mike churcher
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Posts in Sidebar 1.4Hi Aldo. I’ve now updated the sidebar with the link in the title. Excellent !! I spent a few hours converting the pages into posts to enable me use your plugin for most of the categories. I’ve got the best sidebar in the world now…. no doubt about it.;-)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Posts in Sidebar 1.4Hi Aldo, yes these suggestions are only cosmetic and not worth any increases in loading speeds.
Regarding point 2) yes I was asking about the title being a link, but I have placed a link inside the new box you created for introductions and it worked https://www.wokinghamremembers.com
I am delighted with the results, many thanks again !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Posts in Sidebar 1.4Hi Aldo. I am very glad you have introduced a flexible way to enhance the sidebars in WordPress. I have tried using many others (before I found Posts in Sidebar)they all had one or two good features, but then were poor in others. Yours is the best quite easily. I was really pleased to be able to write the introductions in bold and italics – this was a great idea on top of my suggestion.
A few other thoughts (your fault for taking up my last suggestion!). 1. The big problem with any website is managing content; my website is beginning to receive lots of articles from local history researchers. Although the go to -> facility is very good, sometimes people just like to see a quick list. I suspect this is difficult, but it would be nice to hover over that ‘go to ->’ facility and for a drop down menu to appear. I’m not sure how it would look in practice though.
2. Another thought would be to have the title with a link option.
3. I have never really found scrolling menus to ‘look good’. Have a look at my son’s website and look at the ‘Flexipages’ scrolling menu: https://www.willchurcher.com It looks ‘clunky’ and not a part of its surroundings. It would be very nice for Posts in Sidebar to have a scroll down menu option, but one that is in keeping with the rest of ‘your look / your style’.
4. My website has a mix of pages and posts, but what is strange is that I cannot pull them together under one category. What would be nice is to have the categories set up as you have already, plus the opportunity to add pages. Admittedly changing the brand to ‘Posts and Pages in Sidebar’ doesn’t sound very snappy though !Just a few thoughts.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Flexibility, clearly defined.Delighted
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Thank you again Aldo for putting so much effort into helping me, both with the creation of the widget and enabling me to adjust it for my website. I am very grateful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Gulp, the gap returned ! Or at least I thought. The widget defaults with excerpt settings switched on. When excerpts are included, the gap returns. I need the land so I removed the excerpts and the gap disappeared. Great.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Yes I noticed the email time stamp was 5 am ! I thought you must be much further east to the UK, but instead you’re an insomniac. Your excellent widget now sits between flexi pages and a recent post widgets, all in harmony, but yours provides a lot more options. I had a look at quite a few other similar widgets and they didn’t provide the flexibility. I wonder if it might be worth narrowing the gaps in your next version as default, have a look (I’ve titled it Posts in sidebar for you to see). https://www.wokinghamremembers.com/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Hi Aldo,
Many thanks, lovely job.
I took out the first curly bracket in the code and it worked a treat: p.pis-title { margin-bottom: 0; }
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?I’m using wordpress 3.5.1. Any issues there do you think?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Hi Aldo, many thanks for coming back to me so quickly. Yep, it’s 1.3 and I c and p’d the text. I took some snaps to define the problem – the gaps between the lines and also the code in the css. I must be doing something basically idiotic. The snaps are on the page: https://www.wokinghamremembers.com/spaces-in-widget/
Thanks again Aldo,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?The widget is just below the twitter feed on https://www.wokinghamremembers.com/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Can I remove the spaces between entries?Hi Aldolat and Nickysgaypattaya. Yep, I’m struggling with this one too. Dropped into the style.css of my 2010 theme: p.pis-title { margin-bottom: 0; } I went into Appearance> editor> edit themes> css stylesheet; dropped it in at the end as directed … and nothing.
All my posts in the sidebar have a small gap and unfortunately the presentation of the plugin is incongruous due to the wider spacing. Same as Nickysgaypattaya, I need all the land I can get.
It’s a cracking plugin, much better than the 6 or so I’ve tried already!
Thanks very much for your help and time.