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  • Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Hector,

    thank you for the quick reply and explanation. Now I am reassured ??
    Best regards

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Alexandru,

    thanks for the advice – now the popop disappeared ??

    Kind Regards – Matta

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello @kellymetal
    thanks for your help. I have (partially) followed your advice: Setting up a staging site would have been a major operation with over 1,100 individual pages and about 30,000 files in the uploads folder alone, and so I first deactivated all plugins except MailPoet and then reactivated them. And the error is gone: Pong works, sending a newsletter as well as the statistics ?? . The only strange thing is that I had already tried this when the error first occurred two weeks ago, because this is always one of the first attempts to find an error. And equally strange is that there was no interference with another plugin (I had expected that after reactivating the other plugins the error would occur again and thus indicate an incompatibility with another plugin). Anyway – all’s well that ends well. And I also found the “Engagement analytics tracking” (it was set to “full”)
    Many thanks again and best regards

    Translated with (free version)

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    The newsletter that was not published yesterday has now been sent out after all: It should have been sent out yesterday (05.02.25) at 09:42 (triggered by the publication of a new article), but was only sent out today (06.02.25) at 07:58 (through no fault of my own). However, statistical data on calls are still not recorded.
    The system status still shows “For the plugin to work, it must be able to connect to the task scheduler and the service for checking the key and the MailPoet Sending Service.” and the ping/pong does not work either.

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    In the meantime I have

    – defined a cronjob on the server side
    */5 * * * * * php /homepages/uXXXXX/wpX/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet-cron.php /homepages/uXXXXX/wpX/

    – and changed MailPoet under “Newsletter Task Scheduler (Cron)” to “Serverside Cron (Linux)”.

    I then tried to send a newsletter with this setting (which should be triggered by the publication of a new article).

    Result: The newsletter was not sent (and therefore of course no statistics).

    My hosting company has also contacted me, but does not know what to do about the fact that clicking on the ping link does not result in a pong, but in the landing page being called up.

    What should I do?

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello kellymetal,

    thanks for your help!

    I followed your advice and deactivated all caches (WP-Rocket, Docket-Cache and OpCache via PHP-FPM), but unfortunately no Pong was displayed, only the start page… I have now contacted my hosting company – maybe they can find something.

    I have made another observation regarding MailPoet:
    Regardless of whether I select “task-scheduler”, “visitors of your website” or “Serversided Cron (Linux)”, I always get the message under System Status “For the plugin to work, it must be able to connect to the task scheduler and the service for checking the key and the MailPoet Sending Service.”

    However, if I have set it to “task-scheduler”, I also receive the message “The WordPress built-in cron is disabled with the constant DISABLE_WP_CRON on your website, which means that sending with MailPoet does not work. Please enable the WordPress built-in cron or choose a different cron method in the MailPoet settings.”
    Does this mean that MailPoet generally does not like DISABLE_WP_CRON? I’ve always had this set up so far and it would be a shame if this no longer worked, because then WP-Cron is triggered every time a page is called.

    However, I couldn’t do anything with your note, “please ensure you have enabled the ‘Engagement analytics tracking’ setting, and have it on either the ‘Full’ or ‘Partial’ option”. This does not seem to exist for me. I can only find (in the “Basics” tab) “ Statistics notifications, but no ‘Full’ or ‘Partial’ there …?

    Many thanks and best regards

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Gui,

    Thank you for your answer.

    1. first of all the cron status. I cannot really judge whether there is an error there.

    1.1 On System-Info) it says:
    Connection to MailPoet Sending Service: Connection successful.
    Available: Unknown
    Status: Ongoing
    Last updated: February 3, 2025 16:58
    Last execution started: February 3, 2025 16:58
    Last execution finished: February 3, 2025 16:58
    Last error that occurred: none
    Last time error occurred: unknown

    1.2 Under Tools > Scheduled Actions I see that the “mailpoet/cron/daemon-trigger” runs every 2 minutes. But “mailpoet/cron/daemon-run” says “Non-repeating”.

    1. ping-pong
      To prevent the landing page from loading and to achieve a “pong”, I have tried three different variants:

    2.1 Action scheduler (recommended)
    I had previously selected this option. Since the WP-Cron seems to be hidden behind it (which is activated every time a page is accessed), I entered “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);” in wp-config.php and also added this cronjob as an alternative:
    */1 * * * * * curl -s > /dev/null
    result: -> no Pong

    2.2 Visitors of your website
    and both “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);” and “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, false );” result: no Pong

    2.3 Serversided Cron (Linux)
    tried by depositing
    */1 * * * * * php /homepages/uXXXXXX/wp3/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet-cron.php /homepages/uXXXXXX/wp3/
    and both with “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);” and “define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, false );”
    result: -> no Pong

    Unfortunately, the landing page is always called, but no Pong.

    Many thanks and best regards

    Translated with (free version)

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Nawawi,
    Thanks for your answer!
    I’m sorry that the PNGs wouldn’t open, I have no idea why that was. But it doesn’t matter, because I’ve continued testing and think I know where the problem lies.
    I first deactivated PHP-FPM and thus also deactivated the server-side creation of the OpCache in RAM: Instead, I loaded “normal” PHP (8.2). The problem then did not occur when Docket Cache was activated.
    In a second test, under the same conditions, I also set up the OpCache on the server side using instead php.ini ( The problem did not occur there either.
    So it must be due to the RAM cache created by PHP-FPM, not Docket Cache.
    If I find out more, I’ll get back to you – maybe it will help other users too.
    Best regards

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Oh yes, the original error (not updating the content of the backend page or updating can only be enforced by Ctrl+R) unfortunately still exists…

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Nawawi,
    Thank you for your answer. I’m happy to send you the screenshots you requested. Since I can’t seem to insert them here, I’ve stored them separately on my web space: overview.png, opcache.png, opcache-config.png. I’ve also attached the configuration.png and the health-report.pdf as a PDF.
    I think creating the health report was a good idea because I noticed two things there:
    1) I did the first report (which I have attached) when all plugins (including Docket Cache) were activated. There I found a WP-note that was declared as a problem, saying that there are two files in the wp-content directory, namely object-cache.php and advanced-cache.php. I suspect that this is perhaps not supposed to be the case, because WP points this out.
    2) I also found the following note in this first report:
    “The scheduled event, wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files, could not be executed. Your website is still working, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates is not working as intended.”
    I then googled a bit and found a thread in the WP support forum that deals with this problem. The cause of the problem was probably two competing caching plugins (WP Fastest Cache & Redis Object Cache).
    So I temporarily uninstalled Docket Cache and ran a second health report. The problem with wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files seemed to be solved, but the result was the following message:
    “The scheduled event, action_scheduler_run_queue, could not be executed. Your website is still working, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates is not working as intended.”
    So I googled it and strangely came across another thread in the WP support forum, which was started by the same author who had already started the thread about the wp_privacy problem. So things seem to be linked and somehow located in the context of competing caching systems. In any case, in this second thread, the cause of the problem was the use of two cache plugins (WP Fastest Cache & Redis Object Cache).
    Then I activated all the other plugins again (Docket Cache was still activated) and created a third health report. The result was that the error messages regarding wp_privacy and action_scheduler no longer appeared.
    I also looked in the existing php-error.log, where there was no reference to caching or even docket caching. And I also switched on the debug mode, but so far there is no /wp-content/debug.log.
    I hope that helps.
    Many thanks and best regards

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Nawawi,
    Thank you for your quick reply!
    As advised, I deactivated all plugins except Docket Cache and then clicked on “Flush Object Cache”, but unfortunately the problem still exists.
    Perhaps the problem lies in the interaction between the RAM-side object cache and Docket Cache. I had the problem that the opcache_get_status function was not working (see thread My hosting provider confirmed your diagnosis that this is normal on a shared hosting server, but that OpCache is still functional. In this context, he further explained that there are two ways to use OpCache in terms of hosting:
    1) using a php.ini, which must contain the three instructions
    (plus a reference to the php.ini in the .htaccess) – this is probably normal use “in the file system”
    2) using the RAM: Since PHP-FPM is installed for me on my hosting account and OpCache is included in the RAM.
    Since number 2) is the faster option, I chose this in terms of hosting.
    Hypothesis: Could it be that this server-side OpCache in the RAM is incompatible with the object cache of Docket Cache?
    Many thanks and best regards

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [jQuery Colorbox] crapp
    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Tut mir ja leid, dass du da reingefallen bist, aber das h?tte man eigentlich voraussehen k?nnen, wenn man seine Rechte an eine Firma wie Appsumo vergibt (verkauft?). Appsumo scheint noch nicht einmal ein ordentliches Impressum auf seiner Site zu haben (ist nach ausl?ndischem Recht vermutlich keine Pflicht, aber Firmen, die mit mir zusammenarbeiten wollen und auf ihrer Site keine postalische Anschrift nennen und eine verantwortliche Person ausweisen, verweigere ich grunds?tzlich die Zusammenarbeit). Was soll dabei anderes herauskommen?

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Nawawi,

    the hosting provider resolved the problem. Thanks again!

    Kind regards


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [jQuery Colorbox] crapp
    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Super, dass du nun verwaiste Plugins herausnehmen willst. Allerdings machst du es dir m.E. ein wenig zu einfach, wenn du nur auf den Zahn der Zeit hinweist: Klar, dass man heute keine Neuinstallation eines offenbar veralteten Plugins mehr vornehmen würde. Doch was ist mit denen, die das Plugin bereits installiert haben? Da w?re es sch?n gewesen, wenn man im Vorfeld gewarnt worden w?re, dass die Entwicklung eingestellt wird, denn dann h?tte man den Content retten k?nnen. Nun funktioniert das Plugin nicht mehr und mal davon abgesehen, dass das Plugin offenbar seit einiger Zeit seinen Dienst nicht mehr getan hat, ist die Arbeit, die ich in Bildunterschriften gesteckt habe, für die Katz, da ich auf diese nicht mehr zurückgreifen kann. Es ist sch?n, dass Entwickler die Früchte ihrer Arbeit teilweise der Community umsonst zur Verfügung stellen, doch noch sch?ner w?re ein h?heres Ma? an Verantwortungsbewusstsein gegenüber den Nutznie?ern. Deine Haltung a là “In ein paar Jahren seht ihr schon, dass es nicht mehr l?uft” zielt da m.E. in die falsche Richtung. Und dass es auch besser geht, hat bspw. Alexander Fuchs gezeigt, als er seine Entscheidung, sein “PHP-Everywhere” nicht mehr für den Classic Editor weiterzuentwickeln, frühzeitig bekannt gemacht hat – so hatte man Zeit, nach Alternativen zu suchen und v.a. war das Arbeitsergebnis nicht pl?tzlich einfach verschwunden.

    Thread Starter Matta Cib


    Hello Nawawi,
    thank you for the information and I have forwarded it to my hosting provider. They will probably reply tomorrow (Monday) and I will then give some brief feedback.
    Thank you and best regards

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