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  • I downloaded and installed next gen and next gen PRO today, got it up and running and then ran into this same problem.

    I followed the instructions to create a nggallery folder in my theme folder and copy over the gallery.php file. Editing this file does not affect anything.

    I’ve done quite a bit of searching, and can not seem to find clear documentation for implementing template changes for the pro grid album or for the thumbnail grid that displays for pages within the album.

    It’s very frustrating, what should be taking me minutes is now stringing into hours. I just want the captions to show and to add a download button with the triggers. This shouldn’t take so much research!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: flickr plugin for photosets
    Thread Starter mellowvision


    No one has any ideas on this?

    this just destroyed a site I have in development too. looking for an easy way to revert.

    The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
    Here are some suggestions:
    Reload this webpage later.
    HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

    Thread Starter mellowvision


    I find it hard to believe no one’s had this issue occur…

    Thread Starter mellowvision


    sorry to bump, but this is a pressing issue for us.

    this won’t work for me, and a few searches make me think google shut this feature off… but dont quote me on that.

    I’m also having issues with every other method of importing a blog from blogger to wordpress, including the google blog converter, which is mashing my blog with others before returning a wordpress file.

    I’m really hoping wordpress steps up with a solution.

    I have had the same issue, everytime I run a xml file through blogger2wordpress, I get a mixed bag of posts from several authors… and many of the posts I’m looking for vanish.

    So as far as I can see, there is currently no viable option for importing a blogger blog into wordpress.

    I don’t even have a lot of posts to manage here, just 250 posts, without comments. There are a ton of embedded flash movies, as well as uploaded images.

    I’ve tried authorizing blogger to share info with wordpress on my own server, and receive no posts, no nothing. it just doesn’t do anything.

    I’ve tried converting from ftp to blogspot, then importing from a blogspot blog into a hosted blog, and I lose all attachments, even if I opt to download them.

    I’ve tried uploading the blogger xml file to a blog, and lose attachments.

    I’ve tried downloading the blogger xml, and running it through blogger2wordpress several times. Each time I get multiple blogs of content, but not all of my own… it DOES keep SOME of the attachments though.

    With blogger’s deadline looming, this is a serious issue. I really hope someone from wordpress notices this issue and supplies a working fix. For instance, why can’t I choose to upload the blogger xml file directly to my own server, the way I can on the hosted site? How can I keep the attachments?




    I checked the box “organize into subsets by month and year” in the options, and now get this error

    Unable to create directory /home/virtual/site36/fst/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2006/11. Is its parent directory writable by the server?



    I was able to chmod wp-content and it created the uploads folder, but still cannot move the image into it. I can see that the folder was created. I tried to chmod it to 777 but the server wouldn’t allow it. I am now getting the same message…

    The uploaded file could not be moved to .



    I am having this issue as well. Upon initial install, there was no uploads folder that I could see… even after creating an uploads folder manually using ftp, images are not placed there, and I still get the “images could not be moved to .” statement.

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