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  • Sorry for the delay Chip, I was resolving serious issues for the upgrading to WordPress 3.2.1. hosted service doesn’t allows plugins, so that is not the solution, Chip.

    The problem I see with this platform, is that plugins, themes, and framework are not controlled by the community. Incompatibility and hacking causes all the problem here. Right?

    So, third party cause the damage.

    It′s difficult to find out what plugin cause certain problems, and Chip, do you think if I surely know what is the name of the plugin I will going to post a question here?

    Right now, after export/import database. I had that RE-BUILT the entire site, deleted multisite and buddypress, and deleted totally broken plugins. It sounds you logical?

    Anyway, I still have a last problem, I hope. I′ve made a search here, and I found 2 posts about the broken mailchimp archive plugin, which create a cronjob every second. That is the problem.

    And Chip, what do you think I′ve found in those post? Nothing. They didn′t post the solution. And the plugin author is missing. The situation is that a problem like this doesn′t have to exist at all. So, this approach is wrong.

    Multisites and Buddypress as well, introduces another factor in the incompatibility problem, making the database more fragil.

    Do you think we are going in the rigth direction: thousands of possible problems “attacking” the platform, everyday.

    I am talking about that have to RETHINK all the approach to avoid hacking and incompatibility problems. We need ideas, what are yours Chip?

    What do you think if creates something like “release certification” for the WordPress release, to certify the plugins and themes? And please, don′t talk about that untrusted thing “broken yes or not” in the plugin page. I am talking about a developer team that test incompatibility and virus issues, in every plugin and theme uploaded here.

    If this trusted certification can′t be afforded, the incomptibility problems will kill the entire platform, and other more robust platform will take the users base. It′s simple like that.

    (Sorry for off topic)

    The problem was the user meta table was deleted because the upgrading process.

    Multisites and Buddypress makes very fragil to the WordPress platform.

    Thread Starter mercadder


    I resolved it.

    Thread Starter mercadder


    I resolved it. Usermeta table was deleted in the upgrade. Very fragil system by the way.

    Did you realize (Ikeltto and jdkoelsch) that you are not providing the solution? Not here, neither in your blog Ikelto.

    Where is the line of the code producing the error? It is mailchimp? isnt it?

    I have the same problem, I can see the mca_savepost_event running every minute. Where is the line?

    HOW can I resolved it?

    Thanks in advance.

    I can′t turn off some plugins since I can′t see the plugins tab.

    Almost because I’ve uploaded the pictures using URL in TinyMCE.

    Plugin tab in the dashboard left menu is missing. I can’t use plugin nor themes WordPress options.

    Ipstenu, the uploading problem is almost resolved, but now dissapear the plugin tab…

    I′ve reseting the plugin folder (rename the plugin folder…) but is still missing.

    I′ve deleted white spaces in the functions.php, but problem was there.

    Then, I′ve activated the TinyMCE, and uploaded the imagen using TinyMCE (from URL), and now it works: image is shown in the post…

    After upgrading to 3.2.1 this is the last issue I have: I can′t upload images, from computer nor URL uploading.

    This is the message:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /XXXXX/XXXXX/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2460

    (“X” only for protection)

    That happend in new and old posts. I reset plugins, and I only have at this moment: askimet,bad behavior, bit defender, exploit scanner, jetpack. Everything is updated. I am using last revision of Thesis, and wordpress multisites.

    I think wordpress 3.2 “broke” something in/with functions.php. ??


    What I′m trying to say is the must to control more as they are controlling right now the uploading of plugins or themes.

    This “scheme” of “open” is dangerous for the WordPress program and for the community growth itself. I just want to write on my blog, not to delete garbage every day.

    I repeat you: I never installed an outside of repository plugin or theme, and I have had SPAMs and SPLOGs and database garbage. I have 4 or 5 plugins for exploits, antivirus… Can you explain how could this happend? I′ve been almost a week offline, and now my blogs are with just the minimun settings.

    This situation reminds me the scheme of Android “open” system vs the “thank god” Apple closed system. This makes me believe that open software is just an temporary utopy.

    Back to the topic: May I know when will have another revesion, let′s say 3.2.2?

    I have the same problem: I′m using Thesis and WordPress, last revisions.

    The problem arises when you update the options in the Thesis Site Options or Design Options.

    I unnistall all the pulgins, deleted all caches, clean databases. The problem persists. In my case, I have problems with the width of content area, sidebar, text size and images uploads.

    Chip, it′s very easy to say the problem is the Theme, in this case not only Thesis framework, as per other users like gregor59.

    Chip, has to avoid this Theme issues happend, and has to control what kind of plugins people upload into the repository: only tested and free of spam, plogs, malware. I only upload plugins from the repository and my blog was totally infected with spam and splogs. WordPress community is in danger right now.

    Bluehost and multisite here. Sites are very slow, I noticed some huge slow sql-querys in my tmp folder, I′ve repaire and optimized, delete some plugins. Nothing, keeps running slow.

    Some times when I try to open the site from a third party, pingdom/tools for example, I get a message like “interrupted” or form iwebbtool: error.

    I had Mail Chimp Archive in WP 3.1 and made a total mess in my database. This plugin created a huge throttling, huge sql files…

    Very bad! I won′t reccomend it

    Thank you esmi!

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