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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Not Foundmake sure word wrap is off in notepad if that’s what you’re going to use to edit the htaccess file once downloaded.
And when you go to upload your edited file using ftp make sure the upload setting is set to ASCII and not binary – you can change it back once you’re finished uploading htaccess.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Not FoundDid you use the month and name option in the permalinks area?
Scroll right down in the permalinks setting area and you will see a grey box – copy everything in there (should say things like rewrite etc) and paste into the htaccess file.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Not FoundHave you used ftp before? If so it won’t take a minute to fix everything.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink not workingVia an ftp program login to your server. In the root folder you should see a file named .htaccess
It may be easier if you have cpanel installed:
If you do go to File manager and tick the box that says show hidden files (.htaccess should show up now).
You can edit the .htaccess file from within File manager by clicking on the edit link near the top. Otherwise you can use notepad (but google htaccess and notepad – I think you have to upload it in a certain way). Once you have it open add the line(s) of code that wordpress suggested when you edited the permalinks setting.
You’ll realise how simple it is once you get through it the first time. I hope that helps!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Not FoundDid you play around with the permalink settings? If so did you edit your .htaccess file?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnails not generatedok one more question. I want to show thumbnails for certain posts on the homepage, but I don’t want those images to appear in the posts themselves. Because the thumbnails generated essentially depend on there being an image in the post, is there a workaround?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnails not generatedOk I seem to have sorted it out. For future visitors with the same predicament, here’s how I fixed it:
1. Visit: – I started to follow it from Step 3, steps 1 and 2 were already sorted in the theme.
2. I edited the home.php file (in wp-content/themes/your theme/home.php
Where it said (may not be the same for your theme):
<img src="<?php $key="thumbnail"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true); ?>" alt="<?php the_title() ?>" />
I replaced with:
<img src="<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("thumb"); echo $values[0]; ?>" alt="<?php the_title() ?>" class="thumb" />
– So essentially step 3 on the link I posted.3. Uploaded my image again (in a test post). Followed step 4 from the website….and it worked beautifully.
I only changed one part of the home.php file, of course there will be more instances of when thumbnails will be called – depends on your theme. But do the same for every time an image has to be called.
I’m still not sure what was going wrong initially, and it’s quite possible that there’s a simpler fix. But if nothing else comes to light then at least you know this will work.
Anyone out there know a less time intensive fix? Maybe I was doing something wrong to start with….?!