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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesThanks for the photo editing suggestions. I have yet to look into those – but I will.
I did a test, as suggested. I created a new post and went to add an image. The first image was 7.2 MB. (I don’t know if that’s a particularly large image or not – but it’s larger than others in my photo library.) I had no problem uploading it to the gallery using the new image loader. I also had no problem inserting into my otherwise completely empty post.
I then tried to upload another image, this one 7.6 MB. The image uploader locked at some low percent and wouldn’t budge. (I can’t remember now, but something low like 20%, if even that high.) I clicked the x to clear and exit the uploader and then did a hard save of the new post. I then went to upload the image again. It uploaded and inserted with no glitches.
I hit upon the “save” solution purely by accident. It was borne out of frustration. But it often helps.
I just tried to upload the image that Cubecolour highlighted as a large image. I didn’t save the document before attempting to upload it. It loaded with no problem – even though I did NOT save my post.
I cannot explain any of it. I will, however, look for a photo editor and size the photos I intend to upload into a more usable size. That’s great advice.
Thank you all! I appreciate the time and energy you expended in helping me find a solution to this unusual uploading problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesJan – Lol, I’m bowing before Cubecolor too. His theory makes so much sense.
Thanks for the great suggestion. I am going to do just that with a large image. (I also have to learn how to resize images without distorting them. I’ll figure it out though, I’m sure.)
Will report back later when I do that test.
And thank you for your continued help with my photo problems.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesCubecolour!
OMGosh! That is genius! I’m having a Eureka moment!!!
Thank you for visiting my site and for your advice. I do not use an image editor – as you obviously know. I had not thought to do that. I am so incredibly compulsive about the images I do use, from a legal perspective, that is.
Yes! I copied and pasted your link of my content/uploads into my browser (While not a newbie, much of this is totally new to me. Sorry. I had not known about this) and saw the HUGE image. I have never edited images for size, at least not before uploading. I use the edit feature on the image uploader before inserting it into the post.
Ok, so I need to edit my images for size BEFORE uploading them into WP. Got it. I am on the web looking for an image editor, stat! It makes complete sense that this is the problem. And it makes sense that, even after the image does upload, I sometimes get the white screen when I try to insert it into a post – because of the size of the original image. Got it.
Thank You! This sounds like a logical explanation to a problem that, heretofore, seemed completely illogical. And, again, thank you for taking the time to look at the site and the images. I really appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesHi Ipstenu – Thanks for responding. Yes, I’ve been using the new uploader. (I am very good about updating WP.)
While preparing my latest post this morning, I tried to upload a photo (I paid attention to the type, thanks to the above suggestions. It was a JPEG from the very reputable Shutterstock.) The uploader locked at 86% at 8:22 am. No white screen. But the image wouldn’t completely load. This is also something that frequently happens with the new uploader. And then, if the image does upload successfully, I often get the white screen when trying to insert the image into the post. That did not happen today, however. I waited a few minutes, saved the post (which I had done prior to uploading btw) and it took it on the fourth try, with me saving the post between each try. I did edit the size of the image (downsized it). But it finally uploaded, inserted and published! Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesHi Cubecolour. Thanks for your response.
The site is: The problem occurs regardless of the size or number of the images. I do not edit images before I upload them. I am given permission to upload the images and so use them as is. I upload images one at a time. I didn’t know it was possible to upload more than one at a time. As for the format of the images, I cannot say. I don’t know what RGB or CMYK means. The dimensions vary, depending on the post, where I place the images and how many images I place on each post. The issue occurs regardless of the size of the image, if the image is from my own camera or from a public relations firm or organization. I have had this problem since the inception of my site before it was loaded with images so I don’t think memory is the problem, but I will check into that, thank you.
Up until recently, I most often had one or two images per post, unless it was a gift guide (like for Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. Then it was more image heavy.) I also used to use mostly small images in the upper left corner. I’m a writer so my posts are more copy intensive than image laden. (I’ve most recently started to use more and larger images.)
Thank you again for your response. I will look into increasing memory available to WP with my hosting company.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesIpstenu – Lol! Thanks.
I have reinstalled the software, deleted all the plug ins – and the problem persisted. The only plugin that’s common to my sites is Wassup Stats, but even before I downloaded it on my latest blog, the problem was there.
I’ve been blogging for my own sites for three years – but I don’t know what .htaccess is. I don’t mess with the code. That prospect frightens me. The site I’m most concerned with is so lovely and it works. It’s becoming more popular each day and I’m afraid to mess with a good thing. Of course, I would love to fix the photo issue so that posting is more of a pleasure than a chore. It’s particularly difficult when I do gift guides since they are image-heavy. It has never failed that I’ll be on a roll, uploading photo after photo only to, at one point in the process, get hit with the white screen. It stops me cold and, as I said, I will keep getting the white screen for many minutes to hours to days. And then it passes. But it can reoccur at any time.
I really appreciate your taking the time to work this out with me. Thank you again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesThanks again, Jan. Yes, my current hosting company has insisted on more than one occasion that it’s a WP issue. I will again keep a log and present it to them. Hopefully, that will elucidate the problem so that it can be properly addressed. It’s frustrating. My workaround – save, save, save – helps somewhat, even though I feel it’s a bandage and not a cure. Thanks again!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesHi Jan,
Thanks for responding. (I just saw your reply so please forgive me for not responding sooner.)
I used to keep a log that I presented to my hosting company. They insist the problem is with WP. I have spent hours on live chat and, most recently, on the phone with them. They insist the problem isn’t theirs.
Incidentally, I have used several hosting companies and the problem remained the same, regardless of the host. I have used two ISPs – and the problem was the same with both. I have changed routers; I’ve had computer experts come to the house to help me with the site. No one has been able to explain the problem or has come up with a solution. I’m not so knowledgeable as to say I’ve tried everything – but I have tried a number of things – and nothing worked. The uploading problem is so random, it’s makes no sense.
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesThanks for your response Ipstenu. (I had to Google Ubunto box.)
Aha, I see your point with the site. I will try that suggestion and hope that it helps hone in on the uploading problem.
No, my mom and daughters are not on the same network. By the way, I have changed networks since starting my site. I’ve always had uploading problems, regardless of the network. (I did speak with the ISPs about this problem as well. They say it’s WP.) It’s just so random, it makes no apparent sense. Why, for example, do I gain better consistency uploading when I do a hard save on the document before I upload? It doesn’t make sense to me, but that seems to help, albeit not all the time.
I have taken the laptop to Starbucks, to other cities and states. I post to my site even while I’m traveling. The problem persists, regardless of the location. It’s been going on for years – but you bring up an interesting point. I began the site on and, six months later changed it over to But I cannot remember if the problem existed when it was a site. I will try your suggestion and report back.
Thanks for your help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesNo, the blogs are on various servers.
I have already discussed this issue with my hosting companies. They all said the problem lies with WP. I’ve been trying to resolve this problem for years – and, in fact, even bought a different computer, in the mistaken thought that it might be the hardware.
I have given admin status to my mother, daughters and husbands. They have experienced the same problem. The white screen appears, randomly, when I upload images. If I do manage to do that, I will randomly get a white screen when I try to insert images into posts.
I have found that if I save my work – and it has to be a hard save, not an autosave – before I upload an image, there’s about a 70% chance that it will upload successfully. This gets tedious since my site is image-heavy, especially when I’m doing a fashion guide or gift guide. There are times when the software (?) doesn’t allow me to do any formatting, including inserting hyperlinks, bolding text or adding itals.
As I wrote, this is random. It can plague for me an entire day or days and then not reappear for a week. When I first started my site, I was a total newbie. Now I am not, but I have not been able to figure out a fix.
Please excuse my mistaking you for a “sir.” It was the fedora.
By the way, I am working on a Mac, not a PC. I had also spoken with Mac support about this problem and they say it’s WP, which is why I sought help on the boards initially.
Thank you for your response.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Uploading ImagesThank you for your reply, Ipstenu.
I have reinstalled the software multiple time – to no avail. I have deleted plugins too.
I also have several other blogs – some with no plugins – and the problem persists on my other blogs as well.
As for my multiple posts to this thread – it is not I who was rude. The original diva moderator, was rude in her response to me and another poster on the original thread which she then closed. In addition, when she didn’t like something I wrote, she deleted that post. I merely reposted it. And she deleted it, again and again and again.
That is unfair, in my opinion.I have searched the forums and have found many other people with whom the diva moderator has had problems. She, sir, owes me an apology for her rude comments.
Thank you for your response. I await an apology …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Inserting Photos into Blog PostsDelaine – I have been so grumpy, angry, pissed off, frustrated, infuriated etc. with the program, the lack of a solution (this is not the first time I’ve posted. This is something like the third thread I’ve begun about this problem. And some people have blamed me and insinuated my stupidity.) Believe me, the only very slightly grumpy post you wrote made me feel fantastic! So, thank you for understanding my plight. I appreciate it.
Try my trick of saving before you insert any photos. Let me know if it works for you. Honestly, when I accidentally discovered this trick, I jumped up and down for joy. It’s been three years of frustration with no solution. I hope my trick helps you. It doesn’t always work – but it mostly does. Fingers crossed that it works for you.
Let me know!
Have a good night.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Inserting Photos into Blog PostsDelaine –
I received your post in my email but it’s not on the forum. Nevertheless, I read it. Thank you! I thought I was going insane.
I have stumbled upon a solution by trial and error, frustration and disgust. I have found that the program will not accept uploads, hyperlinks, formatting, etc. unless it’s been saved immediately before uploading. So I write, save, edit, save, insert hyperlink, save, insert photo, save, insert another hyperlink, save. It’s cumbersome, time-consuming, a pain in my rear end, frankly – but it solves the problem 80 % of the time. I cannot explain or solve the other 20 % of the failures of the program. If I do one teeny little thing, such as deleting an extra space and then try to upload, the program won’t accept it and I get the white screen. But, when I edit and save and then upload, it will accept the photo most of the time. As I said, it’s a pain.
Try it and see if it helps.
I stumbled upon this several weeks ago and it has been consistently working 80% of the time since then.
Hope this helps …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Inserting Photos into Blog PostsBelieve me, I know that. That’s why I refer to the software gods as being responsible for the glitches in my system. I know it’s not possible – although it happens. It took me FIVE HOURS to fix the simplest post and to unbold what inexplicably became bolded, to insert photos that wouldn’t insert, except on my husband’s PC – until they did insert on my Mac. I have no explanation for why this happens. It has happened on two of my computers, both of my daughters’ computers, my mother’s computer and on my husband’s as well, although he is the only one who is able to insert photos when I can’t. As I said, these glitches are random. It can be weeks before they happen again. But when they do – and they will – it’s the most frustrating thing to deal with. I am going to try to find another software program. As I said, the WP support forum is filled with others who have the same problem with the white screen. Some refer to it as the white screen of death. I don’t want to deal with the glitches anymore. It’s not my computer, my router, my theme. No one has been able to explain the glitches or offer advice to prevent them from re-occuring. I am not the only one dealing with this problem. Perhaps I’m the most optimistic, visiting and revisiting the forum in the hopes that someone will be able to offer a solution. Apparently, there is none.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen When Inserting Photos into Blog Postskmessinger – I’m going to have to check Safari for that javascript thing. Thanks!
In the meantime, at 8:06, the photo gods decided that I could insert photos. However, they also deleted a bunch of text and bolded what was left. I seriously hate WordPress.
Is there another program that I can use that would be easier and that would eliminate these problems? I will check out my Safari thing, but this happens with my husband’s pc too. And I know it will happen again. When clients are waiting for me to write about their products and readers are expecting a certain level of quality in my posts, I want to be able to deliver every single time, at any time. WP does not give me that option.