Forum Replies Created
hey wanted to let you know I just committed version 1.0.5
it supports hierarchical categories and allows developer to utilize the slugs such as /media/[media category]/
1) any suggestions on how to accomplish this? I put in a forum question but no one has responded.
2) in my enhancement list
3) fixed sorta
try version 1.0.4 I am trying to only implement the jquery embed on the sort page. I could not find a way to implement the js any other way.
Thanks. Let me know if this helps
Try version 1.0.4 of this plug-in. I made the js only implement for the sort page so that should resolve any js conflicts on the menu system that this plug-in could affect.
Let me know thanks.
Just committed version 1.0.4 that changes the way the select is implemented. Let me know if this solves your problem.
Hi Cobalt,
Those are some great suggestion. I will be sure to add them to the enhancements list.
Thanks for helping make this plug-in better!
I just committed version 1.0.4 that changes how the select was being implemented. So now it will show up on the media upload as well.
Thanks for helping make this plug-in better!
no need. I found the issue you are talking about. It has to do with how I generate the select via javascript and since the flash upload is done on the fly it doesnt get a chance to run the script. Will look into fixing here shortly.
I will try adding this to the next release.
Thanks Mr. pantsonhead!
can you post a screenshot to
you may have been using IE. I was using indexOf in one of my js files. I have since switched to using $.inArray. Try downloading version 1.0.3
Version 1.0.3 fixed this issue. Thanks for pointing this out.
thanks for catching that. I did a bad copy and paste.
rcain can you post your fix to pastebin. thanks
I will do so. Thanks lilqhgal!