Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: SMTPThere’s no need for an extra pluign when there’s wp_mail() built into your installation.
If you really think that you need something else, you can look at the phpMailer script, but you’d have to incorporate that into your own plugin.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Temporary Admin User Account for Plugin Developer?It depends on who the devlopers are. I’d trust some (I do that for a living, so I know that we aren’t all bad).
If you’re concerned, do a complete backup of all files and the database, then create the user and give them access. That way if they do anything wrong you can restore what you had beforehand easily.
As always, remember to delete that new account as soon as it’s done with! Just in case.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google deranking wordpress sites?On wordpress.COM – maybe. There’s a lot of old/spam/junk sites there, but that’s just how it’s set up. Just remember, this isn’t wordpress.com so it’s a completely diffrent ball game.
If it’s WordPress installations (the type that you get here) then I don’t believe that your friend is correct. There’s way to many big sites running for Google to jsut de-value all of them jsut for running the same software system. It makes no sense at all.
That’s all good. I had the same thoughts as you initially, but after I found (accidentally) the drag-and-drop in the media window something twigged and I checked it for myself. It’s something that hasn’t been well publicised as far as I know. I certainly haven’t seen anything that talks about that new “feature” much, although to be fair I haven’t exactly been looking that hard either.
Menu order is genereated and saved, but… it isn’t shown in the media area (just to make things more difficult).
It works the same way as it ever did. Anything that’s uploaded gets an order of ‘0’ until you change it. The way to change the order has changed from the input fields to drag-and-drop. If you drag the images/icons around the order that they are in will be saved as it’s shown on the page. But, you have to move at least one image first before it will save any ordering. It’s a bit more painful then how it was done, but when you know what to do it’s not as bad as it could be.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to get rid of / fix coding visible in public pageIf you can’t find the file, then you can use a different theme. That may or may not come with it’s own set of problems.
It’s most likely that what you’re looking for is in the footer.php file. That’s the standard place for the bottom of the page.
And yes, I know what the code is that’s seen on the page, but just because that’s what’s shown on the page doesn’t mean that’s exactly what you’re looking for in the file.
Your choices are basically this:
- Switch to a different theme and see if it does what you want it to
- Scrap the site and start again, and as you said that you wanted to change, this isn’t such a bad option
- Post the contents of the footer.php file here and we will see if something can be done (but no promises)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to get rid of / fix coding visible in public pageI wasn’t asking you to find that code in the editor, because I don’t believe that you’ll find it, at least not in the file that you’re looking in. What I wanted you to do was to open the file in the editor that you originally made the changes in but don’t make any changes to it. Copy the files contents from the editor window, and paste it in here so we can see what the contents of the file looks like.
my last sentance was trying to tell you that when you paste the code here, click on the ‘code’ button that’s above the editor window here so that it will wrap and format the code correctly because if you don’t do that it will be a huge mess that no one will be able to read. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to get rid of / fix coding visible in public pageThat code is JavaScript, and it’s outside of the normal script tags that are normally there to wrap around it. My guess is that’s the way that their way of hiding it from you when you go looking for it like this. If you can’t see it in the editor area, I’d guess that it’s being put there by a PHP function or something similar.
Can you show what the actual code in the editor is? That way we’ll be able to see what it looks like and try ot advise what you can, and can’t, remove.
* Just remember to use the ‘code’ butotn to enclose the code so that it’s displayed correctly.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Acquiring a Domain NameWordPress doesn’t have anything to do with the domains that run the WordPress software. If you want to buy the domain you’ll have to contact the owner of that domain (hint: it’s not WordPress so no one here can help you). You can mostly find ownership details from WHOIS queries so that’s about the best way of finding out what you want to know. Just be prepared that you might be ignored, or the current owner will ask a very high price for it.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: GallerySo it just can’t be done on wp?
It can’t successfully be done anywhere. It’s not a WP thing, it’s a HTML thing. if the user can see the image on your page, they can get it. That’s all there is to it. If you’re worreid, think about watermarking your images as that’s oen of the only ways that I’ve seen that actually works (doesn’t stop anyone from stealing your imags, but at least they know where they came from until someone crops off the watermark area.).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't get into website or admin after making a PHP change!I’d download that plugin again, unzip the files and use FPT to upload the file that you tried to change so that it’s the version from the plugin before any changes were made. Then, just try and do small updates to code – and remember to keep a backup of what was there before in case something like this happens again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to List WordPress Pages in checkboxe OptionsLook at the HTML markup that WordPress gives you when you add in the galleries. That will show you what is and is not available. From there you’ll be able to apply your own styling to the galleries. Remember that there’s classes all the way up the page to the body tag that can let you target individual pages and areas as well as just the classes and ID’s in the galleries.
If that doesn’t work for you, you can also write your own gallery functions. I’ve written shortcodes and template functions before that output galleries the way that I want them to look and include the markup that I want wrapped around them, and can use either selected images attached to the page, or all images attached to the page. Depending on what you need it may be eaiser to do it this way.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to List WordPress Pages in checkboxe OptionsThis is probably a stupid question, but why not use the standard WP image media gallery on each page and upload the images there? That way they are “linked” to that page, you can insert them anywhere that you want to, and it’s all done through a standard system without any messing around trying to write your own.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to List WordPress Pages in checkboxe OptionsThat’s not going to work. Firstly, that code only gives a drip-down, so it can’t do checkboxes. If you want to do that you’ll have to write your own code to do it. It’s not that hard, you just need to think about it a little bit.
The main reason that it won’t work though is that a post/page/product/etc post type can only ever have one parent, so there’s no way that a user would be able to select two checkboxes and have it work as only one value will ever be used. If you want to do it this way you could possibly use radio buttons instead so that you’re limited to a single selection, but I’d still advise against it because you’ll fidn it gets very messy as your sites pages grow. When there’s only a few pages the list isn’t to long, but once you get to 20 or 30 pages there’s just to many to scroll through when you display them that way.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Will WordPress work well for this site?OK, I missunderstood that one.
Why are you concerned about seeing all of the pages in the admin area? When I’ve done sites with large amoutns of pages it hasn’t been a big concern. The only thing that you need to take notice of is when you’re creating new pages to make sure that they are nested under the correct parent page. If you do that, everything else just falls into place. If you’re concerned about finding pages, the search does a pretty decent job of that, so from my point of view there’s no need to see every page at the same time. That would jsut add to the clutter and confusion that’s already there.