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  • Thread Starter CineWars


    No problem ??

    Thread Starter CineWars



    Just one quick question.

    How do I use the Widget? I cannot find it in my list of Widgets to put in the menu.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    *Happy Sigh*

    Working now my friend.


    Thank You so much.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    Sounds promising JCV ??

    Thread Starter CineWars


    I tried, no difference.

    But did get back to me and said:

    If they want, they can also try contacting us at and mention the ticket number 5667230-zen so my colleagues know it’s related to your situation in this thread.

    So, we may yet get to the bottom of this and your plugin will work on both .org and .com

    And they also said this

    grant them access to Business Plan so they can test their plugin and see how they can adapt it to work with environment.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    Just the same

    `[INFO] [Lumiere][config][cachefolder] Alternative cache folder /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache created.
    [INFO] [Lumiere][config][cachefolder] Alternative cache image folder /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache/images created.
    [Lumière options] Array ( [imdbplugindirectory_partial] => /wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/ [imdbpluginpath] => /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/ [imdburlpopups] => /lumiere/ [imdbkeepsettings] => 1 [imdburlstringtaxo] => lumiere- [imdbcoversize] => 1 [imdbcoversizewidth] => 300 [imdbmaxresults] => 10 [imdbpopuptheme] => lightgrey [imdbpopuplarg] => 540 [imdbpopuplong] => 350 [imdbintotheposttheme] => grey [imdblinkingkill] => 0 [imdbautopostwidget] => 0 [imdblanguage] => en [imdbdebug] => 1 [imdbdebuglog] => 1 [imdbdebuglogpath] => /wordpress/core/6.0.1/wp-content/debug.log [imdbdebuglevel] => DEBUG [imdbdebugscreen] => 1 [imdbwordpress_bigmenu] => 0 [imdbwordpress_tooladminmenu] => 1 [imdbpopup_modal_window] => classic [imdbtaxonomy] => 1 [imdbHowManyUpdates] => 12 [imdbseriemovies] => movies+series [imdbplugindirectory] => [options_general_check] => 8dfe62edb6 [_wp_http_referer] => /wp-admin/admin.php?page=lumiere_options&generaloption=advanced ) [/Lumière options]`

    But doing a search gets this:

    [CRITICAL] [Cache] Configured cache directory [/wordpress/core/6.1//srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache] does not exist!
    There has been a critical error on this website.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    I’m still getting errors ??

    But, some good news from wordpress:

    As a side note, if the plugin author wants to test their plugin on and find out how to adapt it to our platform, they can reach out to us at

    Thread Starter CineWars


    No problem.


    Thread Starter CineWars


    Okay, tried to activate it but can’t.

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    `Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /wordpress/core/6.0.1/wp-content/debug.log because No such file or directory in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/class/plugins/class-logger.php on line 175

    Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/class/plugins/class-logger.php on line 180

    Thread Starter CineWars


    I have infinite patience when it comes to this plugin. To have it working for my site is well worth the wait.


    Thread Starter CineWars


    I get this is debug when I disable cache in options:

    [DEBUG] [Lumiere][config][cachefolder] Cache folders exist and permissions are ok.
    [Lumière options] Array ( [imdbcachedir_partial] => wp-content/cache/lumiere/ [imdbstorecache] => 1 [imdbusecache] => 0 [imdbconverttozip] => 1 [imdbusezip] => 1 [imdbcacheexpire] => 2592000 [imdbcachedetailsshort] => 0 [imdbcachedir] => /wordpress/core/6.0.3/wp-content/cache/lumiere/ [imdbphotoroot] => /wordpress/core/6.0.3/wp-content/cache/lumiere/images/ [imdbphotodir] => [cache_options_check] => 6f53e659c2 [_wp_http_referer] => /wp-admin/admin.php?page=lumiere_options&subsection=cache [update_cache_options] => Update settings ) [/Lumière options]

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by CineWars.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by CineWars.
    Thread Starter CineWars


    I tried option a with no success

    Which file do I need to edit for b as I can’t find it in the admin options.?


    Thread Starter CineWars



    I contacted support and got this response:

    `We appreciate for sharing the plugin name and link. I have tested the plugin in business hosting and another hosting. The Lumiere Movies plugin throws some fatal PHP errors in both hosting environments.

    I also tested it using various PHP versions to verify whether it has PHP 8.0 incompatible issue or not. Please note that I have used the default theme since your darknews-pro theme also throws a critical error, as mentioned in our previous reply.

    I will suggest contacting the plugin developer and checking if they have any recent updates to the plugin or have any solution regarding this issue. If the plugin developer can resolve the PHP fatal error on the Cache.php files at line 41, the plugin will start working on hosting without any problems.`

    Here’s the debug log for you to check:

    Thread Starter CineWars


    Sure, here’s what I get

    Like I said, it worked great on self-hosted but has issues on hosting

    Thread Starter CineWars


    No problem.

    I have uninstalled the Echo RSS plugin but seem to be having an issue installing Lumiere.

    keep in mind I am not using the self-install version of wordpress (, in which I found the plugin to work without issue but on (paid hosting)

    It installs but when I use the search option, it says there has been a critical error.


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