Forum Replies Created
The host is PHPNET.
As I couldn’t find a clue on that lead, too, I switched the forms to Ninja Forms to see if it worked.
The same issue occurs so consider this issue closed.
It is clearly related to WordPress alone and/or the Host.Thanks again for your precious help.
I just tried with no more success.
The same JSON parse error is showing.Could it be that the new version of the plugin has changed something about the mail sending technical configuration ?
If this is the case, the problem could be related specifically to the website’s host (which sometimes limitate some things on PHP for example).
Sorry, I thought translating was a good idea.
Here the form :
<p>Votre nom (obligatoire)<br /> [text* nom] </p> <p>Votre prénom<br /> [text prenom] </p> <p>Votre ville<br /> [text ville] </p> <p>Votre email (obligatoire)<br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Votre message<br /> [textarea message] </p> <p>[submit "Envoyer"]</p>
[firstname] [lastname] == [prenom] [nom]
So no issue on this.
But then again, my fault.
You’re right.
I totally mixed up the letters…
I’ll be more careful next time.Any lead on the possible cause ?
<[email protected]>
is not an existing e-mail as the website does not have any.In the previous version, it was configured with the admin e-mail
<[email protected]>
but as it is not possible to do so now, I saw only that one possibility.I admit I had a hard time after the last update when configuring the “to:” and I did not find a useful example online…
For :[email protected]
To :[lastname] <[email protected]>
Subject :Message du formulaire "Contactez-nous"
Additional headers : none
Body :De : [firstname] [lastname] <[your-email]>
Corps du message :
Cet e-mail a été envoyé via formulaire de contact le Monastère Saint Geny https://www.monasteresaintgeny.frHTML format : checked
Attached files : none
———————————–There’s a 2nd E-mail too.
For :[your-email]
To :Monastère Saint Gény <[email protected]>
Subject :Confirmation
Additional headers : none
Body :Votre message a bien été envoyé au monastère Saint Gény.
Nous y apporterons la plus grande attention.
Soyez s?r de nos prières. Avec nos religieux sentiments en Christ.Monastère orthodoxe Saint Gény – Lectoure – Gers.
Patriarcat de Belgrade.
Diocèse de France et d’Europe OccidentaleHTML format : checked
Attached files : none
———————————–I hope this is helping, and it’ll be a relief if it’s only some configuration to change.
In advance, thank you.
You can see the forms on :
https://www.monasteresaintgeny.frLeft menu go to :
“Nous contacter” > “Message”or else :
“Nous contacter” > “Intentions de prière”You can test 2 of the forms there.
Thanks a lot for your time on this issue.
(⌒▽⌒)☆Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Configuration Error: email address outside of domain+1 to this ??
Last week was about reconfiguring every CF7 on the WordPress websites I manage. It wasn’t pleasant, nor seemed logical to the specific usage made of the forms. And during several days, as the problem was discovered when users tried to use the form, no form was usable… it’s a shame, who knows what new contacts were lost this way ?
A standard, big website, will certainly like the idea of using a “[email protected]” e-mail.
On the other hand, a small community website prefers a “[email protected]” while dealing with people more used to the possibility to reply to any e-mail.
Letting the user decide, is a better choice I believe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Molds] No Parent ProductsSorry for the long time without answer.
I’ve been quite busy.About this problem, it may be resolved with the updated version I just released.
Try the update and tell me if it isn’t fixed.Have a nice day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] All days in weekJust thought of one last thing that may be important for you.
This follows my second post about the issue.Read this only if you need one class as page/post on your website, and the class happens several days a week.
Remember I said “create one class with all the infos and assign it one day, like the first” ?
It’s a bit tricky, cause, as you’ve seen it, when you select several days for one class post, only the last one shows up in the schedule.
But you not only want the class to appear in the schedule for each day selected, you also want your class post to show the right infos about the days like “Physics | Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…”Just do as I explained earlier :
1 class post with all the infos
copycats assigned to the other daysWith one change, maybe a bit tricky to understand :
1 class post with all the infos assigned to ALL the days needed
copycats assigned to the other days except the lastBecause a class post assigned to several days will only show on the schedule in the last day, that’s why.
I know I should provide a more flexible Easy Classes on many points, I’m just not having enough time at the moment.
The trick may seem complicated (I talk a lot with full details that’s why) but you’ll see it’s just a few clicks in order to make it work your way.Rest assured I keep these kind of needs for further improvements of Easy Classes.
Thanks for your five stars review ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] All days in weekIn case you meant you want 1 class to run over several days, I’m afraid you need to create a copycat of the class for each day.
You just need a title, you can leave the rest blank (but teacher and/or room is recommended).
That’s how you do it simply put :
Create one class with full description and infos if you need it to appear on your website as a page/post (just grab its link and put it at the right place in your menu). Assign it the first day, monday for example.Then just create a clone for each following day having the same class.
It needs at the minimum the same title (you can assign a teacher or room to appear on the schedule though).So for a class like “Physics”, I create a class for tuesday, paste it the title “Physics”, then one for wednesday and so on ??
Then in the schedule page, you’ll have the same class title appearing like 6 times (if it runs on 6 days for example), just select the same color for them and you’ll have a good looking schedule.
Hope those explanations were clear enough ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] All days in weekIt should work this way :
Under the “Classes” menu there is a submenu Days.
You just have to create all the days (it’s just like creating a category) you want to show in your schedule.For example, you create “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” in the Days submenu, and only those days will show up in your schedule.
You don’t need to assignate a class to these days, to make them appear.On the schedule page, under “Days” there is in fact a possibility of ordering the days if they aren’t english (language for which the ordering is automatic).
Don’t worry about this option if you don’t need it ??I hope I’ve answered your question.
Though it seems that your problem may come from not correctly selecting the full “schedule code” generated (right click -> select all -> copy) to paste it into the page you want it to appear.
Otherwise if you’ve created 6 days, 6 days will always appear in the schedule. If you’re still having a problem, check for template compatibility problem, like the design cutting of part of the schedule or something like that…
Let me know if your problem is solved ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] I can't see the classes into the ScheduleAnswer moved to proper, separate topic ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] I can't see the classes into the ScheduleThe problem was caused because the website is multilingual. I easily managed to adapt the query for properly getting the classes.
Though, the schedule colours aren’t saved properly for the moment, it’s harder to modify the queries here. I’m working on it.
There will be an update today that will at least resolve the getting of the classes for multilingual sites.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] I can't see the classes into the ScheduleI’m glad that the plugin is useful to you !
I’ll do my best to solve this schedule problem.2. One problem solved ! ??
3. Teachers post are useful for creating presentations pages for teachers, the classes are automatically listed (example here, don’t mind the design, it isn’t great : )
I suggested to create one in order to see if there was a problem with publishing custom post types, but now that your class posts are published, it seems the problem is elsewhere.
4. 5. 6. Okay so your website is totally fine, and the problem may be in the function getting the classes.This is the function by the way :
function eac_get_classes() { global $wpdb; $classes = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'easyclass' AND post_status = 'publish'" ); return $classes; }
The schedule is getting the hours and days, so it isn’t a database connection problem…
I think the problem may come from $wpdb->get_results, but it’s a WordPress standard function, and it’s hard to known what is going wrong with it. We need to know what the query $wpdb->get_results returns.
You can handle this yourself if you wish to.
Click on “Editor” in the submenu of “Plugins”. At the top right of the page select Easy Classes in the list, and click ok (or “select” I don’t how the ok button is called, I use the french version).
In the file list on the right, click on easy-classes/schedule.phpYou’ll see at the top of the page the function I was talking about :
## Get posts by custom post type 'easyclass' ## function eac_get_classes() { global $wpdb; $classes = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'easyclass' AND post_status = 'publish'" ); return $classes; }
Add it that line :
Like here, just before “return $classes” :
## Get posts by custom post type 'easyclass' ## function eac_get_classes() { global $wpdb; $classes = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'easyclass' AND post_status = 'publish'" ); var_dump($classes); return $classes; }
Click on update the file and after it’s updated go refresh the schedule admin panel.
It will print informations (massively if the classes are found and you have a lot on your website /or/ short, empty info if the classes aren’t found).Though, I can check what’s wrong myself if you seem to trust me enough for this. I’m honoured, by the way, just be careful to not give admin access like that to anybody, after all we’re on the internet ??
You can email at [email protected]
Best regards,
Melina.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Classes] I can't see the classes into the ScheduleHi,
First I recommend updating Easy Classes to 1.1 if you haven’t already done it. It’s better we talk about the same version ??
I have already encountered the 404 page problem with classes. It’s a common problem with custom post types, you need to visit the permalinks admin panel, as it updates the htaccess file.
Try that first.If it still doesn’t work but the preview works, it could mean the publish function of WordPress for custom post types is broken.
Try creating a “teacher” post, and see if it publishes correctly on the site. Let me know if teacher posts are working.Are the classes displaying above the schedule, as a list ? If that’s the case, it means they are correctly saved in your database, and the problem lies somewhere in the schedule function. In that case it will be hard for me to know why your database doesn’t work with the function, as I only use WordPress functions to connect to the database, but I’ll try.
With the infos you gave me, my guess is a problem with the “publish” status of the posts, because beside from this class posts problem, everthing seems to work fine, and the function getting the class posts is quite simple, requiring only two things : an “easyclass” post type & a “publish” status. If for any reason (another plugin causing this ? WP bug ?) the class posts aren’t really published, it would explain why they don’t appear in the schedule.
The difficulty with a bug like this is to know if it comes from your version of WordPress, or another plugin installed… Tell me the version of WP you have, it will help me find a solution.
Best regards,