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  • Thread Starter mekasiat


    These three websites havent the same theme.

    Thread Starter mekasiat



    Thank you for your help. The position “Before Post” is enabled as well on and on this one ads appears. What should I do to fix that on and on I readed your documentation but I don’t understand nothing what I need to do :(. I am so sorry for my stupidity :-(.

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Hi @spacetime

    Thank you for your help. I’ve just enabled “remote debugging” on three websites.

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Hi Marko,
    Thank you for your reply. Here is the screenshot :

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Hello Marko,
    Thank you for your help and reply. Here is the .htaccess content:

    SetEnv PHP_VER 5_4
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    Uselly, I do not touch at all this file !
    Thank you,

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Dear Marko,
    Thank you for your reply and help. Before installing this second time, I removed already three files advanced-cache.php db.php and object-cache.php and the folder W3 Total Cache and I did not have any else cache plugin. The first time, the same thing was happened.
    Maybe the issue came from the .htaccess rules as you said but I am not at all the expert so I am “afraid” to touch to this file :(. So I do not know what to look at into this file ??

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Hello @vmarko
    Thank you a lot for your reply. Yes, I uninstalled your plugin because it crashed my website. A few minutes ago, I re-installed your plugin and then activated it. But it crashed my website again. I got the page showing a message “Error when connecting to the database. This means either that the username or password in your wp-config.php file is not correct, or that we cannot contact the database server at (name of the database).mysql.db. This may mean that your database server is down…
    I do not know why !

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    I tested all three options but I see the views have not been taken into account :(.

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Thank you for your help. So, I installed the plugin “Post view Counter” and in the parameters, we must select one of the method of collecting post views data : PHP, Javascript or API Rest. Which one we must to choose? Javascript?

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Thank you so much for your help and explanation. Yet, I have a “post view counter” plugin installed from the theme, maybe this one does not work with your plugin? I will try the one you gave to see.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AMP] Menu breaks on mobile
    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Wow it’s awesome !!!! It works now !!!
    Thank you a lot !!! It works perfect !!!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AMP] Menu breaks on mobile
    Thread Starter mekasiat


    I tested it on my smartphone by beginning the AMP version then turned it into the desktop version (on the mobile) – see the video here :
    On AMP version, like you I see nothing instead of the footer, it’s empty ! but when I turned it into the desktop version, the footer appears.
    If my memory is good, I remember the footer was there before fixing the menu issue. I get the same issue (footer) on my two other websites as well.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AMP] Menu breaks on mobile
    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Rehi @milindmore22
    Thank you a lot for your help. Sub-menu works now and thank again !
    About the disappearing footer, you said you don’t see the footer on the non-AMP mobile version of my site, it’s strange ! I’ve just seen it few minutes ago on my mobile, here the screen copy :
    This section I circled, I do not see it on the AMP mobile version.
    Don’t you see the same ?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AMP] Menu breaks on mobile
    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Hello @milindmore22
    How are you ? I am sorry. I should have informed you that the menu works now, well almost !!! ??
    Indeed, the menu works but not the sub-menu categories. You can take a look here :
    Also, after installing AMP Compatibility plugin and fixing the menu issue, the footer disappears. I do not know if this issue relates to the AMP Compatibility plugin but now I do knot see the footer anymore.
    How can I fix this issue, please ?

    Thread Starter mekasiat


    Thank you sir !!!

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