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  • mbsharp


    Further progress. On my affected site, I reduced the post_max_update setting, forced error U011 (server error) and inspected the dialog box css.
    I think the problem is caused by {position:relative;} on the box content. In my case, this was inherited from the Squelch Tabs and Accordions plugin. I disabled that plugin, forced the error again and the box displayed correctly.
    I am not certain but positioning of the box content appeared to be relative to the preceding element, which is the close ‘X’ button in the box title area. That gives the content only a very narrow column before hitting the box edge.
    Disabling the plugin removed position:relative, leaving no definition for position, which in turn caused the content to fill the dialog box normally.



    As the author of the PAGB (UK clubs) projection standards, can I correct any misunderstanding.
    There is, and never has been, any UK club standard for projection size. The standard is for the event organiser to state the projection size in use, whatever that may be.
    The most prevalent club standard at the moment is probably SXGA+ (1400×1050), but that is an evolution from XGA (1024×768). The PAGB, many federations and some clubs have moved to UXGA (1600×1200). I believe there are also clubs using widescreen formats rather than 4:3. It is absolutely their own choice, as clubs are all autonomous.
    As Josie says, your maximum image size can and should be set in your Layout.



    Progress. I added EWZ to my personal site, set the upload limit low, and forced the U011 error by loading images with a combined size larger than the limit.
    With Weaver Xtreme theme and plugins Contact Form 7, Enable Media Replace, EWZ, List Category Posts, NextGEN gallery, WeaverXtreme Support, and WP Statistics, the error message U011 comes up the expected size and with the text fitting normally. So we can pass all the items listed.
    I inspected the code for the dialog and there was no rogue css. Mainly css was from the theme (Weaver).
    The site where I have the problem uses Nirvana theme and additional plugins, and I will test that in a few days.



    I looked around for the box-sizing setting in css, and it seems to be nearly universally set as border-box. I think this means that a stated dialog box size is inclusive of padding and content. If there is a lot of padding then the content must get squeezed. I am back to wondering if the the issue is that the JQuery dialogs have somewhere acquired a lot of padding.
    But, it’s not all the dialogs in EWZ, because the help boxes, at least, display correctly. The help boxes seem to be coded in a different syntax from the server error messages, but it’s testing the limit of my php/js coding skill.



    I’ll look at that too. Once my current activity is out of the way, I may change the site to Weaver Xtreme anyway.



    I am not sure what you are trying to do.
    The EWZ forms (on a page via a shortcut definition) only open up when logged in as a WordPress user. If you log in to WP as admin, then the EWZ form will open on your page and you can make entries as yourself (if that’s appropriate). For anyone else, then as the admin of your site, you need to add then as a user via your WP dashboard, and make sure they have an appropriate WP role. That role can be the lowest grade of ‘subscriber’.
    Once the user has logged in, they are on the site probably at their dashboard and they would need to know how to view the site itself and the page with the EWZ form. I agree that will be a training issue, and I use a plugin called Peter’s Login Redirect to cause all logins with that level of user to go straight to my entries page. To make that even easier, I put the logon link on my entries page alongside some user instructions. So the user comes to the entries page not logged on, clicks the link, is taken to the WP logon, logs on, and is immediately returned to the entries page they just left.

    I can do that but not until later next week. I will need to reduce my post_max_size setting to make throwing the error easy, and I can’t do that until all my clubs have completed their entries.

    No. My list is complete.
    I am hunting for any css related to the JQuery combination of ui dialog and content
    Not found anything odd so far. All padding settings appear reasonable.

    I made a mistake before. I use Weaver XTreme theme on two other sites, but the theme I use for the affected site is Nirvana.
    All my plugins are free ones. Capability Manager Enhanced; Contact Form 7; Cryout Serious Theme Settings; Duplicator; Email Users; Enable Media Replace; Entry Wizard (of course); List Category Posts; Logon NoCaptcha; MCE Table Buttons; NextGEN Gallery; Peter’s Logon Redirect; Squelch Tabs and Accordions (which uses a lot of JQuery); and WP Statistics.
    That’s a lot to test. Problem will arise now with generating the EWZ error message to check as I tweaked the site to not get the message any more, and I am in the middle of collecting images for a big event. After that I can reduce my upload limit and overload EWZ to force the message and try disabling the different plugins.

    I wonder if the dialog box is acquiring a padding setting, or padding both sides. The question would be where from. I can’t find any applicable css for the dialog text.

    Thread Starter mbsharp


    Make sure you are looking at the correct PHP setting.

    I only referred here to post_max_size, which for me was 8MB and I have managed to change it to 25MB. Now that I have the method, I could change it to anything else, and the EWZ default is actually 100MB.

    There is a separate PHP option upload_max_filesize, which for me is 64MB. The usual recommendation is for this to be smaller than post_max_size to allow for text in a post in addition to any image. However, it is not critical and I haven’t changed it.

    The upload size test may be against the smaller of post_max_size and upload_max_size. In my case the former is smaller.

    I set an EWZ image limit of 2MB, but the average is only 1MB, so hitting any limit depends on the mix from the entrant. I am running interclub events with 15-20 images per entrant. Not like an individual competition with far fewer per entry.

    I have the same problem. Using Weaver Xtreme theme.

    It’s not the size of the window as there is plenty of space. It’s that the message is squashed against the right edge with most of the window blank.

    Thread Starter mbsharp


    I can now answer my own enquiry.

    The totality of images uploaded in one EWZ submit batch is tested for size against the PHP option post_max_size. In my case, that value was 8MB, and that was not nearly enough for up to 20 images at an average of 1MB each.

    post_max_size is set by the hosting provider, but there are various ways of overriding the size, depending on what the hosting provider is prepared to permit. In my case, I could increase the limit by adding a php.ini file to my site’s root folder. In the php.ini file, I wrote post_max_size = 25M and that revised the limit from 8M to 25M as requested.

    One of the chief advantages of an image upload system is that the entrant does NOT have to adhere to any critical file naming format (within limits of characters permitted on the server). That of course means that a filename required for any particular competition/display software will be created later.

    It would be really undesirable to start adding layer upon layer of code to EntryWizard to mean multiple different and specific requirements for individual users of the plugin. Therefore, users need to take their local requirements and apply them later ie, after recovering the images and metadata from EntryWizard. Personally I do that by adding VBA code to an Excel spreadsheet.

    Correction. The location of NextGen galleries is a user option. If you didn’t use the default then they are wherever you chose.

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