I just installed and launched this editor today (9/08/18) and from the start this same error popped up. I am using the Chrome browser and when I have time, I will test Gutenberg on other browsers.
Pros: I love the ease of use and finally, more formatting options without resorting to numerous plug-ins. Gutenberg makes posting less of a task and this puts fun into the process, not just the result.
The only “Con” and it’s significant to me, is this error that caused me to lose my work. I rewrote it and began copy/pasting as I tried to get a draft to save and even took the risk to just click Publish, hoping that would work. I got the red “Failure to Update” error each time.
Finally, I reverted to Classic Editor and pasted my post there. It saved my drafts and published as it always did.
I love the idea of this editor and welcome the change to the limited, existing CE. Once I find consistent failure to save drafts and publish has been eliminated, I will probably return.
Keep up the good work!