Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Redirect with querystringEven better, in one redirect:
/horse/$2I love regex.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] Resending HTML seems to deliver plain textI am encountering the same bug, not sure if related to “Resend”, but when sending an email from a Jetpack contact form with SMTP, the email received is in ugly plain text instead of HTML (eg. it shows <b>Name:</b> instead of Name: in bold).
Thanks, I tried modifying it and saving with the /wp-admin/options.php page, but the new value (wp-content/uploads) was not persisted for some reason. Then I went to edit the MySQL table directly and it finally worked! Problem solved.
Upload path is:
upload_url_path is empty. What should they be?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] Text Domain not declared in style.cssUpdate: This workaround works. You have to be very careful with EOL characters when editing the header! I had replaced them all with “\r” and it was no longer parsing it correctly (and due to Locotranslate’s caching system, I could not see it).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] Text Domain not declared in style.cssI tried editing the header of style.css as recommended here, but it does not help (text domaine is supposed to be “vibe”):
/* Theme Name: WPLMS Theme URI: Description: WPLMS is a Learning Management System for WordPress. The theme is deep integrated with BuddyPress and comes packed with the Course Module plugin. Theme has very powerful features which are essential for a full fledges LMS. Theme utilizes maximum of both WordPress and BuddyPress and can be run on a large scale platform as well. Author: Mr.Vibe Author URI: Text Domain: vibe Domain Path: /languages Version: 1.9.8 License: Themeforest License URI: */
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] Text Domain not declared in style.cssI had a similar problem with a third party plugin (translations loaded by WP but not shown by Loco translate), and was able to fix it temporarily by adding the “Text domain” property inthe header (though it will break upon update of the plugin). I am looking for something similar to apply to a theme’s file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] Text Domain not declared in style.cssExactly same problem here. Naming the translation files using the text domain allows them to be used by WordPress (website properly translated), but then they are not shown by loco translate. Naming the translation files using the theme names allows them to be shown by loco translate, but not to be used by WordPress (website not translated). What is the current recommended workaround?
True, it is actually the (different) way Ajax requests are handled that prevents the mod_security issue, than the compiler itself. I even tried to exit PHP before any compilation were processed and still got the error, so it really looks like related to how Ajax communication is implemented.
No worries about the pull request, it will anyway be helpful to people in the meantime would want to apply this minor commit to their local installation.
One other thing you may want to look at is Codestyling Localization’s internal compiler. I had this “Not acceptable” error with both the internal compiler and msgfmt (apparently due to due to mod_security on Bluehost; they were able to fix it but may they reduced the server security to achieve this). However Codestyling localization’s compiler worked, so if the license is compatible it may be worth just offering it as an alternative.
Finally, another feature request to consider would be to add a global search option to find which packages contains a particular string to be translated, when we don’t know to which package(s) it belongs.
Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing version 2.0. Locotranslate is the only serious option today for doing efficient (and now persistent) WP translations online.
I just submitted a pull request to show more information about the file being edited (though it is not meant to solve the whole issue). Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] translationsGreat, many thanks. However in Loco Translate it generates a file named “event-list-xx_XX” instead of “eventlist-xx_XX”.
Are you able to use “event-list” as the text-domain instead, as I think it would solve the problem?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] translationsSame here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Fluency Admin] WP3.0Same problem here with the missing unhide button…
Your plugin is awesome otherwise! You’re my hero (as I was about to quit when WordPress 2.5 came out with their ugly menu).