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  • Where do you see that? I cannot find any mention on the Pro site of it being closed as of Aug 8. Furthermore I put a Pro version in my cart, and navigated to the paypal checkout with no issues.

    As they just released an update on July 26 I would be surprised. Actually they have a blog post on the Pro site indicating they just published a new gateway for a bank for woocommerce.

    Can you provide a url, or a screenshot of where you found this?


    I wish to report we are also seeing this this error across multiples sites on multiple hosting platforms. If anyone tries to edit an php file of a theme we get the exact same result as others reported:

    Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.

    If we perform the edit of the file.php deleting lines 491-598 in file.php as indicated by Backups above, the issue is resolved.

    Your sandbox function is in error. Please fix.

    Thread Starter Maxcom


    Thank you for replying.

    I will submit to them for analysis. I agree it could be a false positive but given that trojans are a huge issue as we are witnessing via the current situation via Petya ransomware, and it is spreading with fake word and excel documents (the trojan file name has “xls” in it) I felt it worthwhile to bring to your attention immediately.

    I will mark as resolved on the basis of your assurance this is a false positive, and should the analysis come back positive advise in a new thread.

    The Striking Premium WordPress Theme has both custom urls and custom breadcrumbs as part of its core settings for its custom portfolio post type. So I believe you can accomplish what you need with that theme.

    I ended up here as i wanted to check for updates to the plugin. I think this “robthecomputerguy” must be a spammer of some sort or have some sort of hidden agenda. He certainly seems to be way off base in his critique, and my own critique is he likes the sound of his own voice. But either way he seems to have no idea whatsoever as to what he is talking about.

    I use symposium on a couple of sites. Its forum software with some social networking features, and darn good at what it does. Like many thousands of plugins, there is an professional upgrade available. Whats the issue with this? I have none whatsoever.

    Now the developer Simon, is extremely good at what he does in my opinion, and in the more recent versions, I see he has built in some additional features that get downloaded in the package, and become active (this may have changed as in my experience the developer constantly updates the plugin as new ideas and features roll out) if one decided to pay for them, whereas one used to download these separately. But they are ancillary features, not core features. And kudos to a developer who actually knows how to code this type of functionality properly, and does not make us go back and forth to retrieve the extra features.

    We have an expression for this – “Expert Developer”!

    I think this is much ado about less then nothing. Were I a mod, this whole thread would already be dust. Now if we could only take to task all the amateurs who roll out a plugin and then after one update of wp, the kiss of death has occurred. They make up 90% of the repository, and just make everyone’s life difficult. If only they were all as good as this symposium guy, my life would be a lot easier.

    Time to get the latest update!


    I am experiencing the exact same issue as BackuPs above. I use simple tags as it allows us to define tags, and assign those tags to virtually any type of wordpress post. Our sites are also all multilanguage.

    But since the wp 3.4 update, we get the same crashing when we call the tagname, if also using wpml.

    This really makes simple tags completely unusable. But it is a fine powerful plugin and we would really prefer to keep using it.

    so if you could fix this error, it would be appreciated.

    Thank you.


    We are a premium theme developer and this feature is generating needless threads and messages on our support forum and via private messages, as individuals think your new methods which produce the warnings are theme core code errors, not content errors.

    As BackuPs above has requested, please provide a method, preferably a setting, that allows the page check to be turned off.

    It seems that what you have done is created the page check feature, and if the site designer does not follow your rules, then they get errors on the page check. Due to the language you use, such as “No heading tags appear in the copy” for reporting your page check opinion that the page is not fully optimized, users are getting confused. We know that Copy = Content, but others might not. So you perhaps also need to examine your use of nomenclature, as the strictest use may not be the popular use.

    In any case, while we have always strongly recommended your plugin to our premium theme user base (in excess of 11000 users for our theme) changes such as this would start to make it more difficult to recommend, as you have not provided users the option of opting out of the feature.

    It is important to remember that while you (and we) may have opinions on what constitutes proper SEO for a page, post, site, etc, others may not share that opinion, or may have alternative or concurrent methods for SEO.

    So please make this feature switchable.

    Thank You

    Super Plugin. It works just fine with the Striking Theme by Kaptinlin ( This is a really amazing plugin and you are to be congratulated on its development.

    I agree with the above poster that the way you have separated the plugin management away from widgets page is great. Also the page you have created to manage the settings for each widget is really easy to use, even for newbies like us.

    Big thanks!


    What we did is very straightforward. Starting with the fact we were currently at version 3.0.1 we proceeded to download to our desktop Version 3.0.2 and unzipped it.

    Then we took from it only the files that have changed, which you can find at the following link:

    at the bottom of the page, where you have the list of revised files, which are as follows:


    To make life simple for ourself, we placed the above files we needed into a separate folder.

    Then we ftp’d to our site, and then uploaded these files only, overwriting the old files with the new revised files.

    We did the exact same thing for the update to version 3.0.3 (ie, we downloaded, unzipped and then separated out the changed files) – the changelog can be found at:

    and the list of revised files is quite small:


    After you have ftp’d all these files, you still have one more thing to do. In your root public directory (“public_html” if cpanel) there is a php file called “fantversion.php”. Open this file using your ftp program editing function. You will see a line as follows:

    $version = ‘3.0.1’ ;


    $version = ‘3.0.2’ ;

    and make one very small change – change the last number of the version to 3, so that the line now reads as

    $version = ‘3.0.3’ ;

    Save and you are done. You can log into your admin interface and you will see from your dashboard you are upgraded to the latest version of wordpress.

    The whole process takes about 7-8 minutes (that is what it took us from start to finish).

    In our opinion, WP should make available an installer routine which amends just the revised files.

    Good luck everyone.

    BTW, another thing is that if you examine the revised files, most have different revision dates. A cleaner way for WP to do things is to give all the amended files the same date. You will see this when you are doing your file overwrites, it will be asking you “do you want to overwrite xxx files dated July 15 with xxx file dated Nov 26”. Cleanest way would be to have all the new files having a same creation date. They do not. So don’t be spooked by that.

    Hmm, if for instance, you are using a browser with security settings that erases history and cookies every time you close it, then that is why it is popping up again. There are other reasons as well related to javascripting in your site. Contact the developer and he will help you.

    There is no “30 day” setting rather it not showing relies on a cookie it places should you select the “Only show once per page on first visit” which does admittedly work in a very variable way due to difference in each person browser settings.

    The Delay setting definitely does work, again it could be affected by java in your theme. Talk to the man and he should be able to help.


    If you are still having difficulties, please indicate so here, and we will set out a way to contact each other. We have upgraded right to 3.0.3, with a foolproof method. A touch more involved but it works 100%, and will gladly walk you through it.

    Will say this. The WordPress methodology of doing a manual upgrade is needless, and has potential hurdles that just don’t need to be there. And the automatic upgrade almost never seems to work. We watched the auto upgrade fail with 9 different hosts for 15 different sites. Thats a pretty poor track record.


    Your not the only one. I got this error as well, and I know at least a dozen other friends who are having the same problem. Seems to be huge problems all over the web with the automatic upload of this update. I tried everything, including

    1) setting CHMOD permissions at 777 in all the folders in wo-content (plugins, themes, upgrade, uploads),
    2) deleting the upgrade file and recreating it with 777 permission, and
    3) deactivating all my plugins.

    Until I did that I could not even get as far as:

    Could not copy file.: /public_html/blog/wp-admin/css/
    Installation Failed

    Once I did all the above, I got the same error you did, and have never gotten any further. Very very frustrating. Prior to doing the changes I noted above, I would get another error, “could not access public_html, Installation failed” (it may have been could not “create” I don’t remember anymore).

    So then after your error type, I thought I would download the zip, unpack it, and transfer it via ftp (which it appears you also tried). Well now my system tells me I have the latest version, but(!) that I have a failed installation and can attempt to reupload using the automatic interface, which once again has failed.

    I can see in the upgrade folder their is a wordpress-3.tmp file left over from the failed install by the internal WP admin installer attempt.

    I even tried setting the CHMOD at 777 on everything other then the public-html file, and still no dice.

    Two of my friends have already had it up to here and dumped this for Joomla, and if wordpress cannot get a handle on this soon, I will be following them. The rest are praying that I can solve the problem for them, or I guess I will be doing a lot of Joomla lessons in the near future.

    The Maintenance Mode plugin works great. We tried a couple of other underconstruction plugins, and to date we have found this one the easiest and most reliable to implement.

    If you want to do some simple modifications, that is easily accomplished by going into the file maintenance-mode_theme_default.php (which you can open up with any web editor such as dreamweaver, or an ftp program such as Cute FTP using its built in edit function when you are viewing your files in your host via your ftp program).

    We put up a simple modification at our site where we changed some font colors, added some keywords, etc. It took no more then a couple of minutes to add the CSS which you can see if you right click on your browser and view the source code.

    Probably you could add backgrounds but we did not feel it necessary.

    Anyways we give Maintenance Mode by Michael Worhrer a thumbs up.

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