Forum Replies Created
Well, there was not much left. Tried from two phones with the same result and I assumed you have a different provider…
I googled around and found they have a settings page for mobile website (speed.t-mobile.de) where you can turn their compression off. After that everything is crisp again.To be honest, I’m totally pissed off. By default they put a lossy compression on my photos…
Tested on another phone with the same results and after some fiddling it turned out to be the fault of the mobile proxy of my provider (german telekom)… Sorry!
Hi Jordy,
I just updated and all images were gone. Putting define(‘DEBUG’, false); right on top of wr2x_retinaimages.php again solved the issue for me.
I’m using mobile safari on an iphone4 (ios5.1.1). It’s a simple matter of activating WIFI or deactivating it. Reload my homepage (marcbecher.com) and the logo on top is either blurred or crisp. I’m not aware of mobile safari acting diffently depending on the connection…
Sorry, same problem on v0.4…
And another question: It looks like @2x images are served only when on WIFI (at least on my phone, server side method). I’m totally fine with that approach, but didn’t find that mentioned anywhere in the description, readme or FAQ. Would be worth to list that as a feature.
Besides from that, I’d like to make an exception for my logo. So it would be served as @2x version regardless of the connection speed. Would you mind giving me a hint, on where to look at the code to make an exception for that file?regards — marc
(and yes, I gave you the full five stars for the plugin ??
That’s what I’d call a fast response. Awesome!
Again: Great work on a superb plugin!