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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AMP] AMP Script Error

    I have the same issue with AMP Plugin Release v1.0-beta1:

    Validation gives me:

    The tag ‘amp-auto-ads extension .js script’ appears more than once in the document.

    Therefore, I added this to functions.php

    add_filter( ‘amp_post_template_data’, function( $data ) {
    $data[‘amp_component_scripts’] = array_merge(
    ‘amp-ad’ => ‘’,
    return $data;
    } );

    It did not seem to do anything. Perhaps I need to add something additional to my header.php.

    Thread Starter mbiernat


    The one thing I would improve is the UX. Look at something like the Tailor Page Builder (which is now not supported by anyone). It is simple drag and drop. I had a non-WP user try it and they understood it intuitively. I think I understand Gutenberg because I am such a long-term user with WP. UX is important. Look at GIMP, such a powerful program but people to this day complain about the UX and dream of Gimp 3.0 when the UX might be improved. So Gutenberg has the right idea, just make it easier for the non-WP user to understand…again you could take inspiration from Tailor for example.

    Thread Starter mbiernat


    I have used WordPress since 2004. Therefore, I have a bit of experience.

    I have gone full circle from doing everything in code and css to using proprietary themes and page builders.

    However, the priority, now with websites are speed and usability.

    When I load up my sites with plugins and heavy themes they slow down. Gutenberg is fast and I can do the design I need.

    With imagination you can use simple tools at hand to design functional and beautiful websites.

    Gutenberg is integrated with WordPress, therefore, there is a trust factor that it will be supported. It does not seem to affect the speed of my sites in anyway. Often plugins and themes load up with options and the complexity and speeds considerations outweigh the benefits.

    In contrast, Gutenberg has what you need. It supports people who do not have a lot of money to spend on designers etc.

    I did like the Tailor page builder for similar reasons and the functionality it had. It also did not affect the speed of my site and had nice options.

    To answer your question:

    I guess one way I would look at this is, look at a professional website like for example. With a basic WP standard theme like twenty twelve or twenty seventeen you could transform and make a site similar in design like 23andme with an editor like Gutenberg.

    It seems daunting but with a little CSS and the right art, I think it can be done with Gutenberg. You can make a professional site like 23andme with Gutenberg. That gives a lot of people the opportunity and power to forward their ideas on the web even if they are not designers or have capital.

    So keep it speedy and functional without the need for every whistle and bell at first. Just Blocks and columns are enough for now and develop this without sacrificing speed.

    I am skeptical is some of the negative reviews have vested interest in not seeing this succeed. I have used WP for 14 years and this is a good step forward for WordPress.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Custom Permalink Structure

    Sebastien, you can get to category/post name.html and category/ (note it has a forward / at the end of the category even if .html does not at the end. describes these steps.
    There is a plugin a lot of people do not know about for this.

    However, I think you are looking for “-” and custom text. I think you do not need a plugin for this. just the right php line. That I am curious about myself.

    Hi I think this post will answer it.
    Smart trailing slash
    Basically you need “smart trailing slash” plugin.

    I have the exact same problem. I am using wordpress 2.7

    I have been using it with 2.6 fine. The is no way any program will work with everything all the time. The key thing is does it work better than if you do not use it. I like simple tags as it has huge plus from an SEO point of view.

    Thread Starter mbiernat


    He said as stated above “Just a quick note Yes, i will update Simple Tags for WordPress 2.7.”

    My personal website has a 150 e-mails I have to answer so I understand, if he is busy.

    Thread Starter mbiernat


    Anyone have a similar problem with too many autolinks?

    Amaury BALMER is alive and has replied to me and has stated Simple Tags will be supported in 2.7
    His site is a pretty large site and he runs a lot of projects – I think he is just like the rest of us – trying to get caught up.
    The plugin is great I hope it continues even when wordpress is in 10.0

    Yes I have this same problem. I have been using wordpress stats for my blog and it works great. But then I created my own theme from my static HTML site LearnFast and install the plugin it does not show any visits. Maybe I did something wrong with my theme creation? But I kept it simple as possible. I do not even use a sidebar or a functions file.

    sp360 did you ever find an easy plugin to do this? I am looking for something like this myself? To make wordpress pages blog/mypost
    to become blog/mypost.html



    Hi I tried adding the above to my CSS. But it did not work. Do you have any other ideas. I just want to change the rss icon sizes on my wordpress sidebar widget. thanks

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