Okay…these may be some further clues.
I have noticed all the other “define…” lines in my wp-config.php list the url as dev.michaelbevan.com
I tried putting in define(‘WP_HOME’,’https://dev.michaelbevan.com’);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’https://dev.michaelbevan.com’) and I got too many redirects coming up on the home page.
I thought that might be a clue so I changed all the other “define…” lines to dev.michaelbevan.com with no effect. I changed them back.
Next I tried putting dev.michaelbevan.com/wp-admin/ in my browser (safari if that’s of any relevance). It opened up one of my pages “Project Prolific” (please ignore the fact that I haven’t been to prolific lately, I’m planning on changing that).
I had noticed that sometimes when I go to my homepage it would also apparently be logged into wordpress. I was able to access the drop down menu with the dashboard link on it. I haven’t been able to reproduce that, but from memory the dashboard link gives “too many redirects” and the other links go the the “Project Prolific” page…