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  • It seems that you don’t have a page named Facebook Events.
    You should add the page & create a template for this page, if you want to display events on it.
    Documentation for templates is here Page Templates

     * Template Name: Facebook Events
    get_header(); ?>
    /* your code here */
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    For code examples, check the developer website.

    Could you post a link to your website?

    Try this: go to your Settings → Permalinks page, click Save changes and visit the event page again.

    I’m not sure, but maybe it will work for tracking:
    open /wp-content/plugins/store-locator/sl-functions.php and on line 1208, replace

    $button_style.=" onclick=\"showLoadImg('show', 'loadImg');\"";


    $button_style.=" onclick=\"_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Locations', 'Search locations']);\"";

    Location is the event category and Search locations is the action

    Use .val() if you want to retrieve the value of an input field:
    .val() | jQuery API Documentation

    You should edit a plugin file:

    at the end of the file you will find the word Phone

    /* ............................... */

    change it to Téléphone

    /* ............................... */

    NB: you will loose the customisation when you will update the plugin

    Thread Starter Gaerwn



    I solved it by changing the template for Page: Left Sidebar in the child theme.

    1. Copy the Hannari file template-left-sidebar.php in the child-theme folder.
    2. Open the child theme file for editing and move the code for sidebar get_sidebar(); after the DIV element containing the page content.
    Instead of

    <div class="columnwrapp pagesidebar innerpage left_sidebar">
    	<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    	<div class="pagecontent">
            	<?php if (have_posts()) :
            	/* ............ */
    		endif; ?>

    you should have

    <div class="columnwrapp pagesidebar innerpage left_sidebar">
    	<div class="pagecontent">
            	<?php if (have_posts()) :
            	/* ............ */
    		endif; ?>
    	<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    and the left sidebar is displayed after page content on tablet and mobile.

    Thread Starter Gaerwn


    After replacing the files:

    • Classes/class-wp-backup-config.php
    • Classes/class-wp-backup.php
    • Dropbox/Dropbox/API.php
    • uninstall.php

    the core SQL dump was uploaded to Dropbox in ‘wp-content/backups’.
    I have an error in the log for plugin SQL dump and a 101% completed backup ??

    Uploaded Files:[{"file":"wp-content\/backups\/[database name]-backup-core.sql","mtime":1355305120}]
    12:09:28: Approximately 98% complete.
    Uploaded Files:[{"file":"wp-content\/backups\/[database name]-backup-plugins.sql","mtime":1355305121},{"file":"error_log","mtime":1355304693}]
    12:09:34: Approximately 98% complete.
    12:10:49: Approximately 99% complete.
    12:10:56: Approximately 100% complete.
    12:11:02: Approximately 101% complete.
    12:11:02: A total of 27204 files were processed.
    12:11:02: Backup complete.
    12:11:02: A total of 57MB of memory was used to complete this backup.

    Thanks for the fix

    Change in file /wp-content/plugins/facebook/fb-open-graph.php, this code (line 150):

    else if ( is_page() ) {
    $meta_tags[''] = 'article';
    $meta_tags[''] = get_the_title();
    $meta_tags[''] = apply_filters( 'rel_canonical', get_permalink() );

    with this one

    else if ( is_page() ) {
    $meta_tags[''] = 'article';
    $meta_tags[''] = get_the_title();
    $meta_tags[''] = apply_filters( 'rel_canonical', get_permalink() );
    // page thumbnail
    if ( function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    list( $post_thumbnail_url, $post_thumbnail_width, $post_thumbnail_height ) = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $page->ID ), 'full' );
    if ( ! empty( $post_thumbnail_url ) ) {
    $image = array( 'url' => $post_thumbnail_url );
    if ( ! empty( $post_thumbnail_width ) )
    $image['width'] = absint( $post_thumbnail_width );
    if ( ! empty($post_thumbnail_height) )
    $image['height'] = absint( $post_thumbnail_height );
    $meta_tags[''] = array( $image );

    It worked for me.

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