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Think we have the same error at least on one server, using elite. There is only tmp.xml and no xml generated even if writing permission are as they need to be. And it worked once last week, but after changes it was not regenerated
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemCancelled my license, this is not what I expect from premium support. Good Bye – hope I will find something better.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemI think I will no longer pay for the plugin, if there is no suitable support really helping to solve that issue. As the pro plugin gets useless for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image Problemand to be again more precise, it is happening on all my and my clients pages.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image Problemeven deleting the whole cache folder in wp content is not working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemI’ve tried to activate buffer priority, I can even not find any shortcode or the word encoder in the html source code. And yes there is caching, but multiple times deleted, css from the elementors part newly generated. For purpose I even deactivated rocket on my test environment, but it is still not working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image Problemanybody with an idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemSo you really can see, that only in two articles the included image gets integrated into the html meaning, that while full page scanner is on since Elementor 3.18 the html source code is not complete anymore, so there are links missing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemCode is then looking like:
</section> <div class=”elementor-element elementor-element-e73e006 e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent” data-id=”e73e006″ data-element_type=”container” data-settings=”{"content_width":"boxed"}” data-core-v316-plus=”true”> <div class=”e-con-inner”> <div class=”elementor-element elementor-element-4e3911f elementor-grid-5 projects elementor-grid-widescreen-6 elementor-grid-laptop-4 elementor-grid-tablet-3 elementor-grid-mobile_extra-2 elementor-grid-tablet_extra-4 elementor-grid-mobile-1 elementor-posts–thumbnail-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-posts” data-id=”4e3911f” data-element_type=”widget” data-settings=”{"classic_columns":"5","pagination_type":"numbers","classic_columns_widescreen":"6","classic_columns_laptop":"4","classic_columns_tablet":"3","classic_columns_mobile_extra":"2","classic_columns_tablet_extra":"4","classic_row_gap":{"unit":"px","size":70,"sizes":[]},"classic_columns_mobile":"1","classic_row_gap_widescreen":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"classic_row_gap_laptop":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"classic_row_gap_tablet_extra":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"classic_row_gap_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"classic_row_gap_mobile_extra":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"classic_row_gap_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}” data-widget_type=”posts.classic”> <div class=”elementor-widget-container”> <div class=”elementor-posts-container elementor-posts elementor-posts–skin-classic elementor-grid”> <article class=”elementor-post elementor-grid-item post-3102 projekte type-projekte status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry”> <a class=”elementor-post__thumbnail__link” href=”” tabindex=”-1″ > <div class=”elementor-post__thumbnail”><img fetchpriority=”high”></div> </a> <div class=”elementor-post__text”> </div> </article> <article class=”elementor-post elementor-grid-item post-2144 projekte type-projekte status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry”> <a class=”elementor-post__thumbnail__link” href=”” tabindex=”-1″ > <div class=”elementor-post__thumbnail”><img decoding=”async” width=”610″ height=”1080″ src=”” class=”attachment-full size-full wp-image-2164″ alt=”Logo Spiegelbild Wiesbaden” srcset=” 610w,×300.jpg 169w,×1024.jpg 578w” sizes=”(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px” /></div> </a> <div class=”elementor-post__text”> </div> </article> <article class=”elementor-post elementor-grid-item post-298 projekte type-projekte status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry”> <a class=”elementor-post__thumbnail__link” href=”” tabindex=”-1″ > <div class=”elementor-post__thumbnail”><img decoding=”async” width=”608″ height=”1080″ src=”” class=”attachment-full size-full wp-image-297″ alt=”Anschnitt des Logo der j&j bar” srcset=” 608w,×300.jpg 169w,×1024.jpg 576w” sizes=”(max-width: 608px) 100vw, 608px” /></div> </a> <div class=”elementor-post__text”> </div> </article> <article class=”elementor-post elementor-grid-item post-63 projekte type-projekte status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry”> <a class=”elementor-post__thumbnail__link” href=”” tabindex=”-1″ > <div class=”elementor-post__thumbnail”><img loading=”lazy”></div> </a>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Elementor Gallery Widget Image ProblemNot really, no. How should this error look like. Is there any word I could search for within the code?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Address Encoder] Is this plugin dead?Same thing – not getting answers as year long pro user. Would not be problematic, if there would be no bugs, but in fact there are.