Forum Replies Created
Hello Angelo,
Ah, I understand, the same css is also used for the widgets.
In your first message, you submitted this code snippet:
html[dir="rtl"] .pp-sub-widget a.pp-sub-btn { text-align:left; }
I guess that you might use the same logic but inversed, i.e.
html[dir="rtl"] .pp-sub-widget a.pp-sub-btn { text-align:right; }
Hello Angelo,
No, I do not think so. It would look weird.
The text is correctly displayed without the text-align property: the text is naturally left-aligned with left to right languages et right-aligned with right to left languages, as it should be.
You can see it on our web site:
LTR language (english):
RTL language (arabic): the only thing to do is to remove the text-align:left; property wich serves no purpose in LTR languages and causes incorrect display in RTL languages.
Hello Angelo,
The subscribe.css file currently contains
It has to be removed, not added.
When the text alignment is remove display is correct with both ltr and rtl languages.Regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Maps by Supsystic] Adapt map to screen height does not workI will!
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Maps by Supsystic] Adapt map to screen height does not workHello,
Thank you very much.
Concerning the temporary solution I shared, I discovered that it does not work correctly because self.refresh(), i.e. umsBaseMap.prototype.refresh() does not exist.
And the gmap version cannot be used as is because it depends on
google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'resize')
which of course would not work in Ultimate Maps.Could you suggest an equivalent?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Maps by Supsystic] Adapt map to screen height does not workHello,
Until it is fixed, here is a temporary solution:
In \ultimate-maps-by-supsystic\modules\maps\js\core.maps.js, I created the umsBaseMap.prototype.resizeMapByHeight function.
umsBaseMap.prototype.resizeMapByHeight = function() { if(!UMS_DATA.isAdmin && parseInt(this.getParam('adapt_map_to_screen_height')) && this.getRawMapInstance().map_display_mode != 'popup') { var self = this; function resizeHeight() { var viewId = self.getParam('view_id') , mapContainer = jQuery('#umsMapDetailsContainer_' + viewId) , mapContainerOffset = mapContainer.length ? mapContainer.offset() : false , windowHeight = jQuery(window).height(); if(mapContainerOffset) { jQuery('#umsMapDetailsContainer_' + viewId + ', #' + self.getParam('view_html_id')).each(function () { var height = < windowHeight ? windowHeight - : windowHeight; jQuery(this).height(height); }); self.refresh(); } } resizeHeight(); jQuery(window).bind('resize', resizeHeight); jQuery(window).bind('orientationchange', resizeHeight); } };
And I modified the umsBaseMap.prototype._afterInit function.
umsBaseMap.prototype._afterInit = function() { if(typeof(this._mapParams.marker_clasterer) !== 'undefined' && this._mapParams.marker_clasterer) { this.enableClasterization(this._mapParams.marker_clasterer); } this.resizeMapByHeight(); /* ← ← ← ← ← ADDED HERE */ jQuery(document).trigger('umsAfterMapInit', this); };