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Last time I looked at this issue was a few years back. The problem was that Contact Form 7 itself was broken by the WPML plugin. However, maybe the situation has changed.
Are your Contact Form 7 email message mail-tags working fine? If yes, one thing you can try is converting your field mappings to mail-tags.
If you don’t mind sending me temporary login info by email to admin at maximum dot software, I can try debugging this issue for you further.
When you use the ‘save’ feature, the plugin creates the path at which the filled PDF file will be saved (wp-content/uploads/whatever/path/you/wanted) and it copies the file to that location. The plugin does not delete that file at that location. If you don’t specify the path for saving, the filled PDF file is simply not copied anywhere. If you later stop using the ‘save’ feature, the previously saved files are never deleted.
When you use any feature that causes the PDF file to be filled, the filled PDF file is actually (temporarily) saved in a different location (wp-content/uploads/pdf_forms_for_wpforms_downloads). Those files are eventually deleted automatically.
So, you don’t need to worry about running out of disk space unless you are using the ‘save’ feature. If you are using it and you are worried that you are going to run out of disk space then you will need to come up with some way to periodically delete those files. Perhaps there is a plugin that can be used for this.
Let me know if that helps or not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WooCommerce] Need better instructionsFor anyone having the same question, the problem was that the PDF didn’t have a fillable form in it.
Please edit your PDF using the applicable software and reattach it to the product.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for CF7] Direct PDF downloadIf I understood you correctly, you want your users to get the PDF downloaded immediately after hitting the submit button (without the extra step to click the download link in the form submission response message).
There is no feature like what you describe above in the plugin currently, however, it can be added with some JavaScript.
It is a pretty easy feature to add, so, maybe I’ll add it in the next version of the plugin. For now, you can use the following JS code snippet:
window.addEventListener('load', function(event) { document.addEventListener('wpcf7submit', function(event) { if(typeof event.detail !== 'object' || typeof event.detail.unitTag === 'undefined' || typeof event.detail.apiResponse !== 'object' || typeof event.detail.apiResponse.wpcf7_pdf_forms_data !== 'object' || event.detail.apiResponse.wpcf7_pdf_forms_data === null || typeof event.detail.apiResponse.wpcf7_pdf_forms_data.downloads !== 'object') return; var data = event.detail.apiResponse.wpcf7_pdf_forms_data.downloads; if(data.length > 0) { var downloadLink = document.createElement('a'); downloadLink.href = data[0]['url']; = data[0]['filename']; document.body.appendChild(downloadLink);; document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } }, false); });
I recommend using some plugin like Simple Custom CSS and JS to add the snippet on the page where you have the form.
You will still need to enable the download link attachment option in order for this to work.
Let me know if that helps or not.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] checkbox mappingIl problema è che hai un singolo campo WPForms con più caselle di controllo. Questa situazione esiste anche con i campi a scelta multipla di CF7.
Dovresti mappare questo singolo campo WPForms sulle caselle di controllo del tuo PDF più volte e creare mappature di valori per ciascuna mappatura di campo.
Si prega di dare un’occhiata alla seguente pagina di documentazione:
Questa pagina è per CF7 ma il processo funziona esattamente allo stesso modo per WPForms.Quindi, le tue mappature dovrebbero apparire come segue:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] checkbox mappingCiao,
Probabilmente nel tuo file PDF mancano i campi delle caselle di controllo nel modulo.
Puoi fornire un collegamento al tuo PDF (o inviarlo al mio indirizzo email, admin al maximum dot software)?
Un modo per risolvere questo problema è modificare il PDF utilizzando un software di modifica PDF e aggiungere i campi del modulo con casella di controllo.
Looks like that is a different problem. It might be some sort of JavaScript error. It is unclear what causes it, it might be another plugin. It would be helpful if you can list your currently active plugins.
Is there any way you can access the JS console in your browser (F12) and make a screenshot of any errors you see there?
Alternatively, I can debug this issue for you directly. If you don’t mind sending me temporary wp-admin dashboard login information to my email, admin at maximum dot software, I will be happy to log into your WP instance and debug your issue.
Try to get your PDF under 2 MB. The free version doesn’t allow PDFs over 2 MB. See for limits.
Alternatively, you can try to upgrade your key.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for CF7] WP Forms Version Signature ErrorUnfortunately, filling signature fields is still not supported at this time. However, what you can do is embed the signature using the Image Embedding Tool.
By the way, this question should really be posted at the PDF Forms Filler for WPForms support forum.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] Matching form fields to pdf fieldsYou don’t actually need to reinstall WPForms or PDF Forms Filler for WPForms plugins after removing the Imagify plugin. You just need to reupload the original PDF file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] Matching form fields to pdf fieldsRegarding Imagify, if you had it enabled after the blank/original PDF file was uploaded then it may have stripped forms from your PDF. You will need to re-upload your original file after disabling Imagify. If you really want to use Imagify, you have to configure it not to remove forms from PDF files.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] Matching form fields to pdf fieldsI reviewed your list of plugins. Some of these are difficult to make out due to localized plugin names, however, so far I am not seeing any plugins that might be causing your issues. It is possible that ‘Alchemists Advanced Posts’ is doing something, but I am unsure.
At this point, I would recommend disabling plugins and seeing if the problem goes away.
The other thing I can offer to you is debugging the issue directly in your WP instance. If you don’t mind sending me temporary wp-admin login details to my email, I would be happy to log in and try to determine the source of the issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] Smart TagsFor anyone reading this topic later, the problem was a bug that was fixed in the recently released version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for CF7] Mapping tool don’t delete fieldsAnother issue may be that your browser is blocking the confirmation box.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Forms Filler for WPForms] Matching form fields to pdf fieldsYour PDF does indeed have fields. It seems to be working perfectly for me in my own WP instance. However, there appear to be a few other issues going on your screenshots.
First, there is the “Cannot access attachment file” error. I’m not sure what is causing it. It may be caused by another plugin. Can you share a list of your currently installed plugins?
Second, it is possible that you may be using an optimization plugin (like Imagify or ShortPixel Image Optimizer). These kinds of plugins might be stripping the form fields out of your PDF (to reduce its size). This will obviously cause problems because my plugin would think that there are no fields in your PDF.
If you can provide a list of your installed plugins, that may give me some clue regarding what might be causing your issues.
Alternatively, if you don’t mind allowing me temporary access to your wp-admin dashboard, please send me temporary login information to my email (admin at maximum dot software). I would be happy to log in and debug the issue for you.