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  • Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @dea81 ,
    apologies for the long time, it has been a very busy month.

    As far as I have seen there could be some issues with the plugin “Classic Editor +”.
    Anyway I understand you do not want to use Gutenberg.

    As W3CSSPress is a Universal theme ( you can use it with the classic editor of WordPress without any plugins.

    To do so you can go to the Customizer options in WordPress (Personalizza), go into the section about speed options (opzioni di velocità, still need to classify them better), and check or uncheck what you want to use.

    It is possible to use the FSE editor of WordPress, the Gutenberg editor only or the Classic Editor (MCE), for both contents and plugins, without the use of additional plugins to do so.

    Please, let me know if this solve the issue.

    For the other one (size of elements in the header of the website) it is not a customizable option within the theme itself, but it can be changed through custom css (I can provide support if needed).

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @dea81 , it should be by removing (or moving, or reducing) logo, title and description.

    I’ll update you.

    Just a quick one, which browser and operating system are you using to access wordpress?

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @dea81 ,
    ok, I will setup a local environment as soon as possible and make the tests with the theme, and let you know.

    For the language I do not think it is a problem as far as I will post the solution to the issue in english.

    Thank you,
    I will update you

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Ciao @dea81 , screenshot della pagina privacy policy visti. Non sono certo il problema sia del tutto inerente al tema, potrebbe essere un conflitto con un plugin usato (VW themes?)

    Per appurare questo potresti farmi avere una lista dei plugin attualmente attivi sul sito (di modo da potermi creare in locale un ambiente simile), o un ambiente di sviluppo dove possa controllare?


    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    On the support forum this is not possible. There is a block for the images, but it only accepts images already uploaded somewhere else (in fact it asks the URL of the image).

    You can upload it to your website and then share the link of the imagee, or upload it to a cloud storage or other services, and then past the URL into the image block (or into the chat).

    For the second point I did not understand. The theme is free and open source, without ads. If you refer to the generated blocks, that are a high quantity, I still need to check if there are better ways to provide them, maybe through WordPress styles for blocks. Glad to check also on this with a screenshot, to better understand the problem.

    P.S. the theme has got a GitHub page, if it is needed you can open a issue or a discussion there,the image upload should be easier.

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @dea81, thank you for the signal.

    Just a quick one, would you be able to provide a screenshot or a way to check the error? It would be helpful.

    Thank you

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @rc169 ,

    made some tests, I think I got the point, correct me if I am wrong.

    For the second issue the problem is related to how the WordPress title for comments is generated, so it is independent from the theme itself.

    To solve the problem you should use the FSE site editor to remove the comments template under the single post template and under the page template.

    The same thing can be done for the search bar on the header, by editing each template.

    For the classic version of the theme (the one without the FSE editor and without the blocks) I recognize that the search bar should be made optional with a flag on the Customizer, I will add it on next versions of the theme.

    If the issue still persists or if you have more feel free to contact me.

    P.S. to attach an image you should use an external service, seems to not accept the upload of attachments.

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @rc169 , sorry for the huge delay, I didn’t notice the message.

    I think I din’t fully understand your question, can you provide me a screenshot of the problem? (I mean, for the second issue)

    For the search box it is possible to remove it by using a child theme with a custom header, or I can make it optional (I was thinking about this some time ago), if needed I can provide an example

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    An example with both of the sidebars on FSE with the code editor would be like this (you find it on the block patterns):

    <!-- wp:group {"className":"sidebar w3-sidebar w3-bar-block w3-container w3-theme-action","layout":{"type":"default"}} -->
    <div id="secondary" class="wp-block-group sidebar w3-sidebar w3-bar-block w3-container w3-theme-action"><!-- wp:heading -->
    <h2>Lorem Ipsum</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading --></div>
    <!-- /wp:group -->
    <!-- wp:group {"className":"sidebar w3-sidebar w3-bar-block w3-container w3-theme-action","layout":{"type":"default"}} -->
    <div id="primary" class="wp-block-group sidebar w3-sidebar w3-bar-block w3-container w3-theme-action"><!-- wp:heading -->
    <h2>Lorem Ipsum</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading --></div>
    <!-- /wp:group -->
    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @dragonsway76 , thank you for your question.

    As FSE does not have the concept of widget sidebars anymore (because everything becomes a block, so a sidebar itself is a group block where you can put inside other blocks) I inserted two block patterns under sidebars that are one for the left and one for the right.

    It is not so easy to fill them once you place both of them in a page, because the graphical interface of FSE does not help with fixed position content.

    At this time, I suggest you to place the block pattern for the left sidebar, fill it, then place the right one, and fill it (on the FSE editor they will figure both on the left, but they are not, just try and you will see on the page where you place them). Or you can place them by using the code view.

    Another option at this time is to open the customizer, and on the speed options you will see some flags related to FSE and Gutenberg. You can decide to use the classical version of the theme also on the newest version of WordPress (here sidebars are natively supported by WordPress).

    Feel free to write me if I can help you

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    It’s ok, anyway thank you for your help

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Sorry, a bit different fix with default values.
    I uploaded it in the 2022.31 version, tell me if now it works.


    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @cfpro , thank you very much.
    My fault, it is due to some automatic fixes I added on the last version of the theme, I forgot to test again it.

    I will fix it in the next days, hope it is not a problem.

    Anyway, to fix it you need to add two arguments to the start_lvl function, under classes, under W3csspress_Walker_Nav_Menu, like this:

    public function start_lvl( &$output, $depth, $args ) {
    			$output .= '<ul class="w3-dropdown-content w3-animate-opacity w3-bar-block w3-mobile w3-theme-action sub-menu">';
    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    Hi @rcarlos

    Sorry again for the delay, I didn’t receive the notification via email… Strange.

    Anyway, as the menu in this case is used as a widget, I didn’t put an option to show it with the hamburger button (which is active by default if the menu is used on the header of the theme, not as a widget).

    It is not a problem to add this kind of behavior to the theme, I will add it on the following versions. At this time I am working more on the translations and on the block patterns (and I will also add an option on the customizer to choose between the classic version of the theme or the block template one).

    If you think it is something you need in a shorter time you can also fork the GitHub repository to contribute, anyway for sure the theme will have the burger menu as expected also for the widget.

    Theme Author Matteo Marchiori


    I forgot.

    If the menu is used as a widget in a sidebar, then it does not show as an hamburger, but as a column opened.

    Is it your setup?

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