Forum Replies Created
all instances of <? should be replaced by <?php
if you search and replace, make sure you do “<? ” to “<?php “
so you dont fix the ones that are ok.can activate after this fix.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog title links to "About" page? (need it to stop)Themes are formatting of the content, and graphical elements.
The content are saved in your posts and pages.
Switching a theme will modify how the content is presented, but not the content itself.
– maby its your permalink for that post that links to the “About” page
if not, then it must be something with the suffusion theme and the way it makes the link to the title.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Short Code to with get_page functionThanks for this snippet!
Im using it to generate content inside a sub-page list, like
<?php $pages = get_pages('child_of='.$post->ID.'&parent='.$post->ID); $count = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { // the above code };
After having tried other fancy “list subpages” variations, this seems to be the right one.
Previously I had a filter around the_content, which dident leave me any meta data inside the_content();
In return shortcodes could run, but if I did a the_title in the shortcode enabled function, it would return the parent title.The MichaelH written piece works a charm ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with getting my permalinks workingdid you verify rewrite is allowed on the server http.conf settings?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Table: wp_posts, column post_name not unicode.btw.. I dumped a code snippet from a plugin called “transliterado” into my functions.php … this dosent give me ??? letters, but atleast I dont get 404
// ---- SLUG Permalink ??? --- // $translate_language = array( 'da' => array( 'NOMO' => 'Dansk, Norsk', 'da_aeoeaa' => '?, ?, ? → ae, oe, aa' ) ); $translate_system = array(); function sanitize_title_dk($title) { global $translate_language, $translate_system; if (!mb_check_encoding($title, 'ASCII')) { $title=utf8_decode($title); foreach (array_keys($translate_language) as $language) { $choise = 'da'; switch ($choise) { case 'da': $translate_system[] = array ( "?"=>"ae","?"=>"oe","?"=>"aa","?"=>"ae","?"=>"oe","?"=>"aa" ); } } foreach ($translate_system as $system) { $title = strtr($title, $system); } } return $title; }; add_filter('sanitize_title', 'sanitize_title_dk', 0); // ---- SLUG Permalink ??? END //
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Table: wp_posts, column post_name not unicode.Im digging around, finding others with similar problem.
Aparently post_name is also called SLUG…
And *sigh* I realise its sanitize_title() that makes a laugh at our language.
what to do.. what to do…