Forum Replies Created
Hello Tobias,
Thanks for the fast response, i think going to swap out tables that im not using that are in the 1-247 range first, you made it easy to import/replace old csvs with new data which is a huge help, thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ivory Search - WordPress Search Plugin] Change color of “search here” textIt was an opacity issue, this code worked,
.side-form input[type=”search”]::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1!important;
.side-form input[type=”search”]::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1!important;
.side-form input[type=”search”]:-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE 10+ */
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1!important;
.side-form input[type=”search”]:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1!important;
}.side-form input[type=”search”]::placeholder {
color: #FFF;
opacity: 1!important;
}Thank you again, i really appreciate it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ivory Search - WordPress Search Plugin] Change color of “search here” textYes this worked in chrome and safari, it didn’t work for firefox though, i tried some variations of the code for FF but it didn’t work. I tried clearing the cache too. I’m considering matching the color to FF so they all match, which would work. If its an easy fix please let me know, if not its no biggie, thanks again for your help on this.
Yes this worked, thank you!!!
I also added the following code to make it all fit together, and the @media takes care of the mobile device. Thanks again!
.side-form input {
border: none;
background: transparent;
width: 250px;
color: #a4a4a4;
outline: none;
font-size: 1em!important;
padding: 0px 0px;
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif!important;}
.side-form {
border: 1px solid #d7d7d7;
padding: 6px 6px;
position: relative;
width: 250px;
float: right;
margin-right: 12px;
margin-top: -35px;
color: #000!important;
height: 33px;}
float: left!important;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px;}
.side-form button {
background: none;
border: 0;
top: 1px;
padding: 0 8px;
right: 0;
position: absolute;
outline: none;
color: #bebebe;
–Code for topBar–.topBar {
background-color: #1a3884;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 1170px;
max-width: 100%;
padding-top: 1px;}
.topBar p{
padding: 9px 0% 5px 2%!important;
font-size: 1em;
color: #fff;}
height: 90px;}
}Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Fino] Make Parent Link Clickable in Drop Down MenuTo clarify id like to make it so when you click the products link it goes to the products page which is located here,
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Modula Image Gallery] No images, instead “Array” shows upForgot to hit the resolved check box, thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Modula Image Gallery] No images, instead “Array” shows upLooks like its working now! Thank you for your help and the quick response! Thank you!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Product Catalog] Remove Sidebar from Products PageThank you for your help. After I activated the 7 day trial I got a much better layout for the product pages and the sidebar went away. However, I’ve determined that since I can’t get my search to work with it I have to deactivate the plugin. I have relevanssi installed as well. Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [a3 Lazy Load] Disabling lazyload for certain image class is not workingI added the below code to the bottom of my functions.php file and it worked. I tested this works because my slider on my homepage wasnt compatible with lazy load and once i added this code the problem went away. Its possible you’re missing the “<?php” but I think it depends on where you insert the code. I am not a php coder by any means. I think you can swap out where it says home for the page name you want to be excluded from lazy load as well. The code below excludes lazy load from the home page only.
add_filter( ‘a3_lazy_load_run_filter’, ‘skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page’, 11 );
function skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page( $apply_lazyload ) {
if ( is_page(‘home’) ) {
$apply_lazyload = false;
return $apply_lazyload;
I had this problem as well, the lazy load wasn’t compatible with my slider on my homepage. I read you can disable the lazy load on your homepage by inserting this code into your functions.php file. I just added it to the bottom of that php page and it works.
add_filter( ‘a3_lazy_load_run_filter’, ‘skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page’, 11 );
function skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page( $apply_lazyload ) {
if ( is_page(‘home’) ) {
$apply_lazyload = false;
return $apply_lazyload;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for gallery plugin similar to ebay or apple refurb storeHere is the page im working on,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unite Gallery Lite] CSS for full screen modeI was actually able to find it on my own, thanks anyways!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unite Gallery Lite] CSS for full screen modeHere is the link to the web page, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unite Gallery Lite] Auto Enable LightboxSorry for double posting but i wanted to add that i get a lightbox with firefox but i cant change any of the styling or dont know which css will change that. And once i find it im not sure what to change. Chrome does the top right with no lightbox, thanks.