Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Popularity Contest adds 200 hits to new blogi think that happens because popularity contest is a counter. so it has to be everywhere where people a clicking.
i have my most hits on some javascripts and css files..
you need to understand what a “hit” is: a hit is nothing more then a HTTP GET-Request. Let’s say your page consist of 10 files (images, css, scripts) and you get 1 visitor, he will generate 10 hits.. basicly.. cause that happens only if he really downloads the whole site.
if he clicks by mistake, hits abort for some reason or using the back-button, he wont finish the download of the full document.
BUT: he will at least receive some files.
And because css, counterscripts and such are placed on top of any page (head), those are being loaded most. More then the normal content and thus generating the most/more hits.
i hope i explained it understandable… its still early for me (plus, i’m german and my english is sometimes…. ^^)
however.. only check for the visitors/computers.
hits are just the files downloaded.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to display sidemenu on article pages?hummm.. put <?php get_sidebar(); ?> somewhere at the end of your archive-template (archive.php)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ADVENTURE theme released!i love it. i follows a straight line and has a nice set of colors. i like the overlappin stamp in the header. well done!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical poststhe funny thing with that postnav issue is: It’s only on IE! maybe i will just give it some width and height values to play around. mostly that solves problems in IE. hang on ??
the postnav flow across:
im not sure actually if that is really the case, but i think i forgot to adjust its own width to the new smaller value of the iframe. you said that it could happen once there are more posts, but: their wont be any more then the last 10 posts to navigate. the iframe is ment to be a replacement for the vertical scrolling of the recent 10, not more. i dont see problems in the future.i had a look at the english guy’s theme but i simply didnt understand how he did it. since im not really good in javascript i couldnt follow the code behind the theme. maybe i just go ask him once.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please review my siteWhat i love most is how the posts look like. the background-color and font is perfect to read.
but also i agree to kassads suggestions and there is also something i had noticed:
“” took ages to load. this linked content has impact to your websites performance. if you dont really need it i suggest to remove the content or copy it to your own (faster) webserver.
sometimes it’s better to host by yourself then to rely on other sites.. once they are down your website has to be updated. i would try to avoid this.
keep it going. good job ??
mentorForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postsHeya. I fixed that by now. My size calculations were bad. sidbars are 170 each, thus 340 total and iframe was 650. i thought it was okay since this makes it below 1000. i always forget about that margin / padding sizes. ??
my resolution was 1280×1024, but i used the resize function of the web-dev toolbar. humm.. mabye i shouldn’t count on that this much. after reading your post i lowered my resolution to 1024 and the problem you described was still there.
for the future:
i will try to make the iframe autosize. the tricky part of that will be to “attach” the inner-post-widths to the width of the frame which gets resized by its parent.. *sigh* .. that will be hard to achieve, i think. if someone knows something about this already, gimme a shout. might need help added some nice header and i found my so-called “final color theme”.
edit: the design is flexible/elastic .. but not on the startpage cause there is the only static content! if i can break that up also i think it will totally rock. lets see if it works out… normal text is wrapped and nothing is blocking the resizing. cept you reach with one sidebar the other.. but who has 400px screen ? ^_^
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postsWeee! i got it done!
* UPDATE 25/09/05 *
– No HTML Tables
– No fixed width
– No scrollbarsYou can even resize this to PocketPC size and its still usable. (of course not if you are on index + iframe)
The second sidebar which is hidden in the first place now is included into the main content area so that full-text wraps around it. Beautiful!!
Check out various Browsershots here:“no difference” equals “good job”.
Now it’s time for some more AJAX ??Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a place to see everyone that has a given themeTry this:
Search on Google for the Theme Credits. I copied the first line of your footnotes. You need to find something in the theme that wont change. look for keywords, like the theme name. this is what i put in, without quotes:
“Powered by WordPress with Pool theme design by Borja Fernandez.”
Heres a link to my results: you can apply this trick to other themes too. Most themes have a special footnote as credits to the author.
enjoy.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postslol!!!
i found that bug. I was wondering why my debugger didn’t show all css elements/classes defined in the sheet. i put somewhere within the CSS a single quote (“) after an closing semicolon. (doh!)
background-color: #aaa;”
font-size …that broke everything below ..
i found it by performing a “check css” in TopStyle and because it was suspicous that the links had the default blue color.
argh! this hurts.. wasted the whole day on it. i should have installed that prog earlier.
The header still needs an extra DIV tho. no idea why.. the div right after body is closed in the footer .. but now, since i close the page div right at the header i can remove it entirly. no use to have it there anyways.
now it’s time for making the css work in IE and then i will start adding more functions. (finally!) ??
thanks kassad!!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postsKassad: could you tell me where?
i really kept an eye on the code. i commented every begin and end of a div, which makes the templates really easy to read (even the “view source” works ok).
i wasn’t able to find a hole in the code. it validates fine aswell. i think this might be a css issue, but i also made commented sections there, using tabstops, etc…
i just dont get it.
please help!how to fix good looking code? ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postsHi all. I just woke up and finished the version using no tables at all. It’s all fine in firefox. The content now wraps around the second sidebar. you can resize the window as much as you want. so far, so good.
the only problem i have is that the internet explorer does not show ANYTHING at all! Only the header with description and logo.png.
i have no idea why this happens. i am not using negative values to hide something etc… i only use some position absolute but with top:0 left:10, so no big deal. even IE should get this right.
the page loads fine and the html-source is all there. i deleted my temp folder cause i thought he was using an outdated CSS, but that isnt the case. waaaa! i was about to get done :/
any ideas? you can check out the theme on FIREFOX only. go to “more..” -> “themes” -> “dont-touch! / dev!”. If you switch on IE there is most likley no way back at the current state.
PS: i would like to have a good on-the-fly css editor for IE like that EditCSS extension for FF. if you know one, plz share.
ttfn. regards, mentor
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical postsomg. i have too many tabs. currently removing tables from the theme.. whatta mess. heh.
iframes why:
iframes don’t have weird sideeffects in firefox compared to css-overflow. they are technically better embeded. in my first attempt i used “pixel waypoints” instead of calculating the innerHTML y-size. i simply used scrollLeft + the size of a post. it was “ok” but in FF the layer flickered above the other elements while moving. that looked pretty ugly…how to perform? these are possible ways (maybe there are more):
- overflow + scrollLeft(-/+ ##px)
- overflow + anchor (no js, guess with js it flickers)
- iframe + scrollLeft & smooth
- iframe + anchor & smooth (actual, solid)
what we could try to find out is, how to smoothscroll an overflow box while calling the (inner)anchor. i have a script which is filtering anchors and supposed to smoothscroll from one anchor to another, but afaik overflow boxes have no real body to make the js interact with… (i.o.words: no end, no startpoint, nothing to catch)but maybe i’m all wrong.
couldn’t find good sources regarding this topic the web is full of text scrollers and what i need is not a smooth scrolling ovfl-newsticker ?? (google..waaaa!) .. anyways.. i think this hasn’t been done yet.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new theme! Ajax & Vertical poststhanks all.
the actual input already made me think. the nifty graphics will follow as soon the base layout is more stable.
ideas as a result of the input:
– using jscript to autosize the iframe, making the horizontal controls surplus.
– adding text-zoom controls. maybe mouse controlled (i.ex: doubleclick on post adds X to font-size.)
– getting rid of those tables. they do what i needed and IE really likes them, but they are not part of what i define as nice xhtml code.
– complete dragable layout. “that cookie swap-content thing got me started”
– optimize scrolling. auto-size “inner” content (big one)
– switching from iframe to div, since searchengines might not spider. If they spider, then write some jscript to prevent hotlinking to frame. (always wrap page)@jalenack: Sure, why not. Liked your Crimson theme :). But i wanna first make this one solid. The files are still “warm” ;).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Side bar moving down below post?(e) = Edit this .. thats only visible for administrators.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please check out my blog…i’m glad i could help. dunno what color your refferin to, but some major colors can be applied without hex. like “green”, “yellow” and also variations like “lightgreen”, “darkgreen”.