Thanks for the response!
> I’m afraid this is a twitter cache issue.
Can you explain specifically what you mean by cache here?
I can understand Twitter caching and not recalculating “TweetCounts” sums for every request, but then I’d expect the posted TweetCount to be lower than a search on Twitter’s site (and eventually, over time, catch up).
However, I’m seeing a TweetCount higher than the tweets returned in a Twitter search. That doesn’t sound cache-related to me — does it to you?
If you mean that Twitter Search Results has the cache and “recent tweets” aren’t returned in search results until they “get into a search cache” — this post:
is a week old, has been reporting “5 tweets” since Thursday (4 days ago), but clicking through to Twitter search:
Reports no results. Is 4 days is kind of long to attribute to caching?
If you’re aware of any twitter-specific API discussion of this problem (outside the scope of WordPress), please link me.
Thanks for writing/supporting the widget!