much again!

    Best wishes,


    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi James,

    Thank you for your response. Yes. I am using the latest versions of Storefront, Galleria and the extensions. I’ve just posted a ticket via WooThemes, please see below… There are log in details in the actual ticket or can send you those privately. Thank you!

    I’ve updated my site to the latest versions of both Storefront and Galleria, plus I’ve also updated the extensions to their latest versions. I actually tried updating Storefront only yesterday, before the Galleria release was out, and it was sending my custom CSS all over the place, so I had to restore to a safe copy running on Storefront 1.6.1. and Galleria 1.1.1.. So today I’ve done this:

    1. Updated all Storefront extensions.
    2. Updated Storefront to 2.0.0
    3. Updated Galleria to 2.1.5, then to 2.1.6. Please note that my even after getting a confirmation message that Galleria has been unzipped and installed, etc. to 2.1.6, the install reverts to 2.1.5. I’ve cleared all my caches (local, CDN, and at my hosting end) with no luck, so I downloaded 2.1.6. from WooThemes and uploaded via FTP. Even after that WordPress said that I needed to update from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6, so I changed this manually in Galleria’s style.css
    4. The customiser does not work. So if I visit, I only get a blank white page, and when I click on “Customise” nothing happens. But from the theme details page I’ve clicked on “widgets” and made a couple of changes to visibility.
    5. As a result of 4. above I now get a half second glimpse of my homepage, which then proceeds to disappear, leaving me with a white page.

    I would love to have my site back as soon as possible please so I can continue working on it. I’m looking forward to all the advantages of the development on the infrastructure of Storefront and Galleria, but will need a site I can actually see in order to experience these.

    Additional request:
    Also, yesterday when I upgraded Storefront only to discover it was sending my custom CSS kind of crazy, I realised that the “Posted by: Miguel” line is now under the blog post together with the rest of the entry-meta. I couldn’t get the 3 pieces of meta in the article aside centred for as much as I tried. Could you possibly point me in the right CSS direction for this to happen please? I basically would like the “Posted by”, “Categories”, and “Tags” all centred below each other. I had done this via CSS before for Categories and Tags but this new version of storefront was showing a different meta display for each of the 4 blog posts on my homepage, which was disconcerting.

    Thank you so much in advance of your help!

    Best wishes,


    Thread Starter Migs


    Thank you so much Martin! I just realised that all the parameters were on that page you shared. I had managed to miss them.

    Works like a treat, so I’m delighted. Thank you once more. Have a great weekend!


    Thread Starter Migs


    There’s also a question I sent you about my other site (site ID: 2f0365ce0e430e2cb576dff0ae62276a not verifying) on email as a response to one of yours last week that I’m also waiting for a reply to.

    Thank you so much for your help.


    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi Kasia,

    Thanks for that. However, it doesn’t explain the behaviour I’m experiencing now whereby no badges show at all, i.e. not even if I choose to display them on the side.

    Any ideas?



    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi Kasia,

    1 month after posting my question, I have no answer from you yet and now I have lost the badges completely from my site.

    I must say I’m mildly underwhelmed that it’s taken this long to not even get an answer.

    I also contacted you about not being able to verify my test site and am waiting for a reply on that.

    Thank you.


    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi Kasia,

    Any idea when you think you might come back to me on this? My original request for help is now 3 weeks old, so I will start to look for an alternative plugin if I don’t hear from you soon.

    Thank you.


    Thread Starter Migs


    Hi Kasia,

    Using the default WP theme doesn’t even show the social icons or the badges.

    I could do with having some code to solve this.

    Thank you


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