Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Step-by-step for a beginner,pleaseForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Step-by-step for a beginner,pleaseForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: I need help with this theme’s Home and About sectionHey megagents, you were asking how to change the color of that strip where it says about me…
When you downloaded the theme, there should be folder in there called images or something close to that. Open the folder and find out what picture you want to change. Then using something photoshop or another program you have to change the color manually not using code then save the file.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress can’t find mySQLdid you upload the folder to your ftp?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: InstallationHey, Chiv is this the first time you uploaded wordpress? No upgrades correct?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Are you sure you want to edit this post?Ok I think i may have the cure. Turn off the saved feature. Inside your control panel on wordpress open up the theme editior and look to see if you have the autosave.php page or something close to it. If its there I highlighted the whole things and deleted it then i went into my ftp and when under wp-content/plugins and deleted the tab that says auto save.
It will look like it saves it and i have been messing with it trying to get it to mess up again but it looks like its holding.
I will be back if it messes up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Are you sure you want to edit this post?NOPE did not fix the problem over here. Still crashes. working on some fixes ideas and will post them when i can figure it out. Anymore help would be great.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: changing a bckgd header to a clickable headerin the side bar just make a link under the Nav area what says homepage. Thats the easiest way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp-slimstat problems!!!When you downloaded the slimstat program and unziped it. Did you upload it all to your server such as ? upload the whole folder
Then open up your webpage like this in the web browser of your choice.
Include the inc.stats.php file in your PHP wherever you would like stats to be counted. Use code similar to:
@include_once( $_SERVER[“DOCUMENT_ROOT”].”/slimstat/inc.stats.php” );
Copy and paste this in to what ever page you want counted. Thats about it. I run mine seperate from wordpress. I just added the code in to my main page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Misinterpretation of theme’s comment header linesNot sure what you are meaning but it sounds like you are linking something or you took some code out and the line crashed and is showing up someplace this it should not. Like the code shows up on your webpage. This has happened to me if thats the case. What i did was to erase the style sheet and upload a new fresh copy using your ftp. When you open your NEW style sheet. go in and crash eachline or each segment and reload your webpage.
What this will do is show you where the problem lays. if you crash it only take out one letter if something reads “h3” just remove the “h” this will mess up some text on your page.
If the crash is not where you want it. Move on. I had to print the style sheet out and crashed a section then found that it did and wrote it down so i could go in later and work things out.
Hope this helped
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: tiny letters in IE but in Firefox works perfectHey Rob,
If you open your site in IE and at the top of the page click on VIEW it is at the top.. FILE…. EDIT…VIEW.
Click on TEXT SIZE most likely it is set to small. but it to medium and that should work
let me know
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Help…you want to know how a page is made or how to change the page to something diffrent. Colors, sizes?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Are you sure you want to edit this post?That was so sweet, it works like a charm. The only problem I had with the uploading again was that I had to remove the (js) folder from my webpage ftp area. Then upload a FRESH (js) folder in the ASCii and it will work. It did for me with out a headache and I posted things and took my sweet time.
You guys rock !!!!!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Must Have WWW (After Upgrade)looks the same on my end
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: why can’t I delete unwanted THEMES ? (post 2.0.4 upgrade)i think i had something like that happen and i typicly use a ftp program instead of going to my host or www service provider.
I found out that it was alot easier to go through my host or the person i have the web page with such as lunarpages and go to my control panel on there and then to my ftp. I could get rid of everything.
If you cant get rid of it after that. It would be there is nothing for it to get rid of. Maybe try uploading the files again and dumping the whole folder at once