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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Baby Blog

    I must say that I kinda dislike all baby blogs from the beginning (for some reason) buuuuuut, looking at your creation/design made me kinda change my mind… specially the categories u’ve got (like the one called “before I was born”), that’s kinda neat, that kid will be glad reading those entries when it’ll grow up, that’s for sure. Damn… And the design couldn’t be better for the baby blog (even after I do dislike sissy pinky looks :P), kudos!

    Regards, MaxT

    Looks kinda simple/clean and at same time very nice thought ?? Me likes. Good one.

    Regards, MaxT

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: New site for golfers

    I would go for a light green all over the site for this golf-theme… Something a-la (for your inspiration and ideas) ??

    Regards, MaxT

    imho all a-la polished metal gradients look cheap… I’ve tried to avoid on commenting, but since you want it so much :p

    Regards, MaxT

    None I guess…

    Hmm… I’ve just rechecked my source for page.php and I got the following code:

    < h2 id=”post-< ?php the_ID(); ? >” >< ?php the_title(); ? >< /h2 >

    And I’m running one of the latest nightly builds (max 1-2 weeks old).

    Right… I haven’t thought of that issue, I just talked about the raw html code, my mistake. And I’m not really sure how it’s possible to filter the html tags in the title of the link, you’ll have to write the function that fetches output from function the_title, refilter it from any html tags and name the function something like the_filtered_title, then it could be used for the title of the link…

    For now you can just remove the
    title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”
    part from your link. It wont break anything (can’t really remember if XHTML 1.0 Transitional requires you to use title with each link… I’m 95% sure it doesn’t.

    Seems you have to reread my previous reply ??

    Let’s take it from the start:
    1) you’re making a header 2 (< h2 >)
    2) you’re making a link ( < a > )
    3) that link have a title which is visually not seen on your website *until* you hover your mouse over that link, then you’ll get that popup box.
    4) you write the title itself where part of the title is italized (by surrounding it with < i > and < /i > tags). The italized part is visually seen on your website by any user.
    5) you close your link ( < /a > )
    6) you close your header ( < /h2 > )

    Now, what you’ve done on most of your posts is italizing both the title for the link *and* italizing the title (or part of it) itself.

    Look here and you’ll understand what I mean:

    See that white popup box? It’s the box you see when you hover mouse over one of the post titles. Now, can you see those < i > and < /i > tags around “King Conan”? That’s where you have italized the title for the link itself and since these popup boxes can show only clear text, you shouldn’t use any html tags in it.

    Now, before you reply, read my previous reply again and try to see the difference between the 1st code and the 2nd one.

    Spoiler: The difference is that there are no < i > and < /i > for the title of the link.

    Regards, MaxT

    That sounds just nice, congratulations! ??
    You just got to fix the last thing that causes all these warnings (even tho’ the page does validate). It should be easy ??

    You have line 102: < h2 id=”post-434″ >< a href=”; rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to < i >Legend of Zorro< /i > Teaser” >< i >Legend of Zorro< /i > Teaser< /a >< /h2 >

    And should be: < h2 id=”post-434″ >< a href=”; rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to Legend of Zorro Teaser” >< i >Legend of Zorro< /i > Teaser< /a >< /h2 >

    Basically, you’re making the text “Legend of Zorro” in italic in the title of anchor (< a > tag), but it just can’t be italic there as it’s the text that you see when you hover your mouse over the title headline. I think you played with your template and maybe by mistake put <i> </i> in the wrong location. Just remove it from there and all will be top notch ??

    Good luck!

    Same here Jinsan ?? But… Some prefer the other way ??
    And flickr have 2 memberships – free one and the pro one. Check ??

    Agrh… Can people just leave the bloggin’ community outta all those ads? We get enough of that crap on TV, radio and all over the city… Jeeze… You can’t watch a movie on TV without ads interrupting you every now and then… Then you get pissed off, rent a DVD and what you see there? Right – ads for the upcoming movies (in some cases you can’t stop these ads, you *have* to watch’em). And I can go on…

    I mean… wtf… ads on the personal blog? Will you let Nike or Adidas to put ad flyers into your diary book (that is if you have/had one)? No! So why stuff people with some unrelated ads on your personal site? I understand corporate sites, but personal!!

    I fscking hate ads! Yes, you read it right. I know the consequences of my reply, this might start the flaming or there will be a huge discussion on this subject (which will help you with the traffic) so I’m kinda helping you promoting your site. Ads everywhere… Damn marketing…

    Just had to spit it out… Now go flame me… I’m off to zzz anyway…

    Oh, by the way, I’ll post something a-la this reply tomorrow on my site I hope some bloggers will finally understand that nobody care about ads on their personal site, visitors are interested in you, your personal side and your interests… Not some “asbestos”, “mesothelioma” and “debt consolidation” ads…

    Good “edit” I must say ?? Looks nothing like default kubrick (God, I’m so tired of that default look :P)

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: wiphey dot com

    boooooooooooooo!!!!! I mean… LOVE it ?? (yeh, been visiting that site for like half a year now).

    Regs ??

    Sounds great ??

    @ dyn4mik3 : Can’t reproduce same error in my IE (6.0 on WinXP SP2)

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