Forum Replies Created
Hai Allen sorry for the late response AS I was offline.
I think u have provided the code to solve the problem of repeating the same image.I ll try to find the code and edit.
By the way Allen is there any reason to show only two feeds(Say BBC & CNN ONLY FOR AN EXAMPLE)When i have selected 8 more feed
Frankly If I selected Say 8 feeds only 2 feed s are appearingThank u Allen And waiting for ur next update eagerly.I think u may let Me Know
Best WishesBy The way Allen how to get feed numbers to one (reset numbers)
Hi Allen
Iam very much eager to get the bug solved.So i am expecting your help
Also Allen
1. Y Feed Name number keep on increasing though i delete Feeds.Is This determine the number of feeds showing.
I have 8 feeds inserted but only Two feeds are showing Could U please help me on this matter.2.I want to change the size of the image.I was unable to find the code that u are refering to
3.If any updates to this plugin in how can i get to know
Once again though these little problems, u and ur plugin is great
thanks Allen ill look in to the matter again .I realy amazed about ur responses.Hope to get help from u on this when i needed.
Thankshai allen i realy appreciate your response.By the way as it in local host i am at the moment unable to send you the link.Some how allen why the same image repat for different feeds.Say if i insert BBC feeds the first image is repeated along with all bbc feeds
allen realy thank u for quick response.Sorry for delay as i was off line.
How ever i tested this on local host.
My rss Feeder Adresses were;_ylt=AtgJkpi8krvbzZlOsPbs8Bm5scB_;_ylu=X3oDMTFnMnR2bG…THe problem arose after added this urls which i think without images
Could u please help meHey Allen realy appreciate your work and your friendly responsing method.
By the way i came with a slight problem.
Images showing in rss is not relavent top the post.Could u please help me to solve the problem.