Mike Faremouth
Forum Replies Created
Peter, Thanks for the response. But, I did receive an email from Google re-Captcha to finish setting up/installing re-Captcha by adding two JS code snippets.
In any event, the root (symptom) of the problem is that enabling re-Captcha in Wordfence (for my site) triggers a statement (on login screen) requesting login verification by confirming an email and link (“Verify and Log in”). When you choose the link, it redirects back to the log in page, but when you try and log in it gives you the same statement – Login Verification Required?? An endless “do loop.”
I don’t know if there’s an issue with (my) using a VPN (or having 2FA enabled for Wordfence) or there’s a possible conflict with another plugin, etc…I’ve had to disable (all plug-in’s) several times just to get back into my site and I’m getting very tired with this. What a time waster.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme images appearing anywhereThis is ridiculous. My site (www.easllc.co) was working fine today until I updated to 6.1. Images will not load on pages in Desktop (most load in mobile, with a few exceptions) only the image titles appear.
I went back to my Host and reloaded the prior version ver. 6.03, (I had no issues with 6.03) and I still have the same problem even after emptying caches again, and again, and again.
I don’t know how to access “Hotlink” in Siteground, my search yielded no info pertaining to Hotlink and Siteground.
If WordPress updates are changing settings this is a problem. Websites need to be functioning for business.
How does this get corrected? Please!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme images appearing anywhereWhy would a WordPress update change settings in an htaaccess file??
What setting changes should I look for and how do I access this file on my Host’s Site?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme images appearing anywhereThis involves images that are all in my Image Library.
This WordPress Update is the issue. It’s creating a problem with loading images to my pages – I tested the URL of my images – all appear in a separate window but they do not load on my site. Code 307 in Dev Tools. However, the images do appear in mobile view (with one or two exceptions) desktop is the real problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme images appearing anywhereMost of the images on my site no longer show after updating to 6.1.
I also updated my themes.
Never had this issue before.
I cleared the caches on my site and at my hosting site. All images show in my Media Library.
Where do I start, what do I do? Please help.
Mike Faremouth: [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize – Total Blocking TimeI rolled it back to ver. 3.1.0. I’m going to review it over the next few days using GT Metrix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize – Total Blocking TimeFrank, I understand that the embedded map and Recaptcha are not optimal. I did not change anything for either when I updated Autoptimize from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 but I saw an increase in TBT using GT Metrix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize – Total Blocking TimeHow do I reinstall a prior version on my site? If I want to re-install ver. 3.1.0, would it overwrite all my settings? Would I need to reset everything to what I had previously?
Thanks – Mike
Excellent. Thanks!
Hey Adam, Thanks for your response. Can you advise as to the (best) link or Forum for Analytics Help.
— Mike
Hello Adam,
For the period Jul 18th – 25th: My Web Host registered 4,479 Human Hits and 61 (Bots).
For the same period, GA4/GA registered 33 Active Users.
I’ve looked at my settings for Google Analytics until (almost) “going blind” and am still unable to crack this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Mike
Hey Adam, I changed the path that Frank gave me and I can tell it’s not having an appreciable effect, but I will let you know after a few more days. Thanks!
Frank, Thanks.
I’ll try it.
Hey Adam, Thanks for following up!
No, I’m still having the same problem.
Here are my Web Host’s statistics:
Traffic summary for July 11 – July 18, 2022
Human traffic
Bot traffic
Blocked login attempts
Blocked visit attemptsGA4 registered 38 Active Users and 35 New Users for the same period – Jul 11th-Jul 18th.
This is after I activated Autoptimize so I could exclude the Site Kit asset (/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-modules-(.*).js) from Javascript and CSS minification because I could not do it through Siteground Optimizer.
Site Kit is placing the Tag Manager Code Snippet on my Website.
I’m thinking of deleting my current tag – GTM-PQR54NG and creating a new Tag but am also wondering if it would be better to have Site Kit insert the GA4 Code Snippet, instead and configuring this new Tag (GTM-XXXXXXX) manually through Google Analytics?
I’m not expecting that my Web Host and GA4 statistics agree to the exact number of hits, but 2680 versus 38? I’d Like the stats to be closer to give me some confidence that GA4 is somewhat accurate.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Adam, Thanks very much for your response. I tried to confirm that I have two tags – Siteground and Site Kit, but Google Tag Assistant only shows one tag that is firing once? I do not see another tag, just the one I configured using Site Kit.
I did turn the minification of Java Script and CSS off on the Siteground Optimizer Plug-in and that DID have an affect…almost immediately I started receiving a lot of hits.
If the tag was being duplicated, I should see two (2) hits when I send a test “visit” to my Site, but I only see one.
Thanks again, Adam. I’m going to monitor this for a few days and see what happens.