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  • I would, but the aforementioned girlfriend whose site it is has been very busy and I haven’t had a chance to log in and get to her files.

    Do you have more detail on your problem? Could you post a link to your site?

    So I started thinking about this more after dinner and I think I’ve got it fixed.

    Long story short, something is either misconfigured/incorrectly-installed in your jQuery API or there is a bug in the latest version of jQuery, the theme, or some such. Either way, if you use jQuery externally from Google instead of the version you have on your web space, it seems to work just fine. I put in the address of the one from my girlfriend’s site in the instructions below because that seems to work for me when I test it.

    The some googling led me a site (link below) which says that the way to do that through WordPress is to put the following in your function.php file (you can do that by using the Editor on your WordPress Dash):

    function add_google_jquery() {
       if ( !is_admin() ) {
    add_action('wp_print_scripts ', 'add_google_jquery');

    Details about linking to the Google version of jQuery are found here:

    Let me know when you try this and if it works. If it doesn’t then, let me know as well. It seems to work for me though (as long as the instructions above insert the script correctly) so it should work for you as well.

    Take care

    Nevermind, I lied about it working on my web space, it was just broken in the same way that I was breaking it before. I am getting closer I think though.

    This is a pretty interesting problem because I copied the html from your main page to my web space loaded it there so I could edit it, but the arrow works on the page if I load from my webspace.

    I then tried to load it as an html document on my hard drive and it loads fine but then hangs when I click the arrow in the same way as on your blog. I’ve figured out where the offending command is (possibly), but trying to figure out a way to get it to work. I can get it to work by breaking it, but that’s not a real solution. If I can’t figure it out soon I’ll just tell you how to get it to work by breaking it though.

    Can you send me a link to your page? I’ll try and take a look at it when I get a chance after work, but I can’t guarantee I can help.

    In the meantime, what browser do you use and have you tried looking at it using other browsers?

    Changing that also changes how many images are in the gallery on the main page. I am guessing you want to change the number of images available in galleries not on the main page?

    I think if you comment out line 132 of the functions.php file it works:

    function minimatica_paged_posts( $query ) {
    if( (
    // ( $query->is_home() && ‘gallery’ == minimatica_get_option( ‘homepage_view’ ) ) ||
    ( $query->is_category() && ‘gallery’ == minimatica_get_option( ‘category_view’ ) ) ||
    ( $query->is_tag() && ‘gallery’ == minimatica_get_option( ‘tag_view’ ) ) ||
    ( $query->is_author() && ‘gallery’ == minimatica_get_option( ‘author_view’ ) ) ||
    ( $query->is_archive() && ‘gallery’ == minimatica_get_option( ‘archive_view’ ) )
    ) && ( ! is_single() )
    $query->set( ‘posts_per_page’, ‘4’ );

    My girlfriends site uses this so that the main still shows just 4 ‘tabs’:

    but her photographs page has a gallery with more than 4 (under construction so it may change or disappear):

    Let me know if this is what you needed as well.

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