Forum Replies Created
I can not do it, there its working fine.
Hello, thank you for fast reply @diegootgs ok let me try. Btw if you are also from wpml support, you could also check on this? ?? https://wpml.org/forums/topic/custom-type-emails-are-not-translated-even-when-we-translated-all-strings/
Let me try to reproduce the issue, if it does not help I will try to give you access to the website through the support there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Language dropdown switcher with flags only in widget@inkedbooking wow, I will try! Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slovenská po?ta - ePodací hárok] ?íslo zásielkyDobry deň. Mám ten isty problém. ?íslo zásielky sa nezobrazuje v?bec. U? ste prosím pri?li na to kde by mohol by? problém?
?akujem za rady.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Packeta Rakusko errorAktualne chybova hlaska je 1111 nie 111 11 cize to je spravne nakolko rakusko ma 4 cisla v psc. Validacia je odstranena ale v zip woo mam normalne psc 6020 ?o splna tuto poziadavku na 4 za sebou nasledujuce cisla a napriek tomu ten request neprejde.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Packeta Rakusko errorPozdravujem, dakujem za odpoved. Viete mi prosim napisat kde najdem tuto validaciu. V súboroch packetera SDK / src / structtype / address.php, PacketAttributes.php som aktualizoval kod na if (!is_null($zip) && !preg_match(‘/[A-Za-z0-9]+/’, $zip)) { cim som obisiel validaciu 3 + 2 na akekolvek cisla. Ale zaujima ma preco aj napriek tomu dostavam tuto chybovu hlasku ze musime mat tvar 4 cisel za sebou aj napriek tomu ze to tam je. Je este niekde nieco co to blokuje? Ak ano ako sa vola ten subor nech to pozriem kedze je to dost akutny pripad.
Dakujem za radu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Packeta Rakusko errorDobry den, je tu prosim niekto z tvorcov, kto mi vie poradit o aky problem by mohlo ist? Dakujem.
@superfaktura Vedeli by ste mi prosím poradi?? ?akujem
function generate_sf_invoice( $order, $order_id ){ $order = new WC_Order($order_id); $result = $this->sf_generate_invoice($order, 'regular'); if ( ( get_post_meta($order->id, '_payment_method', true) == 'gpwebpay' ) && ('kurzuhrada' == $order->status) ) { return $result; } } add_action('woocommerce_order_status_changed', 'generate_sf_invoice', 10, 3);
Prosim viete mi poradit co robim zle? ?akujem
Tipujem ze ide o filter sf_invoice_regular_create, viete mi ale prosím poradit funkciu pre vyvolanie pre custom stav?
?akujem ve?mi pekne za ochotu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Language dropdown switcher with flags only in widgetAny response please? ??
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by mikel555.
I have set batches to 450, then 250 products per batche and it is still comming up and down with the products in feed.
I think this solution did not help. Any other ideas? :/
Okay let me test it so we will see. Thank you
https://we.tl/t-ksf1LZYvFs Debug log is here you could take a look. Thank you