Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feed Broken :(go to your plugins folder and begin to open every .php file one by one.
then: scroll down each file down to the bottom until you encounter “?>” without the quotes.
example php file:
text... code ..
some more code...
bla bla ..
look if there is any “space” right AFTER or BELOW the “?>” or if there is even a “return” (new line).
Delete any white-space after this and save the php. Any php/plugin file may not end with a empty line or space!
Note: Backup all your plugins before you do that!
I did that with all my files and then my feed was working again.
Edit: and dont delete any text or code.. just the last line of the file needs to be checked for empty spaces… and if there is no ?> on the end of the file then move on to the next.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, FlexibleThe child has a name!
From ment-blox to BloxPress.
I have just openend a site dedicated to this theme project over at
Infos about further development will be posted there. My website will be furthermore my beta/demonstration page.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, FlexibleVersion 4.2 RoundUp:
– Direct Links didnt work. Now fixed, added GET wrapper for WordPress
– Removed AJAX-loading from search results (messed up drag/drop)
– Removed various Highlights (yellow flashs, suggest: Kassad)
– Cleaned Comments AJAX
– Removed hidden Garbage container which caused trouble (reported: Kassad)
– Added 3 step post reading (ajax)
1 step: loading page: excerpt only
2 step: clicked on more: content only
3 step: clicked on comments: load comments– Introduced Layout-Presets
– Fixed DOM issues and onload stuff
– System is now complete modular and flexible
– Added custom template_tags### upcoming
adding cookie system. another interesting feature i want to invent is based on this step. since the cookie is stored on visitors harddisk, the cookie COULD influence the layout of any page running my system!1 layout, all blogs with the theme will be able to read and use it…no matter how they look like. example: have archives block, search block, always on top.. everywhere!
or create a complete other look. basicly: you can make a layout on Blog A and also use it on Blog B ??ill explain more on that topic later. dont want to say too much. stay tuned ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexiblei am up to great things, even greater then already. i think 10-12 days is a good guess. i need at least another full weekend. during the week my regular job takes a good amount of time.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexibleokay. there are some issues right now. The main one is, that i somehow killed the permlinks ^^ .. linking to a post directly aint possible anymore since i am now having “active content” only.
but i am already up to figure out a way. maybe some sort of wrapper wp <> my theme ??
You can find a feature, todo and coming-soon list in my most recent post at
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, FlexibleVersion 4.2 is live!
Choose layout style beneath the Header!!?? .. this is completly dynamic. just need to write an admin plugin. some issues tho with the positions of columns. please test it. im not saying its perfect, but nearly..
check it out. thank you ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexibleits beta. no download yet. as you can see i have alot on my mind with this, so please be patient. this beauty needs care ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexibleyes. the whole deal.
i have a “blox” folder in my theme with all the small scripts and wp-tags which normal themes have in their sidebars. now while i ripped that into tiny pieces, you could basicly put everything in there and as much as you want.
freely modifiable “modules/plugins”. you can also ad an unlimited amount of “columns”. sky is the limit!!
you just give the script a list of columns and modules and hit the load button.. thats it. you could basicly do a complete AJAXed 5 column layout with the full CSS power if you like to ?? .. or even 20 columns and 50 boxes with tons of stuff. the style and functions wont break!
i think thats really a FRAME to get started. imagine making visitors able to completly redesign your site. not only drag/drop.. adding content and columns!
about compatibility: the “big browsers” are fully supported. i used a brandnew Web2.0 javascript framework, powered by the “prototype” api, which is very common in todays huge web applications online. i had no issues so far, but as we all know… you can always run into trouble. if so, ill find a solution.
heres a small configuration script: (i can define “presets” this way)
“preset” is named “default” and has 2 blocks on the left, the posts in the center and 2 other blocks on the right.
i’m working with numbers.. thats why you can add as many as you want. ajax loads it all and there you go..
$layout["default"][$col[0]][] = $modules['archive'];
$layout["default"][$col[0]][] = $modules['cats'];
$layout["default"][$col[1]][] = $modules['post'];
$layout["default"][$col[2]][] = $modules['amazon'];
$layout["default"][$col[2]][] = $modules['stuff'];
for example.. if i put in now $col[3] then i have a four-column theme, etc…you could also define new presets and link them on your site, or in a easy dropdown like seen in the “theme switcher” plugin.. only it’s all live n nice. ??
this will rock! ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, FlexibleKassad:
Fetching content via AJAX ? Please do it! I am not sure but it may effect positively overall site performance.Actually the site is ajax enabled. The user gets on first launch only the excerpts of all the posts. if he click on “more..” the content is loaded over ajax (indicated by the small animated clock under the posttitle).
1. Theme design:
If you “wrap” the sidebar and content boxes and give the option to “use/do not use” or “on/off” then the user would be able, kind of, make an on-line design, choosing layouts (two/three colum) positioned (left/right), etcIm working on this at the moment. All blocks are actually already generated over PHP. The Layout is now nothing more then just a list of numbers. Now i only need to call this over ajax and some buttons and the user is able to flip around the whole content, randomize, sort, hide, choose from onsite layout templates, etc… ??
I’m close!! ??
once i got that i just need to write a small script to save this layout (list of numbers) and it’s done!
modular themes & web2.0, here i come..
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexiblehehe.. erm.. i tried another style of making a tableless layout, but the footer was bugging me. before i put now hours into this i just make the overall size 99% instead of 80%, making more room for the columns what should stop the breaking.
btw.. fixed a major ajax bug in IE (wasnt working at all), and in my research you can scale the window in IE down to 882pixels at current state.
i dont expect problems on IE + 1024. sorry for that, but i was more into functionality recently.
Also, since the i hacked the comments templates, the site aint valid on single post view anymore.. i have no idea where it is.. and actually the code is so huge that tinker on that small particular bug is too time consuming. HTML tidy just throws random erros. i bet i forgot some closing tag in between the http-gets .. bah. evil.
i rather work on my next version 4.2 for now which will be overworked alot. if i change now the base files to much i need to synch alot of old crap tho..
i hope this temporary quick adjust works out.
im back to desk ??-mentor
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible to download the entire Codex for off-line reading/printing?ow, t’is nice! thank you. ??
EDIT: is mirroring allowed? i guess that might be of interst to some of my visitors.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Theme!: Drag n Drop Layout, Three columns, Flexiblethanks. i hope i can make the layout saving possible soon.
that would bring me and wordpress to another level. what i wanna do is to make visitors able to not only save the frontend by drag & drop.
the idea i mentioned in the first place is, that visitors can search for content and then make it static.
let’s say you have a site about “cars” and you offer your visitors “reviews” about various models. A user now comes to your websites and would like to compare those reviews.usually he can achive this by opening new windows or tabs in his browser which could be quite frustrating after a while depending on his research.
With the technique i want to develope in this theme, everything a user would need to do is type in some “models” into the live-search (ajax), click on a result and a new dynamic draggable block gets created in between all the default ones.
Now while we are having here the possibilty to sort content live, he could take these new blocks and line them up as he likes to. Okay.. this is what we have now basicly
The big final is: He could actually save this combination of content for later review! Bookmark it.. Any time he gets back to the page his choice of content is presented the way he wanted it.
it’s like sticking notes on any website. but the notes are the content somewhere in depths of the sites archive!
i bet this will bring up alot new thoughts on how to create and present content within wordpress.
if you have any more ideas like this, please share to really get the best out of this upcoming theme.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: before and after for wp_list_cats()hi all. i kinda need the same..
This post is ment to be a suggestion for upcoming versions.
i need to extend the li-elements with an ID= for my supercool javascript i’m planning to bring into the wordpress world (hehe) ??
We, as developers, should be able to have BEFORE / AFTER on all ouput-returning-functions, and just get the really plain unformatted data returned from the builtin functions.
i kinda feel limited actually but otoh havin alot plans for my next theme. But.. i cant make them become reality without start hacking WP itself.
Sure, i could just stfu and start hacking as much as i need (hell, its open source), but i would like to share my work after some time.
i think the common list functions (all output functions) need to be extended. As for older-themes compatibility make li-element default, while making it possible to edited them.
pages output actually is
<li id=page_item><a href=..>Some page</a></li>
why? .. i would prefer output like,:
<a href=..>Some page</a>
and be able to make function calls like
list_pages('before="» "', '<br />');
I know i could recreate all this by CSS, but if i need to know each element of a list i need to give them IDs. Furthermore, most of the time i need to css-mod basic HTML elements like ol,li,ul just to get a plain link list w/o indents.
thats not smart in my opinion. if wordpress would like to grow it must become more flexible in the future (with these particular functions). hardcoded design elements are a strict no-no.
btw.. some plugin coders also really should check a) validation and b) never put fixed styles into their source..
regards, m3nt0r.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying links to more than one postcheck this plugin out:
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: This is an elementary question!yes. you could even create child-categories, and you can post to more then one of them. wordpress supports posting to multiple-categories.
i pick up the term “mini-blogs”, made up by Cypher:
if you want to have more then one blog you could create for each blog one MAIN-category, like: blog1, blog2, blog3.. etc.then you could create CHILD-categories into them to simulate a new blog, like:
blog1 -> about, news, misc (maintained by you)
blog2 -> about, news, misc (maintained by someone) would simulate multiple blogs this way.
some more answers:
you can have multiple authors in wordpress.
you cant have different designs per category.
you cant set special author permissons per category.
you can use permalinks to have smart urls to the categories(blogs)regards,
– mentor