Matthew Pollard
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg: How to float core table block in front-end of site?Hi Steve,
Thank-you for replying to my question, I really appreciate it.
I think this approach would be quite confusing for my client? If my client floats a table block without putting it into a group block, the table will float in the editor, as it has a parent div there. If they look at the front-end of the site, the table block won’t be floated there, as the front-end doesn’t have a parent div.
I think the editor & front-end should display the same? If the client has to float a table block in a group block for it to look the same in the editor & front-end, I think that is confusing for the client?
Hi George,
Thanks for replying to my question, I really appreciate it.
I’m not using FSE to manage the site’s menu. This is still being controlled by Appearance > Menu.
Page title looks like it’s at the top of the page’s layout, in the editor>
Page title looks like it’s missing from the page, when compared with the editor> think this is a bit misleading? Sometimes I display page titles only in the navigation menu, not in the content of pages on the front-end.
Hi Adam,
Rather than clicking the ‘send diagnostic report’ button, I have downloaded a copy of the report, & sent it attached to an email instead. I have just sent the email now, at 15:20pm, UK time.
My email address ends in
Hi Adam,
I have just sent the diagnostic report. I’m using the standard WordPress login page, & I’m using a custom login url (so not /wp-login.php). This issue only seems to happen when I completely clear the cache of my browser before trying to login. If I have logged in & haven’t cleared my cache since, then the issue doesn’t occur when I login in again.
Thank-you for the support! ??
Hi Rui, sorry for the very late reply. Yes, that worked, thank-you for your time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Bulk Actions] Feature requestHi Jesper,
‘Print’ as a bulk action would be fantastic ??
I’m looking a support ticket plugins right now ?? None of them seem to be very popular but I’m learning a lot from them thanks.
bemdesign I was thinking, could I not use a custom post type as ‘tickets’ to report the faults? The cameras could be a custom taxonomy which are selectable from a dropdown, so only 1 can be associated with each fault?
Thanks Bemdesign.
I want the fault/ support tickets to be listed when the security company logs in to the site, and also the following:
– this must all be done from the backend, when the customer and security company are logged in to their accounts
– when the customer have submitted a fault with a camera, they need to be able to see a list of faults they have submitted, when they have logged into their account
– the security company must be able to log in to their account, and see a list of faults that need sorting, they also need to be able to mark these are ‘resolved’ or ‘in progress’ . They need to be able to add a note to this if required, so that the customer can see this next to the fault when they log in
– the security company needs to be able to see how many faults have been sorted within the last 3,5,7 or 30 days for each customer
– For each of the cameras, the security company must be able to add details about them, such as where they are located (address) and if they are in warranty.
– When the customer selects the camera that has a fault, the address and warranty details of the camera must show up on the support ticket they are filling out
– the security company must be able to see a list of all the cameras that there are, including the location (address) and warranty details of each of the cameras.Do you think gravity forms or a similar plugin would be useful for these requirements? Thank-you so much for the support!
Thank-you everyone for the feedback. It is very much appreciated.
@rob2214 The site is for a charity, and they are extremely tight with money. I will suggest to them that they get a ssl certificate, but I’m guessing their answer will be no.
I’ve just realized that in order to have the customer’s name and address stored automatically in the events manager pro’s booking area, I need to get this information while they are on my site, rather than sending them to paypal to enter this information.
1) if I was to get them to enter their name, email address and address while on my site, before they get directed to paypal would I need an SSL certificate?
2) if I just collected their name and email address (and not their address), while they are on my site, would I need an SSL certificate?I am using the events manager pro plugin with paypal only. Thanks!
Hi Angelo,
I am using events manager pro. The only field for bookings I have on my website, is if the customer requires a vegetarian meal or not, then they click on the ‘book’ button to be taken to paypal. I understand that once the booking has been completed at paypal, the customer’s name and address are sent back to my site, so that I can view details about who has booked in the admin area.
I am only using paypal.
The two text areas are OK when viewed in IE, it is the text fields that are the issue
I have tried changing the style sheet to internal rather than the external I was using, and I get the same result, the form is not working in IE. Please can someone ‘view source’ and look at my code?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display the arrows in this loop?Thanks for your time. So would you just have the arrows as images then? And not drawn with jquery.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display the arrows in this loop?When I say ‘How can I display the arrows in this loop’ I am really trying to say ‘How can I display the arrows in this diagram’. Sorry for any confusion. The arrows I’m trying to show are purely just for looking at.