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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Fatal errorThis is not enough detail for me to debug your problem. Please submit a complete support request describing exactly what you did, exactly what the error was, etc. Screenshots might help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] Avatars on MultisiteHi jensiboy,
Please contact me directly via the plugin support page, including all requested information: https://www.justin-klein.com/projects/wp-fb-autoconnect/#support
J~Ah, darn. Alrighty tho, thanks for the info ??
Hang on – I just tried it a few more times and couldn’t get it to happen again. Strange, maybe it was a fluke – though I am pretty certain I did the test right the first time. Maybe just something leftover because I’d JUST updated/activated the plugin or something…
Just installed it and will let you know if that error pops up again – however, in doing a quick post-update test, I found something that’s definitely not right. Here’s what I did:
1) Connect to a VPN, login to my WordPress site as User1 via Chrome, view Page1
2) Disconnect from the VPN, login to my WordPress site as Admin via Firefox, and view the “users online now” page.Thus, I explicitly viewed a known page from a different browser and IP address than the admin who is checking users online. The current page for User1 was *not* Page1. Furthermore, I noticed that it showed a GoogleBot online on Page1. It looks like signals are getting crossed – you might want to run a similar test.
>>Could you paste the exact error text?
One is copied in the first post above; unfortunately I deleted the most recent error_log, so if you need a new one I’d have to wait until it happens again. It’s much less frequent now that the ip field was expanded, but it does still happen periodically.
>>But, before the INSERT query, there’s another query that clears all records with the same user_ip
Well, as mentioned it seems to happen when the server is severely lagging. It also nearly always occurs in “chunks” – i.e. it happens 20 times in a few seconds…and then not again for a week. So perhaps i.e. while the server is lagging it falls behind on queries or something. Which is why, if the check for duplicates were done within one single query (rather than two closely-spaced but separate queries), it should be completely and utterly impossible for it to happen.
Plugins on www.ads-software.com are free and opensource. Developers contribute however much or little time they see fit, so if you’re anxious to get things fixed you should probably submit your own specific solutions/proposals (as I’ve done above) or offer to pay for their time.
…It’s documented above. This thread has nothing to do with character encoding whatsoever.
Again: this particular bug comes from the fact that the insert query doesn’t verify that the line which is being inserted doesn’t already exist. The Mingle version uses the exact same insert query, so the same bug will exist.
True that Analytics is good, and I use that too. But this plugin is called USER online. Analytics can’t tell you which USER is online, so it’s in no way a replacement for this plugin…
Mingle Users Online is a branch of this plugin and uses the exact same insert query. I don’t see how the bug wouldn’t occur with that plugin but would with this.
Google Analytics wouldn’t able to lookup the actual WordPress user account, just tell you that “someone” is online.
I’m still getting these errors. I believe it’s happening most often during moments of very high server load, so that likely has something to do with it. In any case, if the insert query itself takes into consideration the possibility of duplicates (as in yours and my proposed solutions above), it should eliminate the risk of this happening once and for all…
SocialBlogsite: If you’re going to plug another plugin like that (i.e. by saying it’s “better”), you should probably mention that it’s your own piece of code.
jvandelaar: See the FAQ: https://www.justin-klein.com/projects/facebook-photo-fetcher
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] Nothing happensSupport for this plugin is here: https://www.justin-klein.com/projects/wp-fb-autoconnect
Nice! Expanded it to 39, will let you know if I keep getting those duplicate error logs ??
Sorry? Was that meant to have a link to a different thread/post? ??