Thanks for your response: this is what my server FATCOW said that happened:
“Account was getting lot’s of requests every hour. I have included the instances of the issue in this email for your reference which could help you to understand the exact issue caused:
Reported Symptoms:
2.2 % idle and user moo.pixelartsound 15… using 18.26% of CPU (1.19% system)
2 /liquidos-atmos-lab-en-espana-a-precio-griego-incluso-mejor/
2 /wp-content/plugins/oiopub-direct/cron.php?t=1419541977
2 /wp-content/plugins/oiopub-direct/cron.php?t=1419542779
2 /wp-content/plugins/oiopub-direct/cron.php?t=1419543683
3 /tag/cupones/
4 /vapefest-espana-2014-documental-al-completo-entrevistas-y-alguna-sorpresa-mas/
4 /wp-content/plugins/oiopub-direct/cron.php?t=1419541859
13 /
15 /wp-cron.php?358062f5b508be908efc8d38d6084106&action=wysija_cron&process=bounce&silent=1
142 /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_testAjax
I′ll take a look at the link you send me and check my cron jobs! Thanks a lot!