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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons] Price not adjustingCan you please share screenshots of the conditions setup for fields on the wink-business-cards page? We don’t see any conditional logic set on the luxe-branding-collection-with-website-2 page. Also, what type of plugin do you use, free or premium, and what version of Conditional Logic and what version of Woo Product Add-ons?
We can’t replicate the issue, since it relates on your theme specifics. We could take a look closer if you can share credential to your site (staging preferably). To do so safely, you can create ticket from your wp-admin/plugins – contact us (here –
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew] Support for Woo Subscriptions1/ We have tested your case – early renewal through checkout after price adjustments when Role based pricing plugin is enabled. And everything went well, Woo Subs still uses the old price on early renewal, you can watch our test here –
2/ That’s weird you don’t see the early renewal popup – it’s another indication that something is wrong, since as we can see you have the option enabled in the Woo Subs settings.
3/ What payment getaway do you use?
4/ Can you please ensure you use our plugin’s latest version, WooCommerce, and Woo Subscriptions? Since we cannot reproduce the problem you have on the same setup.
Sorry, it’s not clear what you mean by “select option for each product thumnail that has an add on”. It would be better if you could provide links to check the behaviour and screenshot of your conditions from addons.
Also note, when field is hidden by condition and it’s set to be required – it will not be required anymore, and product will get to the cart.
Sure, the “selectWoo” type of search input isn’t used everywhere, as it doesn’t make sense to use it in selectors where options are limited. However, when it comes to searching through a wide range of products or categories, WooCommerce offers this type of input for a better user experience. The default limitation of 3 characters is most likely designed to prevent continuous heavy requests to the database. Certainly, those input parameters can be adjusted in the plugin itself.
We add requests like yours to our backlog and then prioritize them for upcoming updates. We consider how helpful they are for our users and assess whether they have any negative impact, such as affecting performance for others. If it doesn’t cause any harm and is beneficial, it may be included in one of the next updates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew] Support for Woo SubscriptionsWe have subscribed for a $15/month plan –, then added rules to to adjust price for the role ($7.50) –, the renewal cost stays the same if you renew through modal ($15) –, since product doesn’t go through checkout and price doesn’t get adjusted. When you choose to go through checkout and price gets adjusted – then it simply renews with new price without any issues –
The same works for switching between subscription variations (that’s we suppose what you mean by “change the frequency”. When switching to another subscription variation product goes through the checkout (even if cost is the same) and switch goes well, since payment getaway get pinged with new subscription data.
There’s no obligation to keep the subscription cost the same for whole period, if subscription product goes through checkout – new data is send by Woo Subs to payment getaway and therefore payments don’t fail.
So we suppose you either use some other plugins that affect the process of switching and renewal, or had Woo Subscriptions customised. Since it works well with adjusted price by Role Based Pricing plugin. ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew] Support for Woo SubscriptionsThe plugin is compatible with subscription-based products. It simply doesn’t fit the cases when subscribers renew manually on the product, which price has changed. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for this, since there’s no way to determine and hook in subscriptions that are triggered to renew manually to stop the plugin from adjusting cost. You also cannot stop the plugin from performing on the cart level, since it’s vital for many other cases.
We have added this issue to our backlog and will consider it in future plugin versions.
Hi Rune,
The plugin utilizes the common selectWoo (select2) input, which has limits set to 3 characters to start the search. So the issue for your store may happen with a lot of plugins that use select2 inputs.
You can add custom JS to your site (that applies to wp-admin) to make all the select2 type of inputs adjust minimumInputLength parameter to 2 characters. Here is the sample of JS you can apply:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Delay the modification until other scripts might have initialized setTimeout(function() { var $select = $('.select2-search__field').closest('.select2-container').prev('select'); // Backup the original options and settings var originalOptions = $'select2').options.options; // Update the minimumInputLength setting originalOptions.minimumInputLength = 2; // Destroy and reinitialize $select.select2('destroy').select2(originalOptions); }, 2000); // 2 seconds delay, you can adjust this value as needed });
It simply waits until the field is initialized (to keep current field settings) and then reinitializes it with adjusted min characters requirements. If your page requires more than 2 seconds to initialize, you can increase the 2000 value in the script.
There are a lot of free plugins that may help you add custom JS, like Simple Custom CSS and JS – Or you can simply add a JS file and enqueue in the functions.php file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons] Add support for WC AppointmentsHello,
Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ve received clarification from the WooCommerce team regarding the use of Product Add-ons within the WC Appointments plugin. According to WooCommerce, they do not have an official partnership with WC Appointments that permits the integration of Product Add-ons as part of their Appointments plugin.
As we maintain a collaborative relationship with WooCommerce, it’s our policy to only support plugins that adhere to their authorized usage guidelines. Therefore, we regret to inform you that we cannot extend support to plugins that utilize unauthorized or forked versions of WooCommerce software.
We appreciate your understanding on this matter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons] Add support for WC AppointmentsHi there,
We’re not sure how WC Appointments integrates Product Add-ons in their plugin. If that’s 100% the same code it should work out of the box when we enable their type of product. However, we would need to check with the Woo support team on this to figure out if bookingwp uses their code with their consent and if it’s updated regularly. Since if they are not synced or bookingwp utilities modified version of Product Add-ons, we won’t be able to support two different codebases for Conditional Logic. We will let you know how it goes.
Hi there,
You have already reached out to our support team directly. We have figured out that that’s how your theme displays the sale price, it doesn’t display crossed-out ranges, it only crosses the exact cost of the product (variation or simple product). WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew doesn’t have its own markup for sale prices, it simply sets role-based prices as sale prices and relies on the theme to display it appropriately. You can contact your theme support and ask if they have any tips on how to display sale price for variable products in the way you want it to be.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew] Error with wpallimportHi there,
We cannot provide support for premium version of plugin here according to the guidelines –
However, we see you have created a ticket through premium version support channel, so we will answer you there and close ticket here.
Meow Support
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons] Support for Composite ProductsHi there,
The plugin can only rely on the output of other fields of product add-ons or on selected product variation, there are no dependencies on options of composite product. And we don’t have it planned for the next release. We will add this feature to the backlog and see if there is any demand for it to be implemented in the future.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew] Wrong total calculationHey there,
We added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-ons in the 1.5.0. version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons] total not updatingHi there,
Can you please let us know if you got this fixed or if you still need our assistance? Otherwise, we’d need to close the ticket.