Forum Replies Created
Thank you for replying. We surfed to Visitor Insights panel and found the Total Views column. We have some modest suggestions for improvements from our perspective as a user:
- Please allow the Total Views column to be sortable as you do with the Last View column. This way we can sort by the greatest number of total views.
- It would also be nice to be able to sort by Latest Page. Thus we could sort by the most in demand to the least, or vice versa.
- The view shows a max count of 25 per page. Please allow this to be adjusted. The website has good traffic and being able to eyeball in views of say 100 or larger (we would set it at 500 had we the ability) would be very useful. As it is just with 30 days traffic there is 290 pages due to the 25 per page limitation. Agonizing.
There is one puzzling aspect to this. If we take any Visitor that has 2 or more Total Views, and then click on the total views link, when we land on the Visitor Report for the IP it always shows one less in the Recent Views information. We have an example below, the Number of Views is 4, but the Recent Views only show 3 webpages viewed:
View post on
Perhaps we are missing the obvious and are having a stupid moment but it seems to us the number of views is 3.
Mehmet, Again thank you for both your prompt and detailed response initially, and we hope that your team will take our suggestions constructively. We look forward to the reply on the views function/discrepancy.
Thank you. This is an premium theme and elementor website and does not use gutenberg.
We did find the solution. We are using the shortcode to insert the login form into a custom styled page. At the bottom of your link we spotted a link:
You can redirect users to specific page after they login. For this, visit this link.
And this held the answer! One has to add the redirect url to the shortcode:
[user_registration_login redirect_url=” pageslug/”]
Respectfully, this should be one of the optional settings in the Login Form edit panel.
However, we appreciate the prompt responses to our questions. So a big Thank You!
We realize that what we are not seeing in the “Login Form” edit panel is a setting that allows us to chose the page to which we wish to redirect the user on a successful login.
As the root url of the website is where we have the shortcodes for the registration and signup (so the root url is essentially a landing page), upon successful login we need the user to automatically port to the front side of the site with the content and menu. This should be accomplished by a setting I would think but we cannot find it in the Login Form edit panel.
They released an update on May 31 and partially resolved the problem, but it is still problematic in others.
According to the replies from Rank Math in the referenced thread another update is forthcoming but they did not reply to my last message yet as to when.
FYI, when you click on Save in the editor it does actually save your work. You can confirm that by examining the History where you can view your Actions and Revisions to the page. Actions will show you all you undertook since you opened the editor.
So when your done editing just exit the page and ignore the warning about your work not being saved. As long as the Actions show your recent edits trail it was.
Hello Rank Math.
Thank you for acknowledging that the fix partially but did not completely work. We are still updating websites we manage but while we found it worked on some sites, it did not on others. As of yet we have not found a “pattern” as to why but we assume from your remarks you have determined the reason. So we look forward to the next update.
Is there a timeframe for when v1.0.221 will be released?
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible Elementor Panel] Dragging the order of pluginsHI Mat, thank you for responding. I did get the dragging to work. The collapse is not working.
You said “About the color, you can change the option in General -> Editor skin” . Where is this found? I could not find it anywhere. The new color schemes of that awful pink/dark black and uglyorange/dark black are brutal.
I do not have Elementor pro installed nor has it been installed. The image I sent to you was from a test I did where I spooled up a new site, installed 2023 and the only plugin installed was elementor. The first site in which I encountered the errors had all sorts of plugins installed. I retested with a new clean site and the image is from the latter test.
It is this error:
and even with the latest version I get it in any version of firefox whether regular or developer, with no firefox extensions whatsoever installed, 2022 or 2023 theme (tested with both) and no other plugins active.
the first two error lines are
- js/wp-auth-check.min.js
- js/heartbeat-min.js
which indicate to me that you have api calls that are failing likely as root FF may be blocking them? So then the cascading asset js related to the editor loading, web-cli failures that make up many more lines of code.
I suspect your init attempt to confirm the status of your environment is not correct or needs to be modified.
Link to errors in dev console:
Hi israelaz:
How do I do that? I do not see a way to private message you.
Updated to Elementor 3.12.2 and same issue and errors persist. I had noted above I had backed down to 3.12.0. So I update back to the latest build as i figured you would ask that.
Classic Editor Version: 1.6.3 Author: WordPress Contributors Elementor Version: 3.12.0 Author:
Elementor Experiments
Optimized DOM Output: Active by default
Improved Asset Loading: Active by default
Improved CSS Loading: Active by default
Inline Font Icons: Inactive by default
Accessibility Improvements: Active by default
Additional Custom Breakpoints: Active by default
admin_menu_rearrangement: Inactive by default
Flexbox Container: Inactive by default
Upgrade Swiper Library: Active by default
Editor Top Bar: Inactive by default
Landing Pages: Active by default
Nested Elements: Inactive by default
Lazy Load Background Images: Inactive by defaultLog
JS: showing 2 of 2JS: 2023-05-03 20:01:24 [error X 4][https://website/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/frontend.min.js?ver=3.12.2:2:30905] is undefined
JS: 2023-05-03 20:05:55 [error X 1][https://website/wp-includes/js/wp-auth-check.min.js?ver=6.2:2:652] h is undefined(I removed the website name in the error code strings and substituted “website”.
I started out on the latest version of Elementor. I backed it down one version to see if it fixed the issue, which it did not. The error log and conditions are the exact same if Elementor 3.12.1.
Hi, what build is it fixed in? I downloaded Element Pack Pro version 6.15.1 and it does not appear to be fixed in that build. Nor does the Element Pack Pro changelog indicate it is fixed.
Thank you neo2k23. I came to post about this as my menus and many sections of my website were totally screwed up by this. I had to downgrade my elementpack in order to get all my content back. I could see the element but am not skilled enough to have understood the impacts as I am not a coder.
Given what you described why would element pack do such a thing? It makes no sense.
ElementPack. Please remove this offending css. You demolished a ton of content on my website. I did some reading now and global css like this is a big no as a practice so why?
Please fix asap. I cannot update if you keep this and instead I will be forced to remove element pack (i own pro) from my website and cease using it.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Loginizer] Several limitations, very few free features, improvements neededHi:
On the bulk select the only way to do it is to laboriously check the box beside each ip. I don’t see a bulk select option, only an option below the ips listed to blacklist all the individual ips checked. So if I have 7 pgs with 10 to a page it means I am having to check 70x. What I am requesting is a bulk select edit feature such as one has in WordPress for pages and posts. At the top of the list there is a checkbox which selects all the items in the list at once. And then I can blacklist them all.
But even better is would be the ability to export all the failed login ips so I can put them in the .htaccess file. Some won’t go to that extent but its more efficient to prevent them from getting to the site in the first place.
Thanks for accepting the feedback. I do hope you take action on the other points I raised as well…
Hi N-Media
Thank you for your response. The Variation Quantities certainly does help us towards our goal. I found after my initial post that you have addons for both file upload and also Texter.
I think what we are essentially seeking is Multiple Select Conditional Variation Quantities with image and text ability for each selection. I think I will at least give it a shot and see how far I can get.
If we have success we will provide you the url of the end result. Again thank you for your prompt result. We are developers ourselves and appreciate such professionalism.
Best Regards