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  • What about the memory usage without any plugin?
    Also, what do the homemade plugins do?

    C’est assez simple, dans ton th?¨me si tu utilises archive.php, remplace the_excerpt() par the_content(). Et voil?? !

    Bjarne: 2) Because ISPs will never do a thing about it, they don’t want to block customers’ access to the internet for fear of losing business, and that’s understandable…

    wellard1981: the average Joe doesn’t know, but very vocal Joes install placebos like Zone Alarm that block sending of referrers, and think they’re fine and WP is the one with the problem. Or they block cookies because they discovered that they could.
    And since they’re very vocal, they go claiming WP has a fundamental flaw and soon profess their love to $other_blogware.

    Or we could implement some basic accesslog table. It would be used for stuff like checking if the comment posting script is accessed directly, but also for stuff like letting people edit their comments some minutes after they made them.
    It could be an event logging table aswell, that could be filtered by type of event.
    Just throwing random ideas around, that wouldn’t likely be done before 1.3 ships…

    Checking for a referrer is never going to work.
    Simply because many actual users just choose not to send referrers out of unsensed fears about privacy and black helicopters hovering around.
    Likewise, checking for a cookie is not going to go well with people who browse with cookies disabled or selectively enabled.
    The actual bug is that we accept comments on non-existing posts, and this shall be fixed.
    Any other solution is going to be a nuisance for too many real commenters, IMHO.

    Have you run upgrade.php? It should have converted your comments table to use the new comment_type field…

    Whoops, yeah.
    Fixed by slightly updating the XMLRPC section. (Since now newMediaObject, getTrackbackPings and getRecentPostTitles are supported.)

    It depends with which editor you’re trying to delete the last line.
    In most editors you should be able to just have ‘?>’ as the last line with nothing after it, but in some editors, like Nano, you won’t have this possibility (as Nano always adds a new line at the end…).

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: Track-Spam

    Note: that would be pingback spam, not trackback spam. And it’s not so much spam as it was a bug in the previous incarnation of pingbacks.
    In 1.3, this bug won’t be there. (I just fixed it in CVS, heh.)
    About the auto-close plugin’s ability to close pingbacks and trackbacks, I’m not sure. We’ll look into it.
    As for editing/deleting trackbacks and pingbacks, it is planned.
    In fact, with the current CVS, there doesn’t seem to be a distinction between trackbacks, pingbacks, and actual comments in edit-comments.php.

    Err, I was the author of the previous post. Not like we have anonymous write access to the CVS. ??

    redneck, may we know why?
    As a user, it wouldn’t really change anything…

    Root, goodsnake:
    If you’re *that* determined to spew hate stuff about Matt and his competence, just fork WordPress and be done with it.
    Fork it for the fucking petty pretext of seeing it ship with whatever you deem good CSS.
    And since you love that phrase, let me just tell you: you are entitled to it, since it’s free software.
    And for the love of Tim, quit the “I’m so much better than y’all since I know CSS positionning.” — All our devs do, too. You might aswell pride yourself that you can recognise an even number from an uneven one: CSS positionning is just that easy.

    You can’t send a charset alone, it needs an accompanying mime-type.
    If we wanted to send a charset, we would have to pick a mime-type for pages, and sooner or later someone will blog “OMG WP serves XHTML as text/html, it’s considered harmful!” or “OMG WP serves XHTML as application/xhtml+xml, Google can’t read that!”.

    Blame the Apache AddDefaultCharset setting that comes by default in most distros’ Apache. The W3C itself filed a bug against that very setting’s presence in the default httpd.conf.
    Here’s a workaround: “AddDefaultCharset none” in .htaccess.

    And am I right in saying therefore that 1.2 development stopped after Mingus and there were no further upgrades, or bug fixes?

    You aren’t.
    Many bug fixes are being backported to the 1.2 branch, in case we release a 1.2.1 before a 1.3.

    I’ve just upgraded to 1.2-mingus. Are any of the builds meant to suppliment that?

    Unless you absolutely need the latest stuff (and the latest bugs and the occasionnal complete breakage), then just stick to 1.2-mingus.
    Nightly builds are not there to be used, they are there to be tested. ??

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