Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingyes it is fixed. Thank you for the good support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingyes i needed to log out. it is wurking. Super.
Do you notice in the top table there is divider line? also below this divider line is a star in table 2 en 3. This is line and also the star below should not be there. How can i get ride of that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingi have disbaled the fixed header and changed code of table press back to normal and nouw my table is still to wide and header also nog wurking.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingthe fixed header of my theme is not necessary. I can try to disable that if there is nog othe solution
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingThis is not helping. I have kopied your codes to the right place and nouw my table is to wide and header still not fixex.
i cleared cashe zo that is not the problem
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] fixedheader plugin not wurkingthe plugin is active. I have installed this one: “TablePress Extension: DataTables FixedHeader”
Also i cheked “Use DataTables: Use the following features of the DataTables JavaScript library with this table:”
i cleard cashe and still not working.
Any suggestions?
yes i changed it in the extension and also on the page.
I have activated over here
you dont see it until you open the sourche
ah to bad that is not the solution i changed it to ‘gshfdjyujy34qefdg’ that is probaly not a short code of the steam theme.
I chekt it with tweny fourtheen theme then your pugin wurks just fine.
Do you have any other things you can think of?
He that sounds like a posibel solution i will try that thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Boxer] Link bayOke cool thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Boxer] Link bayForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Spam users vs reCAPTCHAWell i finaly fixed it with ban hammer.
Realy great ans super easy and small plugin. And most inportend realy evectif !
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Houw to get ip of users ?Oke i did not even see the Stop forum spam options untill nouw.
Probaly thats what fixed my spam problem. In first i thought i fixed it thro ban hammer by adding a list of emails. To be exact this list :
[spam emails redacted]
I thought ban hammer was zo smart to block simmilar emails. Only nouw im almost sertain its the option you manchend.Realy nice plugin. Also the ip logger you manchend i will @ to my list.
Thanks !
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Houw to get ip of users ?Edit: The problem seems to be fixt thro ban hammer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Houw to get ip of users ?Yeah oke but the dont leave a comment. The only register a bullshit account. about 20 a day.
Here are a bunch of them :
I dont get what spammers there bennefit is with this. When i google the user names i find lots of forums but the dont post any thing.
Seems like they only mess up ore user data base. Whats the bennefit of that ?