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  • I know this thread is a little old, but I am using the same theme right now. I just have one question, and cyber chimps don’t want to support unless you pay the $10 a month or full year sub. Anyway, I have a header issue.

    so the above margins were set to 0, to clear the top and bottom like this:

    header#cc-header {
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;

    I have customized the header css, and logo to adapt in a nice header box of the full page width at 1020X200. However, my header is displaying only 940 px of itself in the header box. There was a left margin, but I found in another cleanio post that when you apply a margin-left: -40px; – this allows you to move the header to the full
    left side of the page. However, now the margin gap on the right side of the page is cutting off my header graphic, which needs to be opened to full width. I don’t want to change the page #wrapper which is set to 1020X1400.

    Here is what my css modification currently looks like, but I am missing just a little piece to display this nice header in full width.

    header#cc-header {
    margin-left: -40px;
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    background: url(/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/* the title of your header image goes here */) no-repeat;

    The site I am working on is:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. In turn, I’d be happy to create you a custom graphic for your page free for the help.

    Thread Starter mhensen


    Thanks again D4z!

    Thread Starter mhensen


    Thank you very much D4z! I greatly appreciate it!!!

    That fixed the issue. I have been on Fiverr for a few days also trying to get help. I know you are part of the WP community, but I have a few issues that I could really use help on .. same stuff just small tweaks. Could i offer a couple $$$ to help me out with these issues? or even help you out in someway?? I have a design/print business. I would be happy to help ya if I can too. Let me know.

    The other 2 issue’s I’m having are the Logo doesn’t seem to stay left all the time. I need it to stay on the left during responsive resize. It wants to goto middle on, and disappears on a few pages?

    The nav bar is also resizing on scroll, basically shrinking back like customizr has it do on scroll. I want it to remain static.

    could I ask for your help on this? Might I contact you via facebook?? or call ya? Thanks!

    Cool deal! will take note incase of future multi-lang situation. ??

    Not sure, but there may be a conflict between jet pack and customizr.

    You could try de-activating jet pack for an hour and check the page a couple times and see if that solves it.

    if its not a conflict, you might want to check the front page designation
    Goto : Content:Home,posts.. and select Front page.

    Look at the Front page setting there, as make sure its set to : displays static page, and then also make sure the page designated is home page.

    You might also want to go into your home page (edit mode) and select txt and look at the code, make sure there is nothing funny in the code. Then do a ctrl a (select all) and copy the code (ctrl c)

    Then go into pages and create a new page called home2. In the home to page goto edit mode and then paste the code back into the page. (make sure you are in Txt mode at the top right, (not visual) Paste the text in and then update the page.

    Now go back into your customize panel and goto back to the Front page
    section. And for your front page select the new home2 page as the front page designation.

    Check and see if this new page works. I have actually had a home page go corrupt in the past, and made a brand new page with new code and it started working.

    This is just a place to start and is not really ‘Miltilingue plugin’ focused but could be where the issue is.

    Thanks, and hope this helps.

    I am using max mega menu.

    How come there is no change font color for sub menu
    normal and hover state. The normal state seems to
    pick up the default color, but I’d like the hover
    state to change white. Can someone take a look at

    Thank you!

    Hovering over sub menu items is blue on blue, and I want white text on blue…. Thx again!

    Thread Starter mhensen


    ..sorry typo on the link:

    Thread Starter mhensen


    I appreciate the quick answer, but the options for check is to make the header stick while scrolling, so uncheck does the opposite. Newest Customizr version is a little different to then the past. But any of the check options don’t effect. And some don’t even do what they say – at least in my install.

    When doing a code inspection, I noticed that there is a clear fix css, and a header and nav wrapper. I have tried setting, .navbar bottom margin to 0px. I’ve also tried the other recommedations where you set new dimensions on the slider (since mine is 960X400) I tried the limit to 400px height to close the gap between the header and slider.. and that didn’t work, and the header and nav still move on scroll. These are 2 kind of simple formating issues, but for some reason.. (lack of knowing Customizr CSS conventions) I’m not able to fix them.

    Here is my site :

    Thank you very much in advance!

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