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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Multiple choice, multiple answersHello hffmeister,
The “Fransman Champolion” is in reality “Champollion” with 2 l, not “the lion of Champo”.
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fran%C3%A7ois_ChampollionLike you, I tested lots and lots of quizzes plugins, and finally I chose HD Quiz. I don’t know how long have you been on the web, but I used Quizshock years and years ago. It was a good PHP + MySQL + Flash script too…
https://vuldb.com/?id.36045Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Jump from 90 to 101 in quiz numberThanks a lot for this explanation. I’m glas to read that everything is normal ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Feature request: Duplicate quiz / questionForum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Feature request: Duplicate quiz / questionHello Dylan,
I read your answer for “Bulky modify questions””. I used it, and I used the option “Search Question” to get “batches” of questions and select (remove or modify) them.
But I’m a bit disappointed, not by you but by WordPress. And like I know you know WordPress structure very well, I will ask you this question:
Is it possible to display simply more than 20 questions on the same screen?
Do you know a (good) plugin allowing to choose “20, 50, 100 or more” lines (like in PhpMyAdmin)?
I could search and test (good and bad) plugins. But you are a developer, and I’m sure you already tested (and used) such plugins.
So, what do you recommend us to do that?
Thanks for your informed opinion…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Another suggestion :)Hello Dylan,
Thanks a lot for your answer.In my case, it’s not 100 questions but 1000 ??
It’s mental arithmetic. It’s very easy to create questions (additions, multiplications…) and correct answers with a spreadsheet. But the difficulty is to create “credible” bad answers. If you see 147 + 372 = ? you guess the correct answer will end in 9. So, you create bad answers ending with 9 between 499 and 539, but placing the right answer in different places in the increasing order of the answers. But sometimes, it’s more difficult (when many numbers like 16, 32, 64, 128 are added, or when you add fractions with different denominators). In this case, you imagine bad answers before testing the quiz online.After the upload of the questions (2.5 seconds per question), you test the quiz. And you sometimes see that it’s very easy to guess the good answer ! So, I launch the quiz and click on “END” (it gives a 0/500 score) to see all the list of the questions with all the good answers. And I modify by hand a part of the answers ??
So, it’s difficult to make a good job (and you know that with your plugin). careless people are always happy with them.
For each kind of question, there is an algorithm to create bad “credible” answers… With always one by one modifications after testing the quiz online.
With the new system you described, the task will be lighter than now :s
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Bug in “Quiz Pass” and “Quiz Fail” textThanks for your answer.
Yes, the version of WordPress is 5.5 (in French).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Bug in “Quiz Pass” and “Quiz Fail” textHello again ??
It’s a new post because I found a “solution” reading your recent answer to fariazz.
And ou guess what I did… I used the HTML code for + : & # 043; (with spaces here, to display the difference)
But it’s a palliative, not an elegant solution.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Bug in “Quiz Pass” and “Quiz Fail” textThanks for your answer, Dylan.
This morning, I deactivated one by one all the other plugins to see if there was an interference between HD Quiz and them. But the bug was still here.
So, I tried to put “” around the text (“2 + 1”), but nothing changed.
I also tried to use the “old” version of function.php (you developed a special version here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/show-results-above-or-below-quiz/) but nothing changed.
I also tested with + – / % $ = – ( ) & # @, all the signs appeared in the comment, except the +.
The quiz is here: https://ooxo.com/quiz/quiz/calcul-quiz-mental-operations/quiz-addition-puissances-de-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-binaire-bits/
Click directly on “VOIR LES REPONSES” to get 0/10, because the text with “+” is for people who failed the quiz.
In the other quizzes, I did not use the “+” sign.
I also looked inside the source code of the web page, but the “+” was not here ??Finally, I continued my investigations.
I looked inside wp_termmeta. The + sign was not inside (but I saw it in the admin section of HD Quiz).
I modified that (the + were not here when I opened it):
{s:4:”name”;s:14:”quiz_fail_text”;s:4:”type”;s:6:”editor”;s:8:”required”;s:0:””;s:5:”value”;s:76:”Ben oui, 2 + 1 c’est facile, mais 128 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 1, c’est moins dr?le…”;s:3:”tab”;s:7:”results”;}
But I know that kind of file… “s:76:” is the number of characters in the following text.
So, when I did not modify “s”, I saw all the questions of the quiz (despite their limitation to 10). So, I replaced 76 by 81. This time, 10 questions were displayed but the + sign did not appear ! It did not disappeared from the wp_termmeta when I recorded it (I see it again in the file), but I can’t see it on the web page.
NEW : This time, after modifying wp_termmeta, I see the “+” inside wp_termmeta but I can’t see it in the admin section of HD Quiz ! And when I add it again in the admin section, it disappears from wp_termmeta and from the result page of the quiz ! It’s a David Copperfield trick ! Where is the + ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Suggestion for “Next or Previous” questionThanks a lot…
I have already uploaded 38 quizzes (sometimes containing more than 1000 questions). You have to be very meticulous. The slightest error wastes precious time (2.5 seconds per question to download in my case). You can erase the questions with errors and reload a small csv file with these few questions only.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] How can I remove “#” from the question number?Hello beer,
The answer is here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/suggestion-for-answers/
And here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-tweak-question_number-and-result_percent/PS: Your website https://seedret.com/ does not exist.
https://www.ads-software.com/support/users/01000001beer/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Questions about the SEOHello Dylan,
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. You are right, the content of each question is very light, and it would penalize the website. 20 years ago, I had a website with a Javascript cascading menu and a random quote (proverbs, humor…) for each connection. When I typed “site:” in Google, I saw hundreds of thousands of pages (the number of menu pages multiplied by the hundreds of quotes). But this golden age is over… and archive.org did not kept the javascript menu in its memory.On the website which proposes the quizzes, I created “solutions” pages with a lot of text so that they are pleasant to Google.
I’ll ask other questions when I’ll seriously will install Adsense on chosen spots of the pages. For the moment, ads are anywhere on the mobile pages.
You are an expert, Dylan, you give relevant answers to all the questions ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Number of quizzesOK. It’s looks simple but it’s complicated.
So, I found a rustic method to know the number of quizzes: I copy the list of quiz names by highlighting with the mouse on the “HD Quiz – Quizzes” page, and I paste the text into a text editor. Then I look at the number of lines indicated by the text editor.
I will display this number on the homepage of my website, and modify it when I’ll propose a new quizz. After an enthusiastic launch period, the number will stabilize.
With the “pool” method (by randomly drawing 10 questions from a stock of 1000), it’s possible to propose lots of variants with the same database, and quizzes of 50 questions for “brain marathon runners”.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Multi thematic quizzOK, I stay tuned. But if you say it’s possible without a special function in HDquiz, I believe you.
Maybe it’s possible with “Search Question” from WordPress.
I gave the same title to all my quizzes about flags (Asia, Europe, Africa).
So, when I search on WordPress with this common title, I get directly all the flags of the 3 continents (waiting for 5). With “Select al” (8 times), I can create a big quizz with 3 continents.A tip could be to give different names to different subcategories, or to give (like I did without thinking) the same name to the “future big categories”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] Multi thematic quizzHello again,
I read this post: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/combining-quizzes/
The button “BULK MODIFY QUESTIONS” is not really a good option when you want to combine hundreds of questions lost among thousands of other ones. For the moment, I have more than 3300 questions (and I’m just starting the project) ??
So, my suggestions is precisely: After creating a “new quizz”, would it be possible to choose all the questions of a quizz, and to add all the questions of another quiz into this new quizz, from the “HD Quiz – Quizzes” page, just by clicking on the name of the quizzes (or adding a check box for each line of the list)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HD Quiz] How to Tweak Question_Number and Result_PercentHello kwoted,
The answer from Dylan for “#1.” is here:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/suggestion-for-answers/I modified the function.php and it works.