Well, as far as caching plugins go, WP Super Cache is the only one I use.
I just tried to clear the cache contents and then deactivate the plugin. The issue remains.
I’m also out of ideas in this domain…Not a critical bug, since most of the times I proofread as so to avoid the need of a manual republishment, but it would be nice if you could take a look :]
— edit
Oh, I just realized the source of my issue. As you said, Facebook caches the image. Moreover, it also caches the link description (where the Author and Categories go into). So that’s my problem right there. The excerpt is updating fine (as you said it would).
Sorry for the misdirection, your plugin is working just fine :] (though I wonder if there’s anyway to send a trigger to Facebook as to rebuild that link cache?)
Thank you,
Miguel Raimundo