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Actually, I later found out that doing this broke my job manager categories. Instead I suppressed the warnings in php.ini since I can’t find what anything that seems broke.
I solved my problem so I thought I would post it here in case it might help someone else.
Changed wp-content/plugins/job-manager/frontend.php
function jobman_flush_rewrite_rules() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->feeds[] = 'jobman'; $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' ); $root = get_page( $options['main_page'] ); $url = get_page_uri( $root->ID );
function jobman_flush_rewrite_rules() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->feeds[] = 'jobman'; $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' ); if (! $options) { $root = get_page( $options['main_page'] ); if ($root) { $url = get_page_uri( $root->ID ); if( ! $url ) return; } else return; } else return;
and changed wp-content/plugins/job-manager/functions.php
function jobman_page_taxonomy_setup() { // Create our new page types //register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Job', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Jobs', 'jobman' ) ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Tender', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Tenders', 'jobman' ) ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_joblist', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app_form', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_register', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_email', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_interview', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); // Create our new taxonomy thing $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' ); $root = get_page( $options['main_page'] ); $url = get_page_uri( $root->ID ); if( substr( $url, 0, 1 ) != '/' ) $url = "/$url"; register_taxonomy( 'jobman_category', array( 'jobman_job', 'jobman_app' ), array( 'hierarchical' => false, 'label' => __( 'Category', 'series' ), 'query_var' => 'jcat', 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $url ) ) ); }
function jobman_page_taxonomy_setup() { // Create our new page types //register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Job', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Jobs', 'jobman' ) ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Tender', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Tenders', 'jobman' ) ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_joblist', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app_form', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_app', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_register', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_email', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); register_post_type( 'jobman_interview', array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); // Create our new taxonomy thing $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' ); if ($options) { $root = get_page( $options['main_page'] ); if ($root) { $url = get_page_uri( $root->ID ); if( substr( $url, 0, 1 ) != '/' ) $url = "/$url"; register_taxonomy( 'jobman_category', array( 'jobman_job', 'jobman_app' ), array( 'hierarchical' => false, 'label' => __( 'Category', 'series' ), 'query_var' => 'jcat', 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $url ) ) ); } } }
Voila, no more messages!
Same problem here with Job Manager plugin 0.7.20/Wordpress 3.5, haven’t found a fix yet. Here is the site: https://www.michanie.com/
With debug on and the plugin activated, the messages I see at the top of the web site are:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-content/plugins/job-manager/frontend.php on line 46 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3586 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3588 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3588 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-content/plugins/job-manager/functions.php on line 98 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3586 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3588 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/micha230/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 3588
When I deactivate job manager, all the messages go away. With debug off, when I activate I see the messages:
The plugin generated 148 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
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